10 results for "Georgian"

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- Typefaces: Abadi®‚ Aitos‚ Albany®‚ Albertina™‚ Albertus®‚ Alisal™‚ Almanac™‚ Amadeo™‚ Amanda™‚ Amasis™‚ Ampersands Regular‚ Andale® Mono‚ Andale® Sans‚ Andy™‚ Antique Roman™‚ Apollo™‚ Applied Sans‚ Aqua Life™‚ Arabesque™ Ornaments‚ Arepo™‚ Arial®‚ Artisan Roman™‚ Artistik™ Regular‚ Arty‚ Ashley Crawford‚ Ashley® Script‚ Astrology‚ Athenaeum™‚ Augusta™‚ Azbuka™‚ Bandolero™ Regular‚ Basilia® MT‚ Monotype Baskerville™‚ Bell®‚ Bembo®‚ Bembo® Book‚ Monotype Bernard™ Condensed‚ PL Bernhardt‚ New Berolina® Regular‚ Biffo™ Regular‚ Binner Gothic™‚ Binner Poster™ Regular‚ Binny Old Style™‚ Black Boton™ Bold‚ Blado®‚ Blueprint™‚ Monotype Bodoni‚ Bon Apetit™‚ Bonita™ Regular‚ Bookman Old Style™‚ Boscribe™ Regular‚ Bosis™‚ Botanical™ Pi‚ Braff™ Regular‚ Braggadocio® Regular‚ Monotype Broadway™‚ Broadway™‚ Buccaneer‚ Buccardi™‚ Buffalo Gal™ Regular‚ Bulmer®‚ Burin™‚ Burin Sans™‚ Cachet™‚ Calisto®‚ Calvert™‚ Camphor™‚ Cantoria®‚ Carré Noir™‚ Cartier™ Book‚ Cartier‚ Caslon Open Face Regular‚ Caslon Titling Regular‚ Castellar® Roman‚ Centaur®‚ Central Station™‚ Monotype Century™‚ Century Gothic™‚ Monotype Century Old Style™‚ Monotype Century™ Schoolbook‚ CG Hollandse/Signature‚ CG Triumvirate‚ Chong Modern™‚ Chong Old Style™‚ Christmas Ornaments™‚ Circle Frame™‚ Citadel Script™‚ CG Clarendon® Book Condensed‚ Monotype New Clarendon®‚ Monotype Clarendon®‚ Clarion®‚ Classic Regular‚ Classic Roman™‚ Monotype Clearface‚ Monotype Clearface Gothic‚ Colmcille®‚ Colonna®‚ Columbus®‚ Comedia™ Medium‚ Commerce Gothic™ Regular‚ Commercial‚ Compacta™ MT Bold‚ Connach‚ Contemporary Ornaments‚ Coronet®‚ Monotype Corsiva®‚ Courier‚ Monotype Courier 12™‚ Courier Line Draw‚ Courier PS‚ Crusader Regular‚ Cumberland®‚ Curlz® Regular‚ Dante®‚ David Hadash™ Formal‚ David Hadash™ Sans‚ David Hadash™ Script‚ David Hadash™ Biblical‚ Daylilies Regular‚ Delima™‚ Diablo™ Regular‚ Diamond™‚ Dinosaurs™ Regular‚ Directions™ Regular‚ Dorchester Script™ Regular‚ Dreamland™‚ Monotype Egyptian™ 72 Extended Regular‚ Ehrhardt®‚ Elegante‚ Ellington®‚ Monotype Engravers™‚ Engravers™ #2‚ Monotype Engravers™ Old English Regular‚ Facade™ Condensed‚ Fairbank™‚ Falstaff™‚ Felbridge™‚ Felix™ Titling Regular‚ Fencing Regular‚ Festival™ Titling‚ Figaro® Regular‚ Fineprint™‚ Flemish Script™‚ Florentine Script™‚ Floridian™ Script Regular‚ Fluidum Bold‚ Footlight®‚ Forte™‚ Fournier™‚ Monotype Franklin Gothic™ Extra Condensed‚ French Script™‚ Frisans™‚ Frontier™ Pi‚ Monotype Gallia™ Regular‚ Monotype Garamond‚ Garth Graphic®‚ Generica™ Condensed‚ Vacation™‚ Gill Sans®‚ Gill Facia‚ Givens Antiqua™‚ Gloucester™‚ Monotype Goudy™‚ Goudy™ Handtooled Handtooled‚ Goudy