3 results for "Indic"
- Gestalten
- Designers: Laure Afchain‚ Martin Aleith‚ Atelier télescopique‚ Yomar Augusto‚ Donald Beekman‚ Sofie Beier‚ Benoit Bodhuin‚ Bowling Club ?‚ Henning Brehm‚ S. W. Bugten‚ Matt Burvill‚ Matthieu Cortat‚ Critzla‚ Claudia Doms‚ Boris Dworschak‚ S. P. Egli‚ Erik Worsøe Eriksen‚ Mark Froemberg‚ Rodrigo Fuenzalida‚ Fulguro‚ Timo Gaessner‚ Jens Gehlhaar‚ Benjamin Gomez‚ Julian Hansen‚ Aron Jancso‚ JayOneJutojo‚ Dani Klauser‚ Nadia Knechtle‚ Dmitri Lavrow‚ Olof Lindqvist‚ Lopetz‚ Birte Ludwig‚ Michael Luther‚ Vitalij Meier‚ Alexander Meyer‚ Mika Mischler‚ Pierre Nguyen‚ Andre Nossek‚ Diana Luciana Ovezea‚ PACT‚ Olga Pankov‚ Sarah Parsons‚ Alexander Puell‚ Martijn Rietveld‚ Frank Rocholl‚ Jakob Runge‚ Marc Schilkowski‚ Joerg Schmitt‚ Angelo Stitz‚ Anton Studer‚ Nik Thoenen‚ Clarissa Tossin‚ Vier5‚ Sebastian Wadsted‚ Alexander Wise‚ Wittner & Thoma‚ Dmitri Yarynych
- Typefaces: T-Star‚ T-Star Mono Round‚ Blender‚ Bonesana‚ Malaussène‚ Naiv‚ Sensaway‚ Adhesive‚ Agitka‚ Albula‚ Arvore‚ Basic‚ BDRmono‚ Beatbox‚ Blech‚ Boxen‚ BR Jaeger‚ Braten Fat‚ Breeze‚ Brother‚ Calcine‚ Caligo‚ Canary‚ Capricorn‚ Client Mono‚ d Type‚ Dubwise‚ Engel‚ EngelNewSans‚ EngelNewSerif‚ Exakt‚ Feixen‚ Flomaster‚ Forbury‚ Forza‚ Frank‚ Franz Jaeger‚ Friends‚ Galotta‚ Generell TW‚ Generika Mono‚ Giambo Stencil‚ Gratis‚ Halunken‚ Hannover Millennial‚ Haudegen‚ Hellschreiber Sans‚ Hellschreiber Serif‚ Hiploe‚ Ikirusns‚ IkiruSerif‚ Inbetween‚ Karlo Open‚ Karlo Sans‚ Karlo Serif‚ Khubo‚ Kit Fat‚ Knochen‚ Lacrima‚ Laminat‚ Logasmen‚ Lunica‚ Maksim‚ Metier‚ Mevum‚ Mini‚ Nautinger‚ Nedo‚ Nuri‚ Octavious‚ Ogaki‚ Online Gothic‚ Ovink‚ Paiper‚ Papercut‚ Peindice‚ Pipo‚ Planeta‚ Prell‚ Pulitzer‚ Qalto‚ Quister‚ Quanten‚ Quoten‚ Railbox‚ Regular‚ Relevant‚ REMF‚ Sassy‚ Sea Ark Sheep‚ Sequencia‚ Sequencia Mono‚ Shake‚ Sinew Sans‚ Starlet‚ Star‚ SVT‚ Talib‚ Terraformer‚ Traffic Wide‚ Treza‚ Truus‚ Victor‚ Winter‚ Yogasaan‚ Zimmer
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- Linotype
