40 results for "Canada"

- Canada Type
- Designers: Rebecca Alaccari‚ Patrick Griffin
- Typefaces: Adams‚ Adore‚ Agent‚ Albertan Pro‚ Alexander Quill‚ Alexia‚ Ambassador Script‚ Annonce‚ Apricot‚ Aragon‚ Aragon Condensed‚ Aragon ST‚ Aragon Sans‚ Archie‚ Autobats‚ Bella Donna‚ Big Brush‚ Bigfoot‚ Birthday‚ Blackhaus‚ Blanchard‚ Bluebeard‚ Bolero‚ Book Jacket‚ Boondock‚ Bouwsma Script‚ Bouwsma Text‚ Boyscout‚ Broken‚ Bruschetta‚ Busted‚ Caper Comic‚ Captain Comic‚ Celebrity‚ Centennial Script‚ Chalice‚ Chapter 11‚ Chikita‚ Chopper‚ Circulaire‚ Clarendon Text‚ Clarendon Wide‚ Classic Comic‚ Coconut‚ Collector Comic‚ Common Comic‚ Cotillion Pro‚ Cougar‚ Crescendo‚ Crucifix‚ Dancebats‚ Didot Display‚ Didot Headline‚ Diploma‚ Diva‚ Dokument Pro‚ Dominion‚ Dominique‚ Doobie‚ Driver Gothic‚ Dutch Mediaeval Book ST‚ Dutch Mediaeval Pro ST‚ Dutch Mediaeval‚ Evolver‚ Fab‚ Fantini‚ Fellowship‚ Fido‚ Firefly‚ Flirt‚ Fontella‚ Fore‚ Formula‚ Freco‚ Fury‚ Gala‚ Gallery‚ Gamer‚ Gaslon‚ Gator‚ Gaulois‚ Genesis‚ Genie‚ Geronimo‚ Gibson‚ Goudy Two Shoes‚ Go‚ Grippo‚ Guillotine‚ Guinevere Pro‚ Gumball‚ Hamlet‚ Happy‚ Heathen‚ Hortensia‚ Huckleberry‚ Hunter‚ Hydrogen‚ Informa Pro‚ Informa‚ Isabelle Pro‚ Jackpot‚ Janice‚ Jazz Gothic‚ Jezebel‚ Jimi‚ Jingo‚ Johnny‚ Jojo‚ Jonah‚ Jupiter Pro‚ Jupiter‚ King Tut‚ King Wood‚ Kofi‚ Kumlien Pro‚ Lancelot Pro‚ Lapis Pro‚ Latex‚ Leather‚ Leo‚ Lexington‚ Libertine‚ Lionheart‚ Lipstick‚ Lorenzo‚ Lotto‚ Louis‚ Loxley‚ Luminari‚ Lyra‚ Maestro‚ Martie‚ Marvin‚ Mascara‚ Mauritius‚ Mayfair‚ Memoriam Pro‚ Memoriam‚ Merc‚ Messenger‚ Middleton Brush‚ Miedinger‚ Militia Sans‚ Militia‚ Minuet‚ Mirabel‚ Monte Cristo‚ Moxie‚ Mullen Hand‚ Naga‚ Neil Bold‚ Nuke‚ Odette‚ Orotund‚ Orpheus Pro‚ Outcast‚ Oxygen‚ Paganini‚ Pendulum‚ Pipa‚ Platoon‚ Player‚ Plywood‚ Poster Paint‚ Press Gothic‚ Puma‚ Quanta‚ Quiller‚ Ratio Modern‚ Rawhide‚ Recta‚ Redwood‚ Reiner Hand‚ Rhino‚ Robur‚ Roma‚ Ronaldson‚ Roos ST‚ Roos‚ Rostrum‚ Runway‚ Rush‚ Sailor‚ Salome‚ Santini‚ Screener‚ Scroll‚ Secret Scrypt‚ Semplicita Pro‚ Serena‚ Showboat‚ Shred‚ Silk Script‚ Sincerely‚ Siren Script‚ Skullbats‚ Slinger‚ Social Gothic 2‚ Social Gothic‚ Social Stencil‚ Soft Press‚ Sol Pro‚ Spade‚ Spadina‚ Stalker‚ Steiner Special‚ Sterling Script‚ Stern Pro‚ Stock‚ Storyville‚ Stretto‚ Styx‚ Sultan‚ Swan Song‚ Sympathique‚ Symposium Pro‚ Tabarnak‚ Taboo‚ Teaspoon‚ Testament‚ Tomato‚ Torquemada‚ Totemic‚ Treasury Pro‚ Treasury‚ Trump Gothic Pro‚ Trump Script‚ Trump Soft Pro‚ Tuba‚ Tupelo‚ VIP‚ Valet‚ Verso‚ Vox Round‚ Vox‚ Wagner Grotesk‚ Wagner Round‚ Wagner Script‚ Walter‚ Wilke Kursiv‚ Wonder Brush‚ Zigarre‚ Zilvertype Pro
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- Aaron Bell
- Designers: Aaron Bell
- Typefaces: Saja‚ Syzygy
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- Abi Huynh