Ornate MT Regular‚ Monotype Goudy™ Catalogue‚ Monotype Goudy Modern™‚ Goudy Text™‚ Graphite‚ Greeting Monotone™ Regular‚ Monotype Grotesque®‚ Haarlemmer™‚ Hadriano™‚ Handle Oldstyle™‚ Harmonia Sans™‚ Headline™ Bold‚ Helinda Rook™‚ Holidays™‚ Holland Title Regular‚ Hollandse Mediaeval‚ Horley Old Style®‚ Hoyerswerda Fraktur Regular‚ Impact™‚ Imprint™‚ Industrial Gothic™‚ Inflex™ Bold‚ Monotype Ionic®‚ Isabella™ Regular‚ Monotype Italian Old Style™‚ Monotype Janson®‚ Jeunesse™‚ Jeunesse™ Sans‚ Jeunesse™ Slab‚ Joanna®‚ Joanna® Solotype Regular‚ Julietrose™‚ Julius Primary™‚ Keystrokes™‚ Kidprint®‚ Kigali™‚ Kino® Regular‚ Klang® Regular‚ Koorkin‚ Latin Condensed‚ Latin #2‚ Laurentian™‚ Letter Gothic™‚ Liberty Script Regular‚ Light Roman™‚ Monotype Lightline Gothic™ Regular‚ Linex Sans®‚ Linex Sweet™‚ Loft™‚ Logos Service‚ Lotus Regular‚ Monotype Lydian™‚ Mahogany Script™‚ Mahsuri Sans‚ Massif™‚ Matura®‚ Maxime™‚ Medium™ Roman‚ Melodies™ Pi‚ Memo™‚ Menhart™‚ Mentor™‚ Mentor™ Sans‚ Mercurius Script™ Bold‚ Mercurius™‚ Milestones®‚ Monotype® Modern‚ Modernistic Regular‚ Monkey Business™ Pi‚ Monoline Script™ Regular‚ Monotype Sabon®‚ Monotype Walbaum™‚ Monteverdi™‚ Morris Freestyle™ Regular‚ Mosquito™‚ Mosquito™ Formal‚ Mundo Sans™‚ Scotch Roman™‚ Nadianne™‚ Nature Pi‚ Neo® Sans Arabic‚ Neo® Sans‚ Neo® Tech‚ Neographik™ Regular‚ New Gothic Light‚ Monotype News Gothic™‚ Nimrod®‚ Ocean Sans®‚ OCR A Extended‚ Octavian™‚ Old English™‚ Monotype Old English Text™‚ Old Fashion Script™‚ Monotype Old Style®‚ Onyx® Regular‚ Origami™‚ Original Script™‚ Othello™ Regular‚ Oval Frame™‚ Palace Script®‚ Palazzo Caps‚ Parisian™ Regular‚ Parma‚ Parties Pi‚ Pastonchi™‚ Pepita® Regular‚ Perpetua®‚ Perrywood™‚ Phenix American™ Regular‚ Phonetics‚ Photina®‚ Phyllis‚ Placard®‚ Plantin®‚ News Plantin™‚ Plate Gothic™‚ Playtime™ Pi‚ Poliphilus®‚ Pompei™‚ Pompei™ New‚ Quill™‚ Quire Sans‚ Riviera Script™‚ Rockwell®‚ Rococo™ Ornaments‚ Romantica‚ Rotis® Serif‚ Rotis® Sans Serif‚ Rotis® Semi Sans‚ Rotis® Semi Serif‚ Runa Serif™‚ Runic™ Condensed‚ Sackers™ Gothic‚ Sackers Square Gothic‚ Sackers™‚ Sackers™ Solid Antique Roman‚ Sackers™ Classic Roman‚ Sackers™ Script‚ Sassoon® Primary‚ Sassoon® Infant‚ Sassoon® Sans Slope‚ Sassoon® Sans‚ Scene®‚ Scherzo™‚ Monotype Scotch™‚ Scripps College Old Style™‚ Monotype Script™ Bold‚ Shannon™ Premier‚ Shannon™‚ Signs™ Pi‚ Ski Gothic Regular‚ Slate™‚ Egyptian Slate™‚ Smart Sans™‚ Soho®‚ Soho® Gothic‚ Solace Regular‚ Monotype Sorts™ Pi‚ Southwest™‚ Spectrum™‚ Sports™‚ Square Frame™‚ Stockholm™ Regular‚ Stone® Print‚ Storm Sans™‚ Strayhorn®‚ Surrogate‚ Sweeney‚ Swing® Bold‚ Synthetica™‚ Tanseek Modern™‚ Tanseek Traditional™‚ Tazugane Gothic (たづがね角ゴシック)‚ Ter Gast Regular‚ Terminax Regular‚ Thorndale®‚ Times New Roman®‚ Times New Roman® World‚ Toulouse-Lautrec‚ Moulin Rouge‚ Transport™ Pi‚ Truesdell‚ Twentieth Century™‚ Typewriter‚ Typewriter Elite Regular‚ Typewriter Gothic Regular‚ Ulissa‚ Uncial™ Regular‚ Utah‚ Van Dijck®‚ Victoria™ Titling Condensed‚ Wedding Singer™‚ Wedding Text™‚ Wile™‚ Windsor™‚ Wittenberger Fraktur™‚ Wolfsblood‚ Yearbook‚ Ysobel™‚ Zeitgeist™‚ Zemestro™‚ M Hei PRC‚ M Hei HK‚ M Sung PRC‚ M Yuen HK‚ C Hei 2 HK‚ C Wei Bei PRC‚ C Hei 2 PRC‚ M Yuen Traditional Chinese‚ C Yuen 2 PRC‚ M Sung HK‚ M Stiff Hei HK‚ M Yuen PRC‚ M Ellan HK™‚ M Gentle HK‚ C J Ngai HK‚ C Su HK‚ C Xing HK‚ C Xing PRC‚ C Su PRC‚ C Fang Song HK‚ C Fang Song PRC‚ C Gu Li PRC‚ C Gu Yin HK‚ C Gu Yin PRC‚ C Hei 3 HK‚ C Hei 3 PRC‚ C Hei HK‚ C Hei PRC‚ C J Ngai PRC‚ C Kan HK‚ C Kan PRC‚ C Ngan Kai HK‚ C Ngan Kai PRC‚ C Song 3 HK‚ C Song 3 PRC‚ C Xing Kai HK‚ C Xing Kai PRC‚ C X Li HK‚ C X Li PRC‚ C X Yao PRC‚ C Yuen HK‚ C Gu Li HK‚ C O Hei PRC‚ C O Yuen PRC‚ C O 2 Yuen HK‚ C O 2 Yuen PRC‚ C Po 3 HK‚ C Po HK‚ C Po PRC‚ C Po 3 PRC‚ M HG Hagoromo T HK‚ M Banquet P HK‚ M Banquet P PRC‚ M Bei HK‚ M Bitmap Round HK‚ M Bitmap Square HK‚ M Comic HK‚ M Comic PRC‚ M Computer HK‚ M Computer PRC
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- Typefaces: Linotype Abstract™ Regular‚ Achispado™ Regular‚ AdPro™‚ Aeonis™‚ Aeris™‚ Linotype Afrika™‚ Agilita®‚ Linotype Agogo™‚ Agrafie™‚ Ahmed‚ Airam™ Regular‚ Akko™‚ Al Harf Al Jadid™‚ F2F Al Retto™ Regular‚ Linotype Albafire™ Regular‚ Linotype Albatross™ Regular‚ Linotype Albawing™‚ Alcuin®‚ Aldus®‚ Ale™‚ Linotype Algologfont™ Regular‚ F2F Allineato™ Regular‚ Linotype Alphabat™ Regular‚ Alternate Gothic‚ Ambigue™‚ Amer® Regular‚ Americana®‚ Amherst™‚ Anasdair™‚ Angro™‚ Linotype Animalia™ Regular‚ Anlinear™‚ Anno™‚ Antique Olive™‚ Anuparp Thai™ Regular‚ Anzeigen Grotesk™ Regular‚ Linotype Aperto™‚ Aptifer™ Sans‚ Aptifer™ Slab‚ Linotype Arab Stroke™‚ Linotype Araby Rafique™ Regular‚ Arcadia®‚ Ariadne® Roman‚ Arian™‚ Arioso™ Regular‚ Arnold Boecklin™‚ Linotype Aroma™‚ Linotype Aroma™ No. 2‚ Arsis®‚ Linotype Aspect™‚ New Aster‚ Linotype® Astrology Pi‚ Astrotype™‚ ASV Codar®‚ Linotype Atlantis™‚ Linotype Atomatic™ Regular‚ Linotype Auferstehung™ Regular‚ Aurelia™‚ Auriol®‚ Linotype Authentic™ Sans‚ Linotype Authentic™ Serif‚ Linotype Authentic™ Small Serif‚ Linotype Authentic™ Stencil‚ Linotype Automat™‚ Avenir®‚ Avenir Next‚ Avenir Next Rounded‚ Badiya™‚ Badr®‚ Balder™ Regular‚ Balega™ Regular‚ Banco®‚ Bandalero™ Regular‚ Barbedor™‚ Linotype Bariton™ Regular‚ Linotype Barock™ Regular‚ Basic Commercial™‚ Basic Commercial™ Soft Rounded‚ Basilia Com‚ Baskerville LT‚ Baskerville‚ Bazar™ Regular‚ Becket™ Regular‚ Bell Centennial‚ Bell Gothic‚ Linotype