- Typefaces: Linotype Abstract™ Regular‚ Achispado™ Regular‚ AdPro™‚ Aeonis™‚ Aeris™‚ Linotype Afrika™‚ Agilita®‚ Linotype Agogo™‚ Agrafie™‚ Ahmed‚ Airam™ Regular‚ Akko™‚ Al Harf Al Jadid™‚ F2F Al Retto™ Regular‚ Linotype Albafire™ Regular‚ Linotype Albatross™ Regular‚ Linotype Albawing™‚ Alcuin®‚ Aldus®‚ Ale™‚ Linotype Algologfont™ Regular‚ F2F Allineato™ Regular‚ Linotype Alphabat™ Regular‚ Alternate Gothic‚ Ambigue™‚ Amer® Regular‚ Americana®‚ Amherst™‚ Anasdair™‚ Angro™‚ Linotype Animalia™ Regular‚ Anlinear™‚ Anno™‚ Antique Olive™‚ Anuparp Thai™ Regular‚ Anzeigen Grotesk™ Regular‚ Linotype Aperto™‚ Aptifer™ Sans‚ Aptifer™ Slab‚ Linotype Arab Stroke™‚ Linotype Araby Rafique™ Regular‚ Arcadia®‚ Ariadne® Roman‚ Arian™‚ Arioso™ Regular‚ Arnold Boecklin™‚ Linotype Aroma™‚ Linotype Aroma™ No. 2‚ Arsis®‚ Linotype Aspect™‚ New Aster‚ Linotype® Astrology Pi‚ Astrotype™‚ ASV Codar®‚ Linotype Atlantis™‚ Linotype Atomatic™ Regular‚ Linotype Auferstehung™ Regular‚ Aurelia™‚ Auriol®‚ Linotype Authentic™ Sans‚ Linotype Authentic™ Serif‚ Linotype Authentic™ Small Serif‚ Linotype Authentic™ Stencil‚ Linotype Automat™‚ Avenir®‚ Avenir Next‚ Avenir Next Rounded‚ Badiya™‚ Badr®‚ Balder™ Regular‚ Balega™ Regular‚ Banco®‚ Bandalero™ Regular‚ Barbedor™‚ Linotype Bariton™ Regular‚ Linotype Barock™ Regular‚ Basic Commercial™‚ Basic Commercial™ Soft Rounded‚ Basilia Com‚ Baskerville LT‚ Baskerville‚ Bazar™ Regular‚ Becket™ Regular‚ Bell Centennial‚ Bell Gothic‚ Linotype Belle™‚ Beluga™ LT‚ Beneta™‚ Beret™‚ Berndal™‚ Bernhard Bold Condensed‚ Bernhard Modern‚ Bernhardt Standard™ Regular DFR‚ Linotype Besque™ Regular‚ Big Vesta™‚ Bigband™ Terrazzo‚ Linotype BioPlasm™ Regular‚ Biosymbols™ LT‚ Linotype Bix™‚ Bix Bats™‚ Linotype BlackWhite™‚ Blippo‚ Boberia™‚ Bodebeck™‚ Bodoni‚ Bodoni Poster‚ Bodoni LT‚ Bauer Bodoni®‚ Bohemia™‚ F2F BoneR™ Book‚ Boogie™‚ Linotype Boundaround™ Regular‚ Bousni Carre™‚ Bousni Ronde™‚ Brda™‚ Breeze™‚ Breughel®‚ Linotype Brewery™‚ Brewery No 2‚ Brush Script™ Regular‚ Linotype Buckingham Fraktur™‚ Bundesbahn Pi™‚ Burgstaedt Antiqua™‚ F2F Burnout Chaos™ Regular‚ Byngve™‚ Linotype Cadavre Exquis™ Regular‚ PMN Caecilia®‚ Cajoun™ Regular‚ New Caledonia®‚ Candida®‚ Caravan™‚ Cardamon‚ Carlin Script™‚ Linotype Carmen™ Regular‚ Carolina™‚ Cascade® Script Medium‚ Linotype CaseStudyNo1™‚ Caslon #540‚ Linotype Centennial®‚ Century™ Expanded‚ Century Old Style‚ New Century Schoolbook®‚ Linotype Cerny™ Regular‚ Linotype Cethubala™ Regular‚ Challenger™ Regular‚ Charme™‚ Linotype Charon™‚ Chemsymbols™ LT‚ Chemtools™ LT‚ Chevalier‚ Linotype Chineze™‚ Chineze Dragon™‚ Choc™ Roman‚ Linotype Cineplex™‚ Cisalpin™‚ Clairvaux™‚ Clarendon LT‚ Linotype Clascon™‚ Clearface Gothic™‚ Cloister™ Open Face Roman‚ Linotype CMC-7™ Regular‚ Cochin®‚ Linotype Colibri™‚ Colombine®‚ Compatil Exquisit‚ Compatil Fact‚ Compatil Letter‚ Linotype Compendio™‚ Conrad®‚ Linotype Constitution™ Regular‚ Contacta™ Regular‚ CoolWool™‚ Coomeec‚ Cooper Black™‚ Copperplate Gothic‚ Corona®‚ Coronet®‚ Cosmiqua®‚ Universal Symbol‚ Linotype CreativeArrows™‚ Linotype Cutter™‚ F2F Czykago™‚ Linotype Dala™‚ Dalcora™ Regular‚ Dassitzt™‚ Deconumbers™ Pi‚ Linotype® Decoration Pi‚ Delphin®‚ Demos®‚ Demos Next‚ Deutsche Bahn AG‚ Linotype Dharma™ Regular‚ Linotype® Didot‚ Digi Antiqua™ Condensed Light‚ Digi Grotesk™ N Bold Condensed‚ DIN 1451‚ DIN Neuzeit® Grotesk‚ DIN Next‚ DIN Next Devanagari‚ DIN Next Rounded‚ DIN Next Slab‚ Diotima® Classic‚ Diotima®‚ Diskus®‚ Diverda™ Sans‚ Diverda™ Serif‚ Dom™‚ Doric™ Bold‚ Linotype Dot™‚ Linotype Down Town™ Regular‚ Linotype Dropink™ Regular‚ Duc de Berry™‚ Linotype Dummy™‚ Eckmann® Regular‚ Edison™‚ Linotype Ego™ Regular‚ Egyptienne‚ Egyptienne F™‚ Eirinn™‚ F2F El Dee Cons™ Regular‚ Stempel Elan™ Bold‚ Parkinson Electra®‚ Electra®‚ Linotype Element™ Regular‚ Elementis™‚ Linotype Elisa™‚ Else NPL™‚ Engravers™ Bold Face‚ F2F Entebbe™ Regular‚ Linotype Ergo™‚ Escript™‚ Linotype Essentials ValuePacks‚ Linotype EuroFont™‚ Eurostile®‚ Eurostile® Unicase Regular‚ Eurostile® Candy‚ Eurostile® LT‚ Eurostile Next‚ Excelsior®‚ Excritura‚ Expectation™ Regular‚ F2F OCRBczyk™‚ Facsimile™‚ Linotype Facts of Life™‚ Fairfield®‚ Linotype Fehrle Display® Regular‚ Linotype Feltpen™‚ Fette Fraktur™‚ Linotype Finerliner™‚ Finnegan®‚ Firas™ Regular‚ Linotype Flamingo™ Regular‚ Linotype Fluxus™ Regular‚ Flyer™‚ Folio®‚ Forbes™ Bold‚ Frakto™‚ Francker™‚ Franklin Gothic‚ Linotype Franosch™‚ Linotype Fresh Ewka™‚ Linotype Freytag™‚ F2F Frontpage Four™ Regular‚ Frutiger® Serif‚ Frutiger®‚ Frutiger® Arabic‚ Frutiger Next‚ Neue Frutiger‚ Frutiger® Capitalis‚ Frutiger® Symbols‚ Frutiger Stones™‚ Linotype Funny Bones™‚ Futura®‚ Linotype Gaius™‚ Linotype® Game Pi‚ Stempel Garamond™‚ Simoncini Garamond™‚ Garamond #3‚ Gavotte™ Regular‚ Gazette®‚ Generis® Serif‚ Generis® Slab‚ Generis® Sans‚ Generis® Simple‚ Giacometti™‚ Linotype Gianotten™‚ Ginkgo™‚ Linotype GlassFlag™ Regular‚ Glypha®‚ Linotype Gneisenauette™‚ Linotype Go Tekk™‚ Goodies™‚ Linotype Gotharda™ Regular‚ Gothic 13™ Regular‚ Linotype Gothic™‚ Grace™ Regular‚ Grafiko™ Regular‚ Grafilone™‚ Granjon®‚ Linotype Graphena™ Regular‚ Linotype Grassy™‚ Guardi®‚ F2F Haakonsen™ Regular‚ Neue Haas Grotesk™‚ Neue Haas Unica‚ Hakim Ghazali™ Regular‚ Hamada™ Roman‚ HaManga Irregular™‚ Neue Hammer Unziale™‚ Hassan®‚ Hawkhurst™‚ Helvetica® Monospaced‚ Neue Helvetica®‚ Helvetica®‚ Helvetica® World‚ Neue Helvetica® Arabic‚ Linotype Henri™‚ Herculanum®‚ Hexatype™ Bold‚ Hildegard™‚ Hiroshige™‚ Hisham® Regular‚ Hobo‚ F2F HogRoach™ Regular‚ Linotype® Holiday Pi‚ Hollander™‚ Hot Plate™‚ Hotmetal Pi™‚ HoTom™‚ Linotype Humanistika™‚ Icone™‚ Impacta™ Regular‚ Impressum®‚ Linotype Improfil™‚ Linotype Inagur™‚ Index™‚ Indus™‚ Industria®‚ Linotype Inky Script™ Regular‚ Insan™‚ Insignia®‚ Linotype Invasion™‚ Iridium®‚ Linotype Irish Text™ Regular‚ Linotype Isilda™‚ Isra™‚ Italienne™ Regular‚ Iwan Stencil™ Regular‚ Jaguar™ Regular‚ Jalal®‚ Jan™ Regular‚ Janna™‚ Janson® Text‚ Jiffy™ Regular‚ Johnstemp™‚ JP2™ Regular‚ Juliana® Text‚ Jump™ Regular‚ Just Square™‚ Kabel®‚ Neue Kabel‚ Linotype Kaliber™‚ Kalligraphia Regular‚ Karim® Regular‚ Kaufmann®‚ Linotype Killer™ Regular‚ Kismet™ Regular‚ Klint™‚ Koala™‚ Koch Antiqua® Regular‚ Kompakt™ Regular‚ Linotype Konflikt™ Regular‚ Koufiya™‚ Linotype Kropki™ Roman‚ Kuenstler Script®‚ Kufi™‚ Kursivschrift™‚ Linotype Labyrinth™ Regular‚ Linotype Laika™ Regular‚ Lake Informal™‚ Legal™‚ Linotype Leggodt™‚ Levato™‚ Libelle™ Regular‚ Linotype Lichtwerk™‚ Life®‚ Liga Sans™‚ Linotype Lindy™ Regular‚ LinoLetter™‚ LinoScript®‚ Linotext®‚ Linotype Hieroglyphes™‚ Linotype Method™‚ Linotype Maral™ Armenian‚ Linotype Mineru™‚ Linotype Octane™‚ Linotype Party Time™‚ Linotype Pegathlon™‚ Linotype Projekt™‚ Linotype Puritas™‚ Linotype Rowena™‚ Linotype Syntax® Lapidar Text‚ Linotype Syntax® Lapidar Serif Text‚ Linotype Syntax® Lapidar Display‚ Linotype Salamander™‚ Linotype Syntax® Letter‚ Linotype Syntax® Serif‚ Linotype Syntax® Lapidar Serif Display‚ Linotype Sunburst™‚ Linotype Textil Pi‚ Linotype Technical Pi‚ Linotype Univers‚ Linotype Zigibacks™‚ Lomo™‚ Lotus® Arabic‚ F2F Lovegrid™ Caps‚ Luba™‚ LuMarc™‚ Luthersche Fraktur™‚ Macbeth™ Regular‚ F2F Madame Butterfly™ Regular‚ Madison Antiqua™‚ F2F MadZine™‚ Linotype Maenneken™‚ Maged®‚ Linotype Mailbox™‚ Malabar™‚ Mano®‚ Mantika™ Sans‚ Mantika™ Informal‚ Mantika Book‚ Mantika News‚ Marathon™‚ Marconi®‚ Linotype Marcu San™‚ Mariam® Bold‚ Linotype Markin™‚ Mateo™‚ Universal Mathematical Pi™‚ Matthia™‚ Maximus®‚ Medici® Script‚ Linotype Mediterraneo™‚ Linotype Mega™‚ F2F Mekanik Amente™ Regular‚ F2F Mekkaso Tomanik™ Regular‚ Melior®‚ Memphis®‚ Memphis® Soft Rounded‚ Mengelt Basel Antiqua‚ Meridien®‚ Merlin™ Regular‚ Meroe‚ F2F Metamorfosi™ Regular‚ Metrolite® #2 Roman‚ Metromedium™ #2 Roman‚ Metroblack™ #2 Roman‚ Metro® Office‚ Metro Nova‚ Linotype MhaiThaipe™‚ Microgramma™‚ Midan™‚ Linotype Mild™ Regular‚ Linotype Mindline™‚ Minister™‚ Linotype Minos™ Regular‚ Mistral® Regular‚ Mitra®‚ Linotype MMistel™ Regular‚ Modified Gothic™ Regular‚ Mofid Mahdi® Regular‚ F2F Monako Stoned™ Regular‚ Monticello®‚ Montix™‚ Morocco™ Regular‚ Morris Sans®‚ Mustang™ Regular‚ Nami®‚ Linotype Nautilus™‚ Nautilus™ Text‚ Nautilus™ Monoline‚ Nazanin®‚ Ned™ Regular‚ Neudoerffer Fraktur™‚ Neuland® Black‚ Neuland® Star Regular‚ Neuseidler™‚ Neuzeit® Office‚ Neuzeit® Office Soft Rounded‚ Neuzeit® S‚ News Gothic No. 2™‚ News Gothic™‚ Nicolas Cochin®‚ Noa™‚ Linotype Nordica™‚ Noris Script® Regular‚ Notre Dame™‚ Linotype Not Painted™ Regular‚ Linotype Notec™ Regular‚ NoweAteny™‚ Nuptial Script™ Medium‚ OCR A Regular‚ OCR B‚ OCR A Tribute™‚ F2F OCRAlexczyk™‚ Old Style 7‚ Olympia® Light‚ Olympian®‚ Omnia™ Roman‚ Ondine™‚ Opal™‚ Optima®‚ Optima Nova‚ Orator™‚ Linotype Orbit™ Light‚ Linotype Ordinar™‚ Orion™‚ Linotype Paint It™‚ Palatino®‚ Palatino® Arabic Regular‚ Palatino Nova‚ Palatino® Linotype‚ Palatino® Sans‚ Palatino® Sans Arabic‚ Pargrid™‚ Peignot®‚ Phoebus™ Regular‚ Picture Yourself™‚ Linotype Pide Nashi™‚ Piercing™‚ Pierrot™ Regular‚ Pilgrim®‚ Linotype Pine™ Regular‚ Pinxit™‚ Pirouette™‚ Linotype Pisa™‚ Pistol Shot™‚ F2F Pixmix™ Regular‚ Plak®‚ F2F Poison Flowers™ Regular‚ Pompeijana™‚ Potpourri™ Regular‚ Praxis®‚ Present®‚ President™ Regular‚ Prestige Elite™‚ F2F Prototipa Multipla™ Regular‚ F2F Provinciali™ Regular‚ Linotype Punkt™‚ Qadi® Bold‚ Quartan™‚ Quasaria™‚ Quench®‚ Quitador‚ Quitador Sans‚ Rabenau™‚ Raclette™ Regular‚ Railroad Gothic™ Regular‚ Raleigh™‚ Rameau™‚ Linotype Rana™‚ ReadMyHand™‚ Linotype Really™‚ Really™ No 2‚ Linotype Red Babe™ Regular‚ Linotype Reducta™ Regular‚ Linotype Renee Display™‚ Renner™ Antiqua‚ Reporter™ #2 Regular‚ Revue™‚ Linotype Rezident™‚ Linotype Richmond™‚ Rockner™‚ Roemisch™‚ Linotype Rory™ Oblique‚ Rotation™‚ Linotype Rough™‚ Roundy™‚ Ruling Script™ Two‚ Rundfunk Antiqua™ Roman‚ Rundfunk Grotesk™ Bold‚ Linotype Russisch Brot™‚ Rusticana™‚ Ruzicka Freehand™‚ Sabon®‚ Sabon Next‚ Linotype Sallwey Script™ Regular‚ Saltino™ Regular‚ Salto™ Regular‚ Samba™‚ San Marco™‚ Linotype Sangue™ Regular‚ Linotype Sansara™ Regular‚ Saphir™ Regular‚ Saral™ Devanagari‚ Sassoon® Primary‚ Sassoon® Infant‚ Sassoon® Sans Slope‚ Sassoon® Sans‚ Sassoon® Book‚ Satero® Serif‚ Satero® Sans‚ Saussa™ Regular‚ Linotype Schachtelhalm™ Regular‚ Stempel Schneidler®‚ Schnitz™ Regular‚ Schwennel™‚ Linotype Scott™‚ Linotype Scrap™‚ F2F Screen Scream™ Regular‚ Scriptuale™‚ Seebad™‚ Serifa®‚ Serlio™ Regular‚ Linotype Seven™ Regular‚ F2F Shakkarakk™ Regular‚ Sharquefin™‚ Shelley® Script‚ Sho™ Roman‚ F2F Shpeetz™ Regular‚ Linotype Sicula™‚ Sierra™‚ Linotype Silver™ Regular‚ Sinah™‚ Sinah™ Sans‚ Sinova™‚ Sirichana™ Thai‚ Siseriff™‚ Sistina® Regular‚ Linotype Sjablony™ Regular‚ Linotype Sketch™ Regular‚ Rundfunk Grotesk™ Bold‚ Linotype Russisch Brot™‚ Rusticana™‚ Ruzicka Freehand™‚ Sabon®‚ Linotype Sallwey Script™ Regular‚ Saltino™ Regular‚ Salto™ Regular‚ Samba™‚ San Marco™‚ Linotype Sangue™ Regular‚ Linotype Sansara™ Regular‚ Saphir™ Regular‚ Saral™ Devanagari‚ Sassoon® Primary‚ Sassoon® Infant‚ Sassoon® Sans Slope‚ Sassoon® Sans‚ Sassoon® Book‚ Satero® Serif‚ Satero® Sans‚ Saussa™ Regular‚ Linotype Schachtelhalm™ Regular‚ Stempel Schneidler®‚ Schnitz™ Regular‚ Schwennel™‚ Linotype Scott™‚ Linotype Scrap™‚ F2F Screen Scream™ Regular‚ Scriptuale™‚ Seebad™‚ Serifa®‚ Serlio™ Regular‚ Linotype Seven™ Regular‚ F2F Shakkarakk™ Regular‚ Sharquefin™‚ Shelley® Script‚ Shilia‚ Sho™ Roman‚ F2F Shpeetz™ Regular‚ Linotype Sicula™‚ Sierra™‚ Linotype Silver™ Regular‚ Sinah™‚ Sinah™ Sans‚ Sinova™‚ Sirichana™ Thai‚ Siseriff™‚ Sistina® Regular‚ Linotype Sjablony™ Regular‚ Linotype Sketch™ Regular‚ Trade Gothic Next‚ Trump Mediaeval® Office‚ Trump