- Designers: Abi Huynh
- Typefaces: Super Seasonal‚ Monumentum‚ Sotto 51‚ Fall Headline‚ Fall Sans‚ Non-Seasonal Sans‚ Tirade Gothic‚ DF Sans‚ A-OK Sans‚ Arietta‚ Mimim
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- Brigitte Schuster
- Designers: Brigitte Schuster
- Typefaces: Cardamon (Canella)‚ Lifesans
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- FontGroup
- Designers: Michael Hernan
- Typefaces: Pseudo‚ ISOGLYPH
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- graphicmaterial
- Designers: Joel Shane
- Typefaces: Boreal
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- Ross Milne
- Designers: Ross Milne
- Typefaces: Charlie‚ Echo‚ Suzette (Superette)‚ Cordova‚ Anejo‚ Stag Sans Round‚ Graphik Shaded‚ Sport BC
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- Shinn Type
- Designers: Nick Shinn
- Typefaces: Bodoni Egyptian‚ Scotch Naiad‚ Modern‚ Figgins Sans‚ Neology‚ Sense‚ Sensibility‚ Brown‚ Handsome‚ Beaufort‚ Duffy Script‚ Alphaville‚ Softmachine‚ Nicholas‚ Panoptica‚ Preface‚ Worldwide‚ Walburn‚ Checker‚ Pratt‚ Pratt Nova‚ Paradigm‚ Eunoia‚ Goodchild‚ Goodchild Pro‚ Morphica‚ Artefact‚ Parity‚ Boxley
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- Working Format
- Designers: Abi Huynh‚ Grace Partridge‚ Ross Milne
- Typefaces: Charlie‚ Echo‚ Everyone‚ Buckshot‚ Stag Sans Round‚ Graphik Shaded
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- Coppers & Brasses
- Designers: Alexandre Saumier Demers‚ Étienne Aubert Bonn
- Typefaces: Salvaje Display‚ Ilisarniq‚ Triade‚ Double‚ Canal‚ Martha‚ Klaus‚ Théorie‚ Lewis‚ Alphonse‚ Nurraq‚ Compass‚ MLS‚ Sardine‚ Freitt‚ Nicole‚ CCM Grotesk‚ GSM Grotesque‚ Harricana
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- Joe Finocchiaro Design
- Designers: Joe Finocchiaro
- Typefaces: Abakus‚ Aleris‚ Cisco‚ Fanfair‚ Kitchen‚ Madeleine‚ Stretto
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- Designers: Anouk Pennel‚ Raphaël Daudelin
- Typefaces: Wigrum‚ Fizz‚ Feedmono‚ Multiplex‚ Adaptive‚ Infrafonte‚ Toxstruct‚ Mmlmono
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- Ian Brignell Lettering Design
- Designers: Ian Brignell
- Typefaces: Hellmuth‚ Brignell Slab‚ Sign Square‚ You‚ Shaw‚ Bell Slim‚ Chesterfield‚ KY Touch‚ Smokin’ Hot‚ Naturalizer‚ Puffs
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- IB Type
- Designers: Ian Brignell
- Typefaces: Brignell Slab‚ Brignell Sunday‚ Brignell Big
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- Feedtype
- Designers: Anouk Pennel‚ Raphaël Daudelin
- Typefaces: Guillon‚ More Gothic‚ Wigrum
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- André Simard
- Designers: André Simard
- Typefaces: Migration Sans‚ Harfang Pro‚ Corbeau Pro‚ Carouge Pro‚ Goosebreak