Belle™‚ Beluga™ LT‚ Beneta™‚ Beret™‚ Berndal™‚ Bernhard Bold Condensed‚ Bernhard Modern‚ Bernhardt Standard™ Regular DFR‚ Linotype Besque™ Regular‚ Big Vesta™‚ Bigband™ Terrazzo‚ Linotype BioPlasm™ Regular‚ Biosymbols™ LT‚ Linotype Bix™‚ Bix Bats™‚ Linotype BlackWhite™‚ Blippo‚ Boberia™‚ Bodebeck™‚ Bodoni‚ Bodoni Poster‚ Bodoni LT‚ Bauer Bodoni®‚ Bohemia™‚ F2F BoneR™ Book‚ Boogie™‚ Linotype Boundaround™ Regular‚ Bousni Carre™‚ Bousni Ronde™‚ Brda™‚ Breeze™‚ Breughel®‚ Linotype Brewery™‚ Brewery No 2‚ Brush Script™ Regular‚ Linotype Buckingham Fraktur™‚ Bundesbahn Pi™‚ Burgstaedt Antiqua™‚ F2F Burnout Chaos™ Regular‚ Byngve™‚ Linotype Cadavre Exquis™ Regular‚ PMN Caecilia®‚ Cajoun™ Regular‚ New Caledonia®‚ Candida®‚ Caravan™‚ Cardamon‚ Carlin Script™‚ Linotype Carmen™ Regular‚ Carolina™‚ Cascade® Script Medium‚ Linotype CaseStudyNo1™‚ Caslon #540‚ Linotype Centennial®‚ Century™ Expanded‚ Century Old Style‚ New Century Schoolbook®‚ Linotype Cerny™ Regular‚ Linotype Cethubala™ Regular‚ Challenger™ Regular‚ Charme™‚ Linotype Charon™‚ Chemsymbols™ LT‚ Chemtools™ LT‚ Chevalier‚ Linotype Chineze™‚ Chineze Dragon™‚ Choc™ Roman‚ Linotype Cineplex™‚ Cisalpin™‚ Clairvaux™‚ Clarendon LT‚ Linotype Clascon™‚ Clearface Gothic™‚ Cloister™ Open Face Roman‚ Linotype CMC-7™ Regular‚ Cochin®‚ Linotype Colibri™‚ Colombine®‚ Compatil Exquisit‚ Compatil Fact‚ Compatil Letter‚ Linotype Compendio™‚ Conrad®‚ Linotype Constitution™ Regular‚ Contacta™ Regular‚ CoolWool™‚ Coomeec‚ Cooper Black™‚ Copperplate Gothic‚ Corona®‚ Coronet®‚ Cosmiqua®‚ Universal Symbol‚ Linotype CreativeArrows™‚ Linotype Cutter™‚ F2F Czykago™‚ Linotype Dala™‚ Dalcora™ Regular‚ Dassitzt™‚ Deconumbers™ Pi‚ Linotype® Decoration Pi‚ Delphin®‚ Demos®‚ Demos Next‚ Deutsche Bahn AG‚ Linotype Dharma™ Regular‚ Linotype® Didot‚ Digi Antiqua™ Condensed Light‚ Digi Grotesk™ N Bold Condensed‚ DIN 1451‚ DIN Neuzeit® Grotesk‚ DIN Next‚ DIN Next Devanagari‚ DIN Next Rounded‚ DIN Next Slab‚ Diotima® Classic‚ Diotima®‚ Diskus®‚ Diverda™ Sans‚ Diverda™ Serif‚ Dom™‚ Doric™ Bold‚ Linotype Dot™‚ Linotype Down Town™ Regular‚ Linotype Dropink™ Regular‚ Duc de Berry™‚ Linotype Dummy™‚ Eckmann® Regular‚ Edison™‚ Linotype Ego™ Regular‚ Egyptienne‚ Egyptienne F™‚ Eirinn™‚ F2F El Dee Cons™ Regular‚ Stempel Elan™ Bold‚ Parkinson Electra®‚ Electra®‚ Linotype Element™ Regular‚ Elementis™‚ Linotype Elisa™‚ Else NPL™‚ Engravers™ Bold Face‚ F2F Entebbe™ Regular‚ Linotype Ergo™‚ Escript™‚ Linotype Essentials ValuePacks‚ Linotype EuroFont™‚ Eurostile®‚ Eurostile® Unicase Regular‚ Eurostile® Candy‚ Eurostile® LT‚ Eurostile Next‚ Excelsior®‚ Excritura‚ Expectation™ Regular‚ F2F OCRBczyk™‚ Facsimile™‚ Linotype Facts of Life™‚ Fairfield®‚ Linotype Fehrle Display® Regular‚ Linotype Feltpen™‚ Fette Fraktur™‚ Linotype Finerliner™‚ Finnegan®‚ Firas™ Regular‚ Linotype Flamingo™ Regular‚ Linotype Fluxus™ Regular‚ Flyer™‚ Folio®‚ Forbes™ Bold‚ Frakto™‚ Francker™‚ Franklin Gothic‚ Linotype Franosch™‚ Linotype Fresh Ewka™‚ Linotype Freytag™‚ F2F Frontpage Four™ Regular‚ Frutiger® Serif‚ Frutiger®‚ Frutiger® Arabic‚ Frutiger Next‚ Neue Frutiger‚ Frutiger® Capitalis‚ Frutiger® Symbols‚ Frutiger Stones™‚ Linotype Funny Bones™‚ Futura®‚ Linotype Gaius™‚ Linotype® Game Pi‚ Stempel Garamond™‚ Simoncini Garamond™‚ Garamond #3‚ Gavotte™ Regular‚ Gazette®‚ Generis® Serif‚ Generis® Slab‚ Generis® Sans‚ Generis® Simple‚ Giacometti™‚ Linotype Gianotten™‚ Ginkgo™‚ Linotype GlassFlag™ Regular‚ Glypha®‚ Linotype Gneisenauette™‚ Linotype Go Tekk™‚ Goodies™‚ Linotype Gotharda™ Regular‚ Gothic 13™ Regular‚ Linotype Gothic™‚ Grace™ Regular‚ Grafiko™ Regular‚ Grafilone™‚ Granjon®‚ Linotype Graphena™ Regular‚ Linotype Grassy™‚ Guardi®‚ F2F Haakonsen™ Regular‚ Neue Haas Grotesk™‚ Neue Haas Unica‚ Hakim Ghazali™ Regular‚ Hamada™ Roman‚ HaManga Irregular™‚ Neue Hammer Unziale™‚ Hassan®‚ Hawkhurst™‚ Helvetica® Monospaced‚ Neue Helvetica®‚ Helvetica®‚ Helvetica® World‚ Neue Helvetica® Arabic‚ Linotype Henri™‚ Herculanum®‚ Hexatype™ Bold‚ Hildegard™‚ Hiroshige™‚ Hisham® Regular‚ Hobo‚ F2F HogRoach™ Regular‚ Linotype® Holiday Pi‚ Hollander™‚ Hot Plate™‚ Hotmetal Pi™‚ HoTom™‚ Linotype Humanistika™‚ Icone™‚ Impacta™ Regular‚ Impressum®‚ Linotype Improfil™‚ Linotype Inagur™‚ Index™‚ Indus™‚ Industria®‚ Linotype Inky Script™ Regular‚ Insan™‚ Insignia®‚ Linotype Invasion™‚ Iridium®‚ Linotype Irish Text™ Regular‚ Linotype Isilda™‚ Isra™‚ Italienne™ Regular‚ Iwan Stencil™ Regular‚ Jaguar™ Regular‚ Jalal®‚ Jan™ Regular‚ Janna™‚ Janson® Text‚ Jiffy™ Regular‚ Johnstemp™‚ JP2™ Regular‚ Juliana® Text‚ Jump™ Regular‚ Just Square™‚ Kabel®‚ Neue Kabel‚ Linotype Kaliber™‚ Kalligraphia Regular‚ Karim® Regular‚ Kaufmann®‚ Linotype Killer™ Regular‚ Kismet™ Regular‚ Klint™‚ Koala™‚ Koch Antiqua® Regular‚ Kompakt™ Regular‚ Linotype Konflikt™ Regular‚ Koufiya™‚ Linotype Kropki™ Roman‚ Kuenstler Script®‚ Kufi™‚ Kursivschrift™‚ Linotype Labyrinth™ Regular‚ Linotype Laika™ Regular‚ Lake Informal™‚ Legal™‚ Linotype Leggodt™‚ Levato™‚ Libelle™ Regular‚ Linotype Lichtwerk™‚ Life®‚ Liga Sans™‚ Linotype Lindy™ Regular‚ LinoLetter™‚ LinoScript®‚ Linotext®‚ Linotype Hieroglyphes™‚ Linotype Method™‚ Linotype Maral™ Armenian‚ Linotype Mineru™‚ Linotype Octane™‚ Linotype Party Time™‚ Linotype Pegathlon™‚ Linotype Projekt™‚ Linotype Puritas™‚ Linotype Rowena™‚ Linotype Syntax® Lapidar Text‚ Linotype Syntax® Lapidar Serif Text‚ Linotype Syntax® Lapidar Display‚ Linotype Salamander™‚ Linotype Syntax® Letter‚ Linotype