59 results for "The Kingdom"

- A.N.F.S foundry
- Designers: Freddy Taylor‚ Noah Collin‚ Shaun Dowling
- Typefaces: Monodern‚ Das Neue‚ Biblo‚ Basic‚ Drop‚ Lucid‚ Plotter‚ Forms
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- A2-Type
- Designers: Scott Williams‚ Henrik Kubel
- Typefaces: 60 Display‚ A23D Solid‚ Agriculture‚ Antwerp‚ Archi‚ Avaunt Stencil‚ Aveny-T‚ Battersea Sans‚ Battersea Slab‚ Beckett‚ Boing‚ Copenhagen‚ CPH Signs‚ CPH Tram‚ CWM‚ Dane‚ Danmark‚ English 1766‚ Ergonomics‚ Eyes Lies‚ Flavin‚ FM‚ Game Over‚ Grand‚ Grot10‚ Grot12‚ Impacto‚ Independent Headline‚ Independent Text‚ Independent Sans‚ Independent Sans Condensed‚ Independent Sans Stencil‚ Independent Slab‚ India‚ Italian Sans‚ Klampenborg‚ Kunsuff‚ London‚ Mazarin‚ Melissa Script‚ Monday‚ New Grotesk Round‚ New Grotesk Square‚ New Rail Alphabet‚ New Transport‚ Nosferato‚ Outsiders‚ Recognition‚ Register*‚ Regular‚ Regular Slab‚ Signature‚ Staton‚ Subway 56‚ Sunday Clarendon‚ Tobe‚ Typewriter‚ Vogue Floral‚ Vogue Paris‚ Zadie‚ NYTMag Serif Headline‚ NYTMag Slab‚ NYTMag Sans
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- Designers: Dave Crossland
- Typefaces: Cantarell
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- Alias
- Designers: David James‚ Gareth Hague
- Typefaces: Barb‚ Sabre‚ Capo‚ AnoStencil‚ Asperity‚ Caustic‚ Alias Didot‚ Alias Didot Outline‚ Ano‚ Anoserif Regular‚ Ano Serif Half‚ Aspect‚ Asphalt‚ Aspic‚ Cactus‚ Elephant‚ Enable‚ Factory‚ Glue‚ Granite‚ Grist‚ Harbour‚ Intimo‚ Klute‚ Lily‚ Metsys‚ Noah‚ Oban‚ Perla‚ Pop‚ Progress‚ Syliva‚ Union
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- Barnbrook
- Designers: Jonathan Barnbrook
- Typefaces: Priori Serif‚ Regime‚ Exocet‚ Mason serif‚ Bourgeois‚ Expletive script‚ Echelon‚ Mason sans‚ Bastard‚ Coma‚ Delux‚ Doctrine‚ Doctrine Stencil‚ Doublethink‚ Drone‚ False Idol‚ Hopeless Diamond‚ Infidel‚ Melancholia‚ Moron‚ Newspeak‚ Nixonscript‚ Nylon & Draylon‚ Patriot‚ Priori Acute‚ Priori Sans‚ Prototype‚ Prozac‚ Sarcastic‚ Shock & Awe‚ State machine‚ Tourette‚ Apocalypso‚ Olympukes
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- Colophon Foundry
- Designers: Anthony Sheret‚ Edd Harrington‚ StudioMakgil‚ Alison Haigh‚ Benjamin Critton‚ Dries Wiewauters‚ Oscar & Ewan
- Typefaces: Aperçu‚ Reader‚ Peggs‚ Central Avenue‚ Fortescue‚ Monosten‚ Montefiore‚ Pantograph‚ PDU‚ Perfin Raisonne‚ Transcript‚ Relative‚ Leroy‚ La Fabrique‚ Lisbon‚ Lydia‚ Value Sans‚ Value Serif‚ Alston‚ Archive‚ Marché‚ Visuelt‚ Basis Grotesque‚ Pin
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- Dalton Maag
- Designers: Amélie Bonet‚ Bruno Maag‚ Fabio Haag‚ Fernando Caro‚ Francesca Bolognini‚ Ferran Milan‚ Lukas Paltram‚ Marc Foley‚ Pilar Cano‚ Ron Carpenter‚ Spike Spondike‚ Tom Foley‚ Vincent Connare
- Typefaces: Foco‚ Effra‚ Aller‚ Aktiv Grotesk‚ Aktiv Grotesk Chinese & Japanese‚ Interface‚ Plume‚ Lexia‚ Co‚ Albero‚ Almaq‚ Blenny‚ Bligh‚ Bookerly‚ Bressay‚ Calmetta‚ Cordale‚ Dedica‚ Elevon‚ Grueber‚ King’s Caslon‚ Lemance‚ Magpie‚ Objektiv‚ Oscine‚ Pan‚ Prometo‚ Royalty‚ Setimo‚ Soleto‚ Stroudley‚ Tephra‚ Tondo‚ Tornac‚ Verveine‚ Viato‚ Ubuntu