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- Nomad.Fonts
- Designers: Kaja Słojewska
- Typefaces: Rupert‚ VanSans‚ Alkes‚ Larrikin
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- Pangram Pangram Foundry
- Designers: Mathieu Desjardins
- Typefaces: Montwest‚ NeueBit‚ RightGrotesk‚ Hatton‚ Gatwick‚ Telegraf‚ Editorial New‚ Neue Machina‚ Agrandir‚ Cirka‚ Grafier‚ Woodland‚ Formula Condensed‚ Monument Extended‚ Object Sans‚ Gosha Sans‚ Casa Stencil‚ Neue Montreal‚ Chronos Serif‚ Supply Mono‚ Fuji Sans‚ Pangram Sans‚ Charlevoix Pro‚ Stellar Sans‚ Pier Sans‚ Radio Grotesk
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- I Love Typography
- Typefaces: Abril‚ Abril Titling‚ Adams‚ Adapter Arabic Display‚ Adapter Arabic Text‚ Adapter Hebrew Display‚ Adapter Hebrew Text‚ Adapter PE Display‚ Adapter PE Text‚ Adelle Mono‚ Adelphi PE‚ Airco Std‚ Albiona‚ Albiona Soft‚ Alchemy‚ Alga‚ Alkes‚ Allrounder Antiqua‚ Allrounder Grotesk‚ Allrounder Monument‚ Allumi Std‚ Allumi Std Extended‚ Allumi Std Inline‚ Altesse Std‚ Alverata‚ Amareddine‚ Ambroise Std‚ Ambroise Std Firmin‚ Ambroise Std François‚ Americane‚ Americane Condensed‚ Ammer Handwriting‚ Amorie Modella‚ Amorie Nova‚ Amorie Ornaments‚ Amorie SC‚ Angie Sans Std‚ Anisette Petite Std‚ Anisette Std‚ Antona‚ Apocalypso‚ Apolline Std‚ Ardina Display‚ Ardina Text‚ Ardina Title‚ Ardoise Std‚ Ardoise Std Compact‚ Ardoise Std Narrow‚ Ardoise Std Tight‚ Argent Sans‚ Arlette‚ Armstrong‚ Arteria Std Compress‚ Artigo‚ Artigo Display‚ Athelas‚ Atomette‚ Attorney‚ Audace Std‚ Audela‚ Aurore Grotesque‚ Avaline Script‚ AW Conqueror Didot Std‚ AW Conqueror Std Carved‚ AW Conqueror Std Inline‚ AW Conqueror Std Slab‚ Ballinger‚ Ballinger Condensed‚ Ballinger Mono‚ Ballinger X-Condensed‚ Barbieri‚ Basco Std‚ Bastard‚ Battery Park‚ Belarius Poster‚ Belarius Sans‚ Belarius Serif‚ Belinsky‚ Blackbike‚ Blend Caps‚ Blend Script‚ Bouba Round‚ Bourgeois‚ Bourgeois Condensed‚ Bourgeois Rounded‚ Bourgeois Rounded Condensed‚ Bourgeois Slab‚ Bourgeois Slab Condensed‚ Bourton Hand‚ Bourton Hand Script‚ Bourton Pro Family‚ Bourton Script‚ Brandon Grotesque‚ Brandon Grotesque Condensed‚ Brandon Text‚ Brandon Text Condensed‚ Brashy‚ Breathe Neue‚ Bree Serif‚ Brill‚ Brill Cyrillic‚ Brill Greek‚ Brill Latin‚ Brim Combined‚ Brim Narrow‚ Broadside‚ Broadside Condensed‚ Broadside Extended‚ Broadside Text‚ Burford‚ Burford Rustic‚ Bussi‚ Bustan‚ Calluna‚ Calluna Sans‚ Campton‚ Campuni‚ Capitolium 2‚ Capline‚ Captain Edward‚ Carmen‚ Carmen Cyrillic‚ Carnaby Street‚ Catalina Anacapa‚ Catalina Avalon‚ Catalina Clemente‚ Catalina Script‚ Catalina Typewriter‚ Certo‚ Certo Sans‚ Chassis‚ Chikki‚ Chikki Devanagari‚ Chonky‚ Codelia‚ Coma‚ Comic Code‚ Comma Base‚ Compiler‚ Compiler Plain‚ Conquera‚ Cora‚ Corpid‚ Corpid Condensed‚ Corpid SemiCondensed‚ Costa Std‚ CPL Kirkwood‚ Cynosure‚ Dare‚ Dashiell Bright‚ Dashiell Fine‚ Dashiell Text‚ Dazzle Unicase‚ De Worde‚ Dejanire Headline‚ Dejanire Sans‚ Delux‚ Discourse‚ Doctrine‚ Doctrine Stencil‚ Dossier‚ Doublethink‚ Dress‚ Drone‚ Dulcinea‚ Echelon‚ Edita‚ Effigy‚ Elaine‚ Elaine Fleurer‚ Elaine Grand‚ Elaine Ombré‚ Elipses‚ Ember‚ English Grotesque‚ Epura‚ Équivoque‚ Erotica‚ Erotica Inline‚ Evanston Alehouse‚ Evanston Tavern‚ Evanston Tavern Inline‚ Evanston Tavern Stencil‚ Expletive Script‚ Faculty‚ Faculty Condensed‚ Faible‚ Faktum‚ Faktum Con‚ Faktum Wide‚ Faktum XCon‚ False Idol‚ Farthing‚ Fathom‚ Fenland‚ FinalSix‚ Finn‚ Fino‚ Fino Sans‚ Fino Stencil‚ Fip‚ Fip Rounded‚ Fip Sans‚ Fip Sans Rounded‚ Fleisch‚ Fleur‚ Fleur Inline‚ Floris‚ Fomalhaut‚ Foreday Sans‚ Foreday Semi Sans‚ Foreday Semi Serif‚ Foreday Serif‚ Freehouse‚ Freigeist‚ Freigeist Con‚ Freigeist Mono‚ Freigeist Wide‚ Freigeist XCon‚ Freigeist XWide‚ Galano‚ Gemma‚ Gemma Condensed‚ Gemma Extended‚ Geneo Std‚ Geotica‚ Geotica Variations‚ Gilam‚ Glance Sans‚ Glance Slab‚ Grange‚ Grange Condensed‚ Grange Extended‚ Grange Text‚ Gravesend Sans‚ Gridlite PE‚ Grimmig‚ Hamra Str‚ Haste‚ Hawkes‚ Hawkes Script‚ Heft‚ Heft Distressed‚ Helfa‚ Heroe‚ Heroe Inline‚ Hopeless Diamond‚ Idem‚ Idem Display‚ Indie‚ Indie Inline‚ Infidel‚ Informa Pro‚ Intro‚ Intro Alternative‚ Intro Condensed‚ Intro Condensed Alt‚ Intro Script‚ Isento‚ Isento Slab‚ Iskra‚ Jack’s Maggot‚ JAF Bernina Sans‚ JAF Bernina Sans Compressed‚ JAF Bernina Sans Condensed‚ JAF Bernina Sans Narrow‚ JAF Bernino Sans‚ JAF Bernino Sans Compressed‚ JAF Bernino Sans Condensed‚ JAF Bernino Sans Narrow‚ JAF Domus‚ JAF Domus Titling‚ JAF Facit‚ JAF Herb‚ JAF Herb Condensed‚ JAF Johannes‚ JAF Lapture‚ JAF Mashine‚ JAF Mashine Rounded‚ JAF Peacock‚ JAF Zalamander‚ JAF Zalamander Caps‚ Jali Arabic‚ Jali Greek‚ Jali Latin‚ Janna 2‚ JesusLovesYouAll‚ June Pro‚ Kade‚ KAFA‚ Kallisto‚ Koning Display‚ Korolev‚ Korolev Alternates‚ Korolev Compressed‚ Korolev Compressed Alternates‚ Korolev Condensed‚ Korolev Condensed Alternates‚ Korolev Rounded‚ Korolev Rounded Alternates‚ Kranto‚ Kranto Condensed‚ Kranto SemiCond‚ Krul‚ Kumlien Pro‚ Laca Pro‚ Laca Text‚ Laconia‚ Laima‚ Laski Sans‚ Laski Slab‚ Lavigne Display‚ Lavigne Text‚ Lawabo‚ LD Elsnac‚ LD Fabiol Pro‚ LD Genzsch Antiqua‚ LD Grotesk‚ LD Grotesk Condensed‚ LD Grotesk Wide‚ LD Moderne Antiqua‚ LD Moderne Antiqua Fat‚ LD Moderne Slab‚ LD Renommée‚ LD Vela‚ Le Monde Courrier Std‚ Le Monde Journal Std‚ Le Monde Livre Classic Std‚ Le Monde Livre Std‚ Le Monde Sans Std‚ Leifa‚ Lemongrass Script‚ LFT Etica Sheriff‚ LiebeDoni Outline‚ LiebeDoni Solid‚ LiebeDoris‚ LiebeErika‚ LiebeGerda‚ LiebeHeide‚ LiebeLotte‚ LiebeLotte Swell‚ LiebeRuth‚ Lifta‚ Limon Didone‚ Limon Marker‚ Limon Regular‚ Limon