Mediaeval®‚ F2F Twins™ Regular‚ Linotype Typentypo™ Regular‚ Linotype Typo American™ Regular‚ F2F Tyrell Corp™ Regular‚ Umbra®‚ Univers® Next Arabic‚ Univers®‚ Universal Pi™‚ Ut Sa Ha Gumm Thai™ Regular‚ VAG Rounded™‚ Vario™‚ Varius™‚ Vectora®‚ Veljovic Script™‚ Linotype Venezia™ Initiale‚ Venture™ Script‚ Vere Dignum™‚ Veronika™‚ Versailles™‚ Vesta™‚ Veto®‚ Vialog®‚ Vialog® Signs‚ Vialog 1450‚ Virtuosa® Classic Regular‚ Linotype Vision™‚ Walbaum‚ Linotype WaterFlag™ Regular‚ Waza™ Regular‚ Weiss®‚ Westside™ Regular‚ F2F Whale Tree™ Regular‚ Whitenights™‚ Why Square™‚ Wiesbaden Swing™‚ Linotype Wildfont™ Regular‚ Wilhelm Klingspor Gotisch™‚ Wilke™‚ Woodstock™ Regular‚ Xenois Sans‚ Xenois Semi‚ Xenois Serif‚ Xenois Super‚ Xenois Soft‚ Xenois Slab‚ Linotype Xmas Pi‚ Xmas™‚ Yakout®‚ Yalta Sans‚ F2F ZakkGlobe™ Regular‚ Zapf Essentials®‚ Zapfino®‚ Zapfino® Extra‚ Zapfino® Extra X‚ Zapfino® Arabic‚ Linotype Zensur™ Regular‚ Zeppelin™ Regular‚ Linotype Zootype™‚ Linotype Zurpreis™‚ Linotype Afroculture™ Regular‚ Linotype American Indian™ Regular‚ Linotype Ancient Chinese™ Regular‚ Linotype Astrolo™ Regular‚ Linotype® Audio Pi Regular‚ Bobotta™ Icons Regular‚ Border Font S2000™ 1515-9‚ Linotype Caciocavallo™ Regular‚ Linotype Circles™ Regular‚ Linotype Creatures™ Regular‚ Linotype Dinosaures™ Regular‚ Linotype Dressage™ Regular‚ Linotype EEC Pi Regular‚ Linotype® European Pi‚ Linotype Face Value™ Regular‚ Linotype Festtagsfont™ Regular‚ Linotype Freak Cabinet™ Regular‚ Linotype Harry Cars™ Regular‚ Linotype Heureka Glyphs™ Regular‚ Mac Key Caps Pi™ Regular‚ Linobats™ Regular‚ Lubok™ Regular‚ Universal MICR Pi™ Medium‚ Linotype Modulo™ Regular‚ Linotype Monday Devils™ Regular‚ National Codes Pi™‚ Linotype Offix™ Regular‚ Linotype Shapeshifter™ Regular‚ Linotype Short Story™ Regular‚ F2F Simbolico™ Regular‚ Linotype Sindbad™ Regular‚ Linotype Smileface™ Regular‚ Linotype Space Balls™ Regular‚ Linotype Squares™ Regular‚ Topografische Zahlentafel™ Regular‚ Linotype Traco™ Regular‚ Linotype Traffity™ Regular‚ Linotype Triangles™ Regular‚ Linotype® Warning Pi Regular
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: March 29‚ 2024
- Graphik now supports three Indic scripts: Bangla‚ Devanagari‚ and Tamil.
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