8 results for "World Cup"
- MADType
- Designers: Matthew Desmond
- Typefaces: Urbandale‚ Variable‚ Environ‚ Casino Hand‚ Zapatista‚ Hessian‚ Pacioli‚ Audebaud‚ Brauhaus‚ Invoice‚ Handy Sans‚ Handegypt‚ Dunelm‚ Amber‚ Vexed‚ Joppa‚ Mercado‚ Quantico‚ Dwiggins Deco‚ Ghouliez‚ Beat‚ Stomper‚ Distill‚ Wooddale‚ Bulletin‚ Ironside Crosses‚ Findon‚ Bandoleer‚ Madison‚ ER9‚ Basis‚ Retron‚ Prenti‚ Mang‚ American Gothic‚ Gothico Antiqua‚ Wolfsburg‚ Shifty‚ Rubba‚ Curbdog‚ Lunarmod‚ Desmond Text‚ Hydrochiorica‚ Marble Roman‚ KAH‚ Mrs. Labovitz‚ Nike 2010‚ 77kids‚ Aerie‚ AE Summer Fonts‚ EEL Futura‚ Newburgh‚ Nike World Cup‚ Virgin America‚ Aldrich‚ Abel‚ Abel Pro‚ Lustria‚ Cagliostro
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- Yoon Design
- Typefaces: 윤고딕 (yoon gothic)‚ 윤명조 (yoon myung-cho [mincho])‚ 참명조 (cham myung-cho [mincho])‚ 청기와 (chunggiwa)‚ 타명조 (ta myung-cho [mincho])‚ 우리신문 (yuri sinbun)‚ 윤신문 (yun sinbun)‚ 머리정체 ( head jungche)‚ 머리굴림 (head gulim)‚ 날개 (nalgea)‚ 윤체 (yunche)‚ 율려 (yeulryeo)‚ 가시나무2 (kasinamu2)‚ 사파이어2 (sapphire)‚ 아이리스 (iris)‚ 쉬리 (shiri)‚ 소망 (somang)‚ 솔잎 (solip)‚ 탈윤체 (tal yoonche)‚ 피노키오 (pinokio)‚ 월드컵경기장 (worldcup stadium)‚ 파랑새 (blue bird)‚ 햇살 (sunshine)‚ 갈대 (galdae)‚ 고딩 (goding)‚ 사춘기 (sachungi [puberty])‚ 산울림 (sanulim)‚ 여고시절 (yeagosijul)‚ 꼬꼬마 (kokoma)‚ 소설가 ( novelist)‚ 까치집 (kachijip)‚ 유리별 (yuribyeol)‚ 태백산맥 (taebeaksanmak)‚ 러브레터 (love letter)‚ 뻐꾸기 (ppurkkugi)‚ 봄2 (bom2 [spring])‚ 여름 (yearum [summer])‚ 가을 (gaul [autumn])‚ 겨울2 (gyeul [winter])‚ 갯마을 (gatmaul)‚ 맹꽁이 (mangkkongi)‚ 고인돌 (goindol)‚ 수체화 (soochehwa)‚ 소녀 (girl)‚ 시인 (poet)‚ 운현궁 (unhyungung)‚ 코스모스 (cosmos)‚ 카피라이터 (copywriter)‚ 구름 (gurum)‚ 미소 (miso)‚ 백제 (baekje)‚ 불꽃 (bulkkot)‚ 빙점 (bingjum)‚ 신라 (shinla)‚ 월광 (walkwang)‚ 청춘 (chungchun)‚ 추억 (memory)‚ 풍경 (pungkyung)‚ 회상2 (hoesang)‚ 흔적 (heurynjuk)‚ 고구려 (goguryeo)‚ 곰팡이 (gumpangi)‚ 금도끼 (gumdokki)‚ 달팽이 (dalpangi)‚ 사오정 (saojung)‚ 우체국 (ucheguk)‚ 탈명조2 (tal myungcho)‚ 굴렁쇠 (gulryeongsoe)‚ 굴렁쇠목각 (gulryeongsoe-mokgak )‚ 피아노 (piano)‚ 더티폰트 (dirty-font)‚ 매트릭스 (matrix)‚ 불탄고딕 (bultan gothic)‚ 아스팔트 (asphalt)‚ 야간비행 (yagan bihang)‚ 우리목각 (yuri mokgak)‚ 하회마을 (hahoe maul)‚ 흑백영화 (b/w film)‚ 고추잠자리 (guchujamjari)‚ 누드펀치 명조 고딕 (nude funch myong cho gothic)‚ 국향 (kukhyang)‚ 너울 (nerul)‚ 단군 (danakun)‚ 만월 (manwal)‚ 송침 (songchim)‚ 야화 (yahwa)‚ 유려 (yurea)‚ 진인 (jinin)‚ 청빈 (chungbin)‚ 춘풍 (chunpung)‚ cre고딕 (cre gothic)‚ cre명조 (cre myung-cho [mincho])‚ cre행복 (cre happiness)‚ cre초코쿠키 (cre choco cookie)‚ cre쿨재즈 (cre cool jazz)‚ cre하트나무 (cre heart tree)‚ 고암새김-해 (goam saegim – Hea [Sun])‚ 고암새김-나무 (goam saegim – Namu [tree])‚ 고암새김-땅 (goam saegim – Tang [land])‚ 고암새김-물 (goam saegim – Mul [water])‚ 소설책 (165페이지 novel 165page)‚ 아스팔트 (스캔들 asphalt scandal)‚ 로맨틱 (가이 romantic guy)‚ 달콤한 (첫키스 sweet first kiss)‚ 엉뚱한 (덩어리 )‚ 교양있는 (글씨)‚ 수다공주 (suda gongju)‚ 행운가득 (Haengun gaduk)‚ 화이트사탕 (whitre candy)‚ 그여자 (the lady)‚ 인어공주 (mermaid)‚ 앗싸돼지요 (assa pig)‚ 써니러브 (sunny love)‚ 봄의왈츠 (spring waltz)‚ 별사탕 (star candy)‚ 파리의아침 (morning of paris )‚ 그남자 (the guy)‚ 핑크릴리 (ink lily)‚ 은하수 (milky way)‚ 써니하트 (sunny heart)‚ 수다딩벳 (suda-dingbat)‚ 윤pro돋움 (Yoon pro dodum)‚ 윤pro바탕 (Yoon pro batang)‚ 여우비‚ 블랙핏‚ 화이트핏‚ 홍시‚ 연꽃‚ 소망2‚ 어반빈티지‚ 봄날2‚ 상쾌한아침‚ 봄날‚ 긴팔원숭이‚ 오후의햇살‚ 아이고배야‚ 통닭구이‚ 귀요미파티‚ 별카페‚ 깍두기공책‚ 꽃비가온다‚ 미소시루‚ 북촌마을‚ 거북상회‚ 북치는토끼‚ 악어네치과‚ 파랑수국‚ 즐거운생활‚ 완전깜놀‚ 안녕‚ 순수핑크‚ 사차원‚ 사랑해라떼‚ 빵꾸똥꾸야‚ 반올림‚ 딸기가좋아‚ 두번째쪽지‚ 니가참좋아‚ 쳇
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- CyberGraphics
- Designers: Jan Erasmus
- Typefaces: Ethereum‚ Azania‚ Azania Tuscan‚ Transition‚ Menyaka‚ Lalibela‚ Export Unicase‚ Thornface‚ Pixeluxe‚ Nando’s‚ Mzansi‚ Giramundo‚ Shaftciti‚ Aphrodite
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- Paul Barnes
- Designers: Paul Barnes
- Typefaces: Dala Floda‚ Marian‚ Brunel‚ Publico‚ Guradian‚ Brodovitch Albro
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- Adotbelow
- Designers: Dino dos Santos‚ Pedro Leal
- Typefaces: ADB Spica‚ ADB Luder‚ ADB Fixo‚ Correio Slab‚ Correio Sans‚ Correio Compact‚ Lello‚ Liga Portugal‚ AA Smart Sans‚ Novobanco‚ Novobanco Text‚ Lionesa Sans‚ Lionesa Semi‚ Lionesa Serif‚ Expo Doha 2023‚ Fifa Museum
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: July 3‚ 2014
- Tripper Tricolor by @underware: a multi-colored‚ rock steady display typeface. You can win this font for free. Predict the best 3 countries of the World Cup.
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- News
- Date: May 28‚ 2014
- World Cup Typography: Nature of Believing by Eduardo Manso
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: April 15‚ 2014
- Gabriello by @PauloBarnesi & @font_taste‚ an athletic sans influenced by the brush. It was commissioned by Puma. First used by their sponsored teams at the 2010 Africa Cup of Nations‚ including winners Egypt‚ and was later used at that year’s World Cup‚ held in South Africa.
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