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- Daniel Rhatigan
- Designers: Daniel Rhatigan
- Typefaces: Gina‚ Copse‚ Sodachrome
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- Device
- Designers: Rian Hughes
- Typefaces: 112 Hours‚ Paralucent‚ Dynasty‚ Roadkill‚ Ministry‚ Absinthe Pro‚ Acton‚ Agent of the Uncanny Pro‚ Ainsdale‚ Amorpheus Pro‚ AnytimeNow‚ Apocrypha Pro‚ Appointment with Danger Pro‚ Armstrong‚ Autofont‚ Automoto Pro‚ Battery Park Pro‚ Bingo‚ Blackcurrant‚ Bordello‚ Box Office‚ Bullroller‚ Cadogan‚ Cantaloupe‚ Capitol‚ Catseye‚ Chantal‚ Charger‚ Charterhouse‚ Chascarillo‚ Chase Pro‚ Cheapside‚ Citrus‚ Clique‚ Coldharbour Gothic Pro‚ Conselheiro‚ Contour‚ Cordite‚ Cordoba Pro‚ Cottingley‚ Custard Pro‚ Cyberdelic‚ Darkside‚ Data 90‚ Dauphine Pro‚ Dazzle‚ Degradation Pro‚ Destination Unknown Pro‚ Diecast Pro‚ Doom Platoon‚ Drexler‚ Dukane Pro‚ Egret‚ Electrasonic‚ Elektron‚ Ember‚ English Grotesque‚ Flak‚ Foonky‚ Forge Pro‚ Freeman‚ Galaxie‚ Galicia Pro‚ Galleria‚ Game Over‚ Gargoyle‚ Gentry‚ Glimmer‚ Glitterati‚ Glitterati Flash‚ Gonzales Pro‚ GranTurismo‚ Gravel‚ Gridlocker‚ Griffin‚ Gusto Pro‚ Haulage Commercial‚ Hawksmoor Pro‚ Heretic Pro‚ Hounslow‚ Iconics‚ Interceptor‚ Ironbridge‚ Jakita Wide‚ Jemima‚ Judgement‚ Kane‚ Kelly Twenty‚ Klaxon‚ Klickclack Pro‚ Korolev‚ Korolev Military Stencil‚ Lagos‚ Las Perdidas‚ Laydeez Nite‚ Lusta‚ MacDings‚ Maraschino Black Pro‚ Mastertext‚ Mellotron Pro‚ MenSwear‚ Mercano Empire‚ Metropol‚ Noir‚ Miserichordia‚ Mission Sinister‚ Monitor‚ Moonstone‚ Motorcity‚ Mulgrave‚ Nightclubber Pro‚ Novak‚ Outlander Nova‚ Payload‚ PicFormat‚ Pitshanger‚ Platinum‚ Pod Pro‚ Popgod Pro‚ Profumo‚ Quagmire‚ Quartertone‚ Radiogram‚ Range‚ Reasonist‚ Register‚ Regulator‚ Reliquary 17‚ Ritafurey‚ Rocketship From Infinity‚ Rogue Sans‚ Rogue Serif‚ Saintbride Pro‚ Scrotnig‚ Seabright Monument Pro‚ September‚ Serenity‚ Shenzhen Industrial‚ Silesia‚ Sinclair‚ Skylab‚ Slack Casual‚ SpaceCadet‚ Sparrowhawk‚ Stadia‚ State‚ Steed‚ Straker‚ Strand Pro‚ Substation‚ Telecast‚ Telstar‚ Terrazzo‚ Tinderbox‚ Transmat‚ Typex‚ Untitled1‚ Valise Montreal‚ Vanilla‚ Vertex‚ Westway‚ WexfordOakley‚ Whiphand‚ WhyTwoKay‚ Wormwood Gothic Pro‚ Wulf Utility‚ Xenotype Pro‚ Yellow Perforated‚ Yolanda Pro‚ Zinger‚ Zond Diktat
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- Emma Williams
- Designers: Emma Williams
- Typefaces: Hepworth‚ Christoffel‚ Rowse‚ APFEL‚ COSTA‚ Milvus‚ Virgin Galactic‚ John Lewis
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- Face37
- Designers: Rick Banks
- Typefaces: F37 Bergman‚ F37 Jagger‚ F37 Bolton‚ F37 Ginger‚ F37 Bella‚ F37Jan‚ F37 Ginger Round‚ F37 Glaser Stencil
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- FontGroup
- Designers: Michael Hernan
- Typefaces: Pseudo‚ ISOGLYPH
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- Fontpad
- Designers: Ben Mitchell
- Typefaces: Feldspar‚ Carnet‚ Sentosa‚ Gecko‚ Minto
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- Fontsmith
- Designers: Jason Smith‚ Phil Garnham‚ Fernando Mello‚ Emanuela Conidi‚ Béla Frank‚ Mitja Miklavčič‚ Nick Job‚ Eleni Beveratou
- Typefaces: FS Albert‚ FS Albert Narrow‚ FS Albert Arabic‚ FS Aldrin‚ FS Benjamin‚ FS Brabo‚ FS Clerkenwell‚ FS Alvar‚ FS Blake‚ FS Conrad‚ FS Dillon‚ FS Elliot‚ FS Emeric‚ FS Erskine‚ FS Industrie‚ FS Ingrid‚ FS Irwin‚ FS Jack‚ FS Joey‚ FS Kitty‚ FS Koopman‚ FS Lola‚ FS Lucas‚ FS Me‚ FS Millbank‚ FS Olivia‚ FS Pele‚ FS Pimlico‚ FS Rome‚ FS Rufus‚ FS Sally‚ FS Sally Triestina‚ FS Sammy‚ FS Shepton‚ FS Siena‚ FS Silas Sans‚ FS Silas Slab‚ FS Sinclair‚ FS Sophie‚ FS Truman‚ FS Untitled
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- Gaultney Academic
- Designers: Victor Gaultney
- Typefaces: Gentium
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- Hanna Donker
- Designers: Hanna Donker
- Typefaces: Foxhill
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- HouseOfBurvo
- Designers: Matthew Burvill
- Typefaces: Sequencia‚ GHS‚ Big Softie‚ Arcjotect. Sequencia Mono‚ GHS ans‚ Neue Konstrukteur‚ NK_Fracht‚ FreeDee. Poster Hand Links‚ BDH‚ Beauty‚ Killer‚ PUMP
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- Hypefortype
- Designers: Alex Trochut‚ Si Scott‚ HelloHikimori‚ Luke Lucas‚ Jon Burgerman‚ Non-Format‚ Research Studios‚ MWM Graphics‚ Richard Perez‚ Craig Ward‚ Pablo Alfieri‚ Marta Cerdà Alimbau‚ Official Classic‚ Plenty‚ HelloMuller‚ Ariel Di Lisio‚ Calango‚ Sawdust
- Typefaces: Neo Deco‚ Hunter‚ Lace‚ Lukano‚ Burgerman‚ Otto‚ Vetena‚ Alphafont‚ Protozoa‚ Killer‚ Playful‚ Rigid‚ Eniac Pro‚ Odyssea‚ Nagasaki‚ Saturna‚ Moshun‚ NewModern
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- Jeremy Tankard Typography
- Designers: Jeremy Tankard
- Typefaces: Pembroke‚ Capline‚ Fenland‚ Bliss‚ Bliss Pro‚ Aspect‚ De Worde‚ Enigma‚ Kingfisher‚ Shaker‚ Wayfarer‚ Arjowiggins Inuit‚ Blue Island‚ Disturbance‚ Microsoft Corbel‚ Redisturbed‚ Shire Types Pro‚ The Shire Types‚ Trilogy Egyptian‚ Trilogy Fatface‚ Trilogy Sans‚ Trilogy Sans Office
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- Julia
- Designers: Valerio Di Lucente‚ Erwan Lhuissier‚ Hugo Timm
- Typefaces: Premio‚ Copan‚ Above‚ Volt‚ Riso‚ Herman‚ Serious Sans‚ Modo‚ Gill Sans Rounded
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- Keith Chi-Hang Tam
- Designers: Keith Chi-Hang Tam
- Typefaces: Arrival‚ DG Sans
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- Klim Type Foundry
- Designers: Kris Sowersby
- Typefaces: Financier Display‚ Financier Text‚ Domaine Sans Fine‚ Domaine Sans Display‚ Domaine Sans Text‚ Maelstrom‚ Domaine Display‚ Domaine Display Narrow‚ Domaine Display Condensed‚ Domaine Text‚ Founders Grotesk‚ Founders Grotesk Condensed‚ Founders Grotesk X-Condensed‚ Founders Grotesk Text‚ Founders Grotesk Mono‚ Feijoa‚ National‚ Newzald‚ Pitch‚ Pitch Sans‚ Karbon‚ Metric‚ Calibre‚ Tiempos Fine‚ Tiempos Headline‚ Tiempos Text‚ Karbon Slab Stencil‚ Galaxie Copernicus‚ FF Unit Slab‚ FF Meta Serif‚ Darling‚ Serrano‚ Hardys‚ Methven Flow‚ Hokotohu‚ NZ Rugby Chisel‚ Rewards‚ Eliza‚ West Thud‚ Exotique Split‚ Bula‚ Sovereign Coin‚ Wahoo‚ Manuka‚ PayPal Sans‚ Söhne‚ Zerfallen
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- Michael Ives
- Designers: Michael Ives
- Typefaces: Xplor‚ 2012 Olympic Font‚ AnoExtreme‚ AnoGeoScript
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- Paul Barnes
- Designers: Paul Barnes
- Typefaces: Dala Floda‚ Marian‚ Brunel‚ Publico‚ Guradian‚ Brodovitch Albro
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- Protimient
- Designers: Ben Jones
- Typefaces: Emrys‚ Billingsley‚ Bitty‚ Buxus‚ Cale‚ Clarence‚ Eksja‚ Gilibert‚ Greenwood‚ Lightbox‚ ModernModern‚ Nosta‚ Pasquinade‚ Stobart‚ Travis
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- RP
- Designers: Radim Peško
- Typefaces: Larish Alte‚ Larish Neue‚ Fugue‚ Mercury‚ Mitim‚ Union‚ Union SMA‚ F Grotesk‚ Dear Sir / Madam‚ Lÿon‚ Agipo‚ Krabbesholm‚ Friderick‚ Aspen Perennial‚ Aspen Fall
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- Sally Castle
- Designers: Sally Castle
- Typefaces: Grover‚ Blockup
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- Sebastian Lester
- Designers: Sebastian Lester
- Typefaces: Neo Sans‚ Soho‚ Scene‚ Neo Tech‚ Soho Gothic‚ Mylius Modern‚ Waitrose
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- The Foundry
- Designers: David Quay‚ Freda Sack
- Typefaces: Foundry Gridnik‚ Foundry Form Sans‚ Foundry Monoline‚ Foundry Wilson‚ Foundry Sans‚ Foundry Old Style‚ Foundry Journal‚ Foundry Form Serif‚ Foundry Sterling‚ Foundry Plek Flek‚ Foundry Fabriek‚ Foundry Context‚ Foundry Dit Dat‚ Foundry Origin‚ Architype Renner‚ Architype Van Der Leck‚ Architype Van Doesburg‚ Architype Bill‚ Architype Tschichold ‚ Architype Bayer‚ Architype ‚ Architype Albers‚ Architype Bayer-Type‚ Architype Ballmer‚ Architype Schwitters‚ Architype Aubette‚ Architype Fodor‚ Architype Stedelijk‚ Architype New Alphabet‚ Architype Catalogue‚ Architype Ingenieur‚ AEG Renner‚ Landrover
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- Vernon Adams
- Designers: Vernon Adams
- Typefaces: Mako‚ Holtwood One SC‚ Paytone One‚ Michroma‚ Muli‚ Coustard‚ Niconne‚ Coda Caption‚ Sigmar One‚ Rammetto One‚ Candal‚ Kameron‚ Rokkitt‚ Tienne‚ Anton‚ Monoton‚ Corben‚ Smythe‚ Monofett‚ Bevan‚ Radley‚ Cutive‚ Shanti‚ Nobile‚ Six Caps‚ Francois One‚ Oswald‚ Pontano Sans‚ Nunito‚ Metrophobic‚ Bowlby One‚ Gruppo‚ Bangers‚ Sancreek‚ Carter One‚ Coda‚ Stardos Stencil‚ Bowlby One SC‚ Amatic SC‚ Pacifico‚ Damion‚ Norican‚ Meddon
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- Vincent Connare
- Designers: Vincent Connare
- Typefaces: Magpie‚ Comic Sans‚ Trebuchet‚ Wildstyle‚ Webdings
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- Moretype
- Designers: Chris Dickinson
- Typefaces: Bale‚ Bale Mono‚ Rehn‚ Rehn Condensed‚ Alwyn New‚ Mic 32 New‚ Alber New‚ Alwyn New Rounded‚ Depot New‚ Depot New Con.‚ Faricy New‚ Hedley New‚ Mic 32 New Rounded‚ Varly
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- G-Type
- Designers: Nick Cooke
- Typefaces: Rollerscript‚ Olicana‚ Houschka Pro‚ Houschka Alt Pro‚ Chevin Pro‚ Organon Sans‚ Organon Serif‚ Gizmo‚ Accent Graphic‚ Amulet‚ Chevin Eco‚ Digitalis‚ Geetype‚ Houschka Rounded‚ Houschka Rounded Alt‚ Morpeth‚ Nubian‚ Precious Sans‚ Precious Sans Two‚ Precious Serif‚ Remora Sans‚ Remora Corp.‚ Sovereign‚ Sovereign Display‚ ITC Dartangnon‚ FF Penguin‚ Tesco Finest
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- Carter & Cone Type Inc.
- Designers: Matthew Carter
- Typefaces: Alisal‚ Auriol‚ Bell Centennial‚ Big Caslon‚ Big Figgins‚ Carter Sans‚ Cascade Script‚ Cochin‚ Elephant‚ Fenway‚ French 111‚ Georgia‚ ITC Charter‚ ITC Galliard‚ ITC New Baskerville‚ Mantinia‚ Miller Text‚ Miller Display‚ Miller Headline‚ Miller Banner‚ Monticello‚ Olympian‚ Rocky‚ Roster‚ Shelly Script‚ Sitka‚ Skia‚ Snell Roundhand‚ Sophia‚ Stilson‚ Tahoma‚ Verdana‚ Vincent‚ Walker‚ Wilson Greek‚ Wrigley‚ Yale
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- Toshi Omagari
- Designers: Toshi Omagari (大曲都市)
- Typefaces: Albertus Nova‚ Cowhand‚ Marco‚ Neue Haas Unica‚ Neue Plak‚ Metro Nova‚ Sachsenwald‚ Wolpe Fanfare‚ Wolpe Pegasus‚ Wolpe Tempest‚ Belinsky‚ Belinsky Text‚ Comic Code‚ Comic Code Ligatures‚ Tabulamore Script‚ Tangerine
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- Club Type
- Designers: Adrian Williams
- Typefaces: Admark®‚ Bulldog®‚ Bulldog Hunter Std®‚ Bulldog Slab®‚ Bulldog Std®‚ Club Type®‚ Club Type Script Pro‚ Congress Sans®‚ Eurocrat®‚ Monkton®‚ Poseidon®‚ Rileyson™‚ Sassoon Fonts
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- Helios Capdevila
- Designers: Helios Capdevila
- Typefaces: Letter Dazed‚ Rapport‚ Anchorage‚ Rotonda
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- Matt Willey
- Designers: Matt Willey
- Typefaces: Travel‚ BWord‚ Fogerty‚ AType‚ MFred‚ MFred Rounded‚ Port One‚ Timmons‚ NSW01‚ Blakey Slab
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- Letterjuice
- Designers: Ferran Milan‚ Pilar Cano
- Typefaces: Quars‚ Baldufa‚ Aanaar‚ Aurélie
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- Cinetype
- Designers: Michele Patanè
- Typefaces: Fabbrica‚ Malden Sans
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- Type.land
- Designers: Alessia Mazzarella
- Typefaces: Rossella Hairline‚ Prakashan‚ SMN‚ Baleen‚ Blues Factory
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- Elena Papassissa
- Designers: Elena Papassissa
- Typefaces: Underw‚ Brede‚ Dave‚ Slash Dash‚ Flaxam‚ Dorique‚ Noto Armenian‚ Lekton‚ Dr Jekyll & Miss Hyde
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- Mike Gallagher
- Designers: Mike Gallagher
- Typefaces: Gross‚ Shelter‚ Uniform‚ Sans Roman‚ Artisan
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- Marc Weymann Design
- Designers: Marc Weymann
- Typefaces: Formal Serif‚ Formal Sans‚ GlobusHandschrift‚ McDonalds‚ PantographSans‚ ToyotaDisplay‚ TheOpenAlpha
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- Newlyn
- Designers