Syntax® Serif‚ Linotype Syntax® Lapidar Serif Display‚ Linotype Sunburst™‚ Linotype Textil Pi‚ Linotype Technical Pi‚ Linotype Univers‚ Linotype Zigibacks™‚ Lomo™‚ Lotus® Arabic‚ F2F Lovegrid™ Caps‚ Luba™‚ LuMarc™‚ Luthersche Fraktur™‚ Macbeth™ Regular‚ F2F Madame Butterfly™ Regular‚ Madison Antiqua™‚ F2F MadZine™‚ Linotype Maenneken™‚ Maged®‚ Linotype Mailbox™‚ Malabar™‚ Mano®‚ Mantika™ Sans‚ Mantika™ Informal‚ Mantika Book‚ Mantika News‚ Marathon™‚ Marconi®‚ Linotype Marcu San™‚ Mariam® Bold‚ Linotype Markin™‚ Mateo™‚ Universal Mathematical Pi™‚ Matthia™‚ Maximus®‚ Medici® Script‚ Linotype Mediterraneo™‚ Linotype Mega™‚ F2F Mekanik Amente™ Regular‚ F2F Mekkaso Tomanik™ Regular‚ Melior®‚ Memphis®‚ Memphis® Soft Rounded‚ Mengelt Basel Antiqua‚ Meridien®‚ Merlin™ Regular‚ Meroe‚ F2F Metamorfosi™ Regular‚ Metrolite® #2 Roman‚ Metromedium™ #2 Roman‚ Metroblack™ #2 Roman‚ Metro® Office‚ Metro Nova‚ Linotype MhaiThaipe™‚ Microgramma™‚ Midan™‚ Linotype Mild™ Regular‚ Linotype Mindline™‚ Minister™‚ Linotype Minos™ Regular‚ Mistral® Regular‚ Mitra®‚ Linotype MMistel™ Regular‚ Modified Gothic™ Regular‚ Mofid Mahdi® Regular‚ F2F Monako Stoned™ Regular‚ Monticello®‚ Montix™‚ Morocco™ Regular‚ Morris Sans®‚ Mustang™ Regular‚ Nami®‚ Linotype Nautilus™‚ Nautilus™ Text‚ Nautilus™ Monoline‚ Nazanin®‚ Ned™ Regular‚ Neudoerffer Fraktur™‚ Neuland® Black‚ Neuland® Star Regular‚ Neuseidler™‚ Neuzeit® Office‚ Neuzeit® Office Soft Rounded‚ Neuzeit® S‚ News Gothic No. 2™‚ News Gothic™‚ Nicolas Cochin®‚ Noa™‚ Linotype Nordica™‚ Noris Script® Regular‚ Notre Dame™‚ Linotype Not Painted™ Regular‚ Linotype Notec™ Regular‚ NoweAteny™‚ Nuptial Script™ Medium‚ OCR A Regular‚ OCR B‚ OCR A Tribute™‚ F2F OCRAlexczyk™‚ Old Style 7‚ Olympia® Light‚ Olympian®‚ Omnia™ Roman‚ Ondine™‚ Opal™‚ Optima®‚ Optima Nova‚ Orator™‚ Linotype Orbit™ Light‚ Linotype Ordinar™‚ Orion™‚ Linotype Paint It™‚ Palatino®‚ Palatino® Arabic Regular‚ Palatino Nova‚ Palatino® Linotype‚ Palatino® Sans‚ Palatino® Sans Arabic‚ Pargrid™‚ Peignot®‚ Phoebus™ Regular‚ Picture Yourself™‚ Linotype Pide Nashi™‚ Piercing™‚ Pierrot™ Regular‚ Pilgrim®‚ Linotype Pine™ Regular‚ Pinxit™‚ Pirouette™‚ Linotype Pisa™‚ Pistol Shot™‚ F2F Pixmix™ Regular‚ Plak®‚ F2F Poison Flowers™ Regular‚ Pompeijana™‚ Potpourri™ Regular‚ Praxis®‚ Present®‚ President™ Regular‚ Prestige Elite™‚ F2F Prototipa Multipla™ Regular‚ F2F Provinciali™ Regular‚ Linotype Punkt™‚ Qadi® Bold‚ Quartan™‚ Quasaria™‚ Quench®‚ Quitador‚ Quitador Sans‚ Rabenau™‚ Raclette™ Regular‚ Railroad Gothic™ Regular‚ Raleigh™‚ Rameau™‚ Linotype Rana™‚ ReadMyHand™‚ Linotype Really™‚ Really™ No 2‚ Linotype Red Babe™ Regular‚ Linotype Reducta™ Regular‚ Linotype Renee Display™‚ Renner™ Antiqua‚ Reporter™ #2 