Script‚ Lisbeth‚ Logica‚ Logica Big‚ Loretta‚ Lovechild‚ Lubaline‚ Lunch Box‚ Lunch Box Slab‚ Mackay‚ Madelyn‚ Magnat Head‚ Magnat Poster‚ Magnat Text‚ Makdessi‚ Maku‚ Maku Devanagari‚ Marco‚ Mauritius‚ Maxular‚ Mecano‚ Medusa‚ Melancholia‚ Mencken Std‚ Mencken Std Head‚ Mencken Std Head Compress‚ Mencken Std Head Narrow‚ Mencken Std Narrow‚ Mencken Std Text‚ Messanges Big‚ Messanges Small‚ Ministry‚ Mislab Std‚ Mislab Std Compact‚ Mislab Std Narrow‚ Model‚ Mont‚ Mont Blanc‚ Moron‚ Mota Pixel‚ Mozer‚ Mrs Carter‚ Muller‚ Muller Narrow‚ Museo‚ Museo Sans‚ Museo Sans Condensed‚ Museo Sans Display‚ Museo Sans Rounded‚ Museo Slab‚ Museo Slab Rounded‚ Nebulae‚ Neon Love‚ Neuropa‚ New Forest‚ Newspeak‚ Nexa‚ Nexa Rust Sans‚ Nexa Rust Script‚ Nexa Rust Slab‚ Nexa Text‚ Niveau Grotesk‚ Nixon Script‚ Nylon Draylon‚ Ocre Sans‚ Ocre Serif‚ Olympukes‚ Olympukes 2012‚ Oposta‚ Orla Sans‚ Orla Serif‚ Paganini‚ Palast Display‚ Palast Poster‚ Palast Text‚ Pandera‚ Pantera‚ Panther Black‚ Panton‚ Panton Narrow‚ Panton Rust Sans‚ Panton Rust Script‚ Paralucent‚ Paralucent Condensed‚ Parfumerie‚ Parisine Office Std‚ Parisine Plus Std‚ Parisine Std‚ Parisine Std Compress‚ Parisine Std Narrow‚ Parkly‚ Patriot‚ Pembroke‚ Perfil‚ Plantago‚ Postea‚ Postea Variable‚ Pradell‚ Preta‚ Prosaic Std‚ Protipo‚ Protipo Compact‚ Prototype‚ Prozac‚ PS Fournier Std‚ PS Fournier Std Grand‚ PS Fournier Std Petit‚ Pufff‚ Punten‚ QuaText‚ Questa‚ Questa Grande‚ Questa Sans‚ Questa Slab‚ Quita‚ Rafaella‚ Rainier‚ Ratio Modern‚ Rational‚ Recita‚ Recita Sans‚ Refinery‚ Regime‚ Regulator Nova‚ Reiher Headline‚ Reina Neue‚ Retiro Std‚ Rieven‚ Rig Sans‚ Rig Shaded‚ Rig Solid‚ Ritafurey‚ Roadhouse‚ Roadhouse Script‚ Roadkill‚ Rogue Sans Nova‚ Rogue Sans Nova Condensed‚ Rogue Sans Nova Extended‚ Roma‚ Ronnia‚ Room 205‚ Rotundo‚ Rough Cut‚ Rupert‚ Rutherford‚ Sakkal Kitab‚ Sakkal Lablab‚ Salom‚ Sawad‚ Serenity‚ Seventies‚ Ships Whistle‚ Show Me the Mono‚ Singel‚ Sirba‚ Sisters‚ Sketchnote‚ Skill‚ Skolar Sans PE‚ Skolar Sans PE Compressed‚ Skolar Sans PE Condensed‚ Skolar Sans PE Extended‚ SkolarPE‚ Span‚ Spiegel Sans‚ Spiegel Sans Condensed‚ Squad‚ Stenciletta‚ Streets of London‚ strokeWeight‚ Summa‚ Sun‚ Tabulamore Script‚ Tao‚ Tasman‚ Taull‚ Taz‚ Taz Condensed‚ Taz Extended‚ Taz Text‚ Taz Wide‚ Tenso‚ TheAntiqua‚ TheAntiqua Sun‚ TheMix‚ TheMix Condensed‚ TheMix Mono‚ TheMix SemiCondensed‚ TheSans‚ TheSans Condensed‚ TheSans Mono‚ TheSans SemiCondensed‚ TheSans Typewriter‚ TheSerif‚ TheSerif Condensed‚ TheSerif SemiCondensed‚ TheStencil‚ Tome Sans‚ Traction‚ Trevor‚ Trilogy Egyptian‚ Trilogy Egyptian Expanded‚ Trilogy Egyptian Wide‚ Trilogy Fatface‚ Trilogy Sans‚ Trilogy Sans Compressed‚ Trilogy Sans Condensed‚ Trilogy Sans Expanded‚ Trilogy Sans Wide‚ Uni Neue‚ Uppercut Angle‚ Urbane‚ Urbane Condensed‚ Urbane Rounded‚ Valvolina‚ VanSans‚ Vault Alarm‚ Vena Amoris‚ Vesper‚ Wayfarer‚ Werksatz‚ Wilko‚ Winco‚ Winslow Book‚ Winslow Title‚ Winslow Title Narrow‚ Winslow Title Script‚ Wishes‚ Ysans Std
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- Manic Type
- Designers: Jamie Chang
- Typefaces: Sudz‚ Picholine Antique‚ AdGothic‚ Tumba‚ Palmetto‚ Zeplin‚ Cordata‚ Kilter
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 14‚ 2023
- Canada Type released Amethyst Pro.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 14‚ 2022
- Canada Type released Robbins by Robby Woodard and Risala by Kourosh Beigpour.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 1‚ 2021
- Canada Type released Goluska.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 21‚ 2021
- Canada Type released Ronaldson Pro.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: July 22‚ 2021
- Canada Type released Qasida.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 5‚ 2021
- Canada Type released Tumba designed by Jamie Chang.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: April 1‚ 2021
- Canada Type released Borax.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: July 17‚ 2019
- Canada Type released Bananas.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 18‚ 2016
- Canada Type released Davis and Davis Sans.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 25‚ 2015
- Latex‚ Lyra and Leo by Canada Type
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: July 16‚ 2014
- Jingo and Zilvertype Pro by Canada Type
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: August 18‚ 2013
- Canada Type remastered and expanded Jim Rimmer’s Stern.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: August 16‚ 2013
- Mauritius‚ Georg Trump’s last typeface by Canada Type.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 20‚ 2013
- Lancelot Pro and Aragon ST by Canada Type.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: April 25‚ 2013
- Remastered versions of Albertan Pro‚ Isabelle Pro‚ and Loxley by Canada Type.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 3‚ 2013
- Canada Type released Wike Kursiv‚ Felloship‚ and Common Comic.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 19‚ 2012
- Canada Type updated and remastered Zigarre and Cotillion by Jim Rimmer.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 17‚ 2012
- Pipa by Canada Type is available.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 17‚ 2012
- Gaulois‚ a script font by Canada Type‚ is available. It’s a revival of Marcel Jacno’s typeface in the 1930’s.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 17, 2012
- Feather Script by Lettering Inc. Digitized by Patrick Griffin from Canada Type.
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