Regular‚ Revue™‚ Linotype Rezident™‚ Linotype Richmond™‚ Rockner™‚ Roemisch™‚ Linotype Rory™ Oblique‚ Rotation™‚ Linotype Rough™‚ Roundy™‚ Ruling Script™ Two‚ Rundfunk Antiqua™ Roman‚ Rundfunk Grotesk™ Bold‚ Linotype Russisch Brot™‚ Rusticana™‚ Ruzicka Freehand™‚ Sabon®‚ Sabon Next‚ Linotype Sallwey Script™ Regular‚ Saltino™ Regular‚ Salto™ Regular‚ Samba™‚ San Marco™‚ Linotype Sangue™ Regular‚ Linotype Sansara™ Regular‚ Saphir™ Regular‚ Saral™ Devanagari‚ Sassoon® Primary‚ Sassoon® Infant‚ Sassoon® Sans Slope‚ Sassoon® Sans‚ Sassoon® Book‚ Satero® Serif‚ Satero® Sans‚ Saussa™ Regular‚ Linotype Schachtelhalm™ Regular‚ Stempel Schneidler®‚ Schnitz™ Regular‚ Schwennel™‚ Linotype Scott™‚ Linotype Scrap™‚ F2F Screen Scream™ Regular‚ Scriptuale™‚ Seebad™‚ Serifa®‚ Serlio™ Regular‚ Linotype Seven™ Regular‚ F2F Shakkarakk™ Regular‚ Sharquefin™‚ Shelley® Script‚ Sho™ Roman‚ F2F Shpeetz™ Regular‚ Linotype Sicula™‚ Sierra™‚ Linotype Silver™ Regular‚ Sinah™‚ Sinah™ Sans‚ Sinova™‚ Sirichana™ Thai‚ Siseriff™‚ Sistina® Regular‚ Linotype Sjablony™ Regular‚ Linotype Sketch™ Regular‚ Rundfunk Grotesk™ Bold‚ Linotype Russisch Brot™‚ Rusticana™‚ Ruzicka Freehand™‚ Sabon®‚ Linotype Sallwey Script™ Regular‚ Saltino™ Regular‚ Salto™ Regular‚ Samba™‚ San Marco™‚ Linotype Sangue™ Regular‚ Linotype Sansara™ Regular‚ Saphir™ Regular‚ Saral™ Devanagari‚ Sassoon® Primary‚ Sassoon® Infant‚ Sassoon® Sans Slope‚ Sassoon® Sans‚ Sassoon® Book‚ Satero® Serif‚ Satero® Sans‚ Saussa™ Regular‚ Linotype Schachtelhalm™ Regular‚ Stempel Schneidler®‚ Schnitz™ Regular‚ Schwennel™‚ Linotype Scott™‚ Linotype Scrap™‚ F2F Screen Scream™ Regular‚ Scriptuale™‚ Seebad™‚ Serifa®‚ Serlio™ Regular‚ Linotype Seven™ Regular‚ F2F Shakkarakk™ Regular‚ Sharquefin™‚ Shelley® Script‚ Shilia‚ Sho™ Roman‚ F2F Shpeetz™ Regular‚ Linotype Sicula™‚ Sierra™‚ Linotype Silver™ Regular‚ Sinah™‚ Sinah™ Sans‚ Sinova™‚ Sirichana™ Thai‚ Siseriff™‚ Sistina® Regular‚ Linotype Sjablony™ Regular‚ Linotype Sketch™ Regular‚ Trade Gothic Next‚ Trump Mediaeval® Office‚ Trump Mediaeval®‚ F2F Twins™ Regular‚ Linotype Typentypo™ Regular‚ Linotype Typo American™ Regular‚ F2F Tyrell Corp™ Regular‚ Umbra®‚ Univers® Next Arabic‚ Univers®‚ Universal Pi™‚ Ut Sa Ha Gumm Thai™ Regular‚ VAG Rounded™‚ Vario™‚ Varius™‚ Vectora®‚ Veljovic Script™‚ Linotype Venezia™ Initiale‚ Venture™ Script‚ Vere Dignum™‚ Veronika™‚ Versailles™‚ Vesta™‚ Veto®‚ Vialog®‚ Vialog® Signs‚ Vialog 1450‚ Virtuosa® Classic Regular‚ Linotype Vision™‚ Walbaum‚ Linotype WaterFlag™ Regular‚ Waza™ Regular‚ Weiss®‚ Westside™ Regular‚ F2F Whale Tree™ Regular‚ Whitenights™‚ Why Square™‚ Wiesbaden Swing™‚ Linotype Wildfont™ Regular‚ Wilhelm Klingspor Gotisch™‚ Wilke™‚ Woodstock™ Regular‚ Xenois Sans‚ Xenois Semi‚ Xenois Serif‚ Xenois Super‚ Xenois Soft‚ Xenois Slab‚ Linotype Xmas Pi‚ Xmas™‚ Yakout®‚ Yalta Sans‚ F2F ZakkGlobe™ Regular‚ Zapf Essentials®‚ Zapfino®‚ Zapfino® Extra‚ Zapfino® Extra X‚ Zapfino® Arabic‚ Linotype Zensur™ Regular‚ Zeppelin™ Regular‚ Linotype Zootype™‚ Linotype Zurpreis™‚ Linotype Afroculture™ Regular‚ Linotype American Indian™ Regular‚ Linotype Ancient Chinese™ Regular‚ Linotype Astrolo™ Regular‚ Linotype® Audio Pi Regular‚ Bobotta™ Icons Regular‚ Border Font S2000™ 1515-9‚ Linotype Caciocavallo™ Regular‚ Linotype Circles™ Regular‚ Linotype Creatures™ Regular‚ Linotype Dinosaures™ Regular‚ Linotype Dressage™ Regular‚ Linotype EEC Pi Regular‚ Linotype® European Pi‚ Linotype Face Value™ Regular‚ Linotype Festtagsfont™ Regular‚ Linotype Freak Cabinet™ Regular‚ Linotype Harry Cars™ Regular‚ Linotype Heureka Glyphs™ Regular‚ Mac Key Caps Pi™ Regular‚ Linobats™ Regular‚ Lubok™ Regular‚ Universal MICR Pi™ Medium‚ Linotype Modulo™ Regular‚ Linotype Monday Devils™ Regular‚ National Codes Pi™‚ Linotype Offix™ Regular‚ Linotype Shapeshifter™ Regular‚ Linotype Short Story™ Regular‚ F2F Simbolico™ Regular‚ Linotype Sindbad™ Regular‚ Linotype Smileface™ Regular‚ Linotype Space Balls™ Regular‚ Linotype Squares™ Regular‚ Topografische Zahlentafel™ Regular‚ Linotype Traco™ Regular‚ Linotype Traffity™ Regular‚ Linotype Triangles™ Regular‚ Linotype® Warning Pi Regular
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 25‚ 2024
- Diatype now covers nine writing systems: Arabic‚ Armenian‚ Cyrillic‚ Devanagari‚ Georgian‚ Greek‚ Hebrew‚ Thai‚ and Latin (with Vietnamese).
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 18‚ 2024
- Dalton Maag has added Arabic‚ Armenian‚ Devanagari‚ Georgian‚ Hebrew‚ and Thai to Objektiv.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 31‚ 2024
- Rosetta released Adapter Georgian.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 30‚ 2023
- Typotheque launched a collection of over 30 Georgian font families.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: July 7‚ 2021
- Adelle Sans was expanded to support Lao‚ Hebrew‚ and Georgian. Besides it‚ Adelle Sans Armenian and Adelle Sans Cyrillic were updated.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 26‚ 2021
- Linotype released Avenir Next World‚ Avenir Next Arabic‚ Avenir Next Cyrillic‚ Avenir Next Georgian‚ Avenir Next Hebrew‚ and Avenir Next Thai.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 29‚ 2020
- Commercial Type added Graphik Armenian‚ Graphik Georgian‚ Graphik Hebrew‚ Graphik Thai‚ and Graphik Thai Loop to Graphik.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 20‚ 2017
- FF Meta now supports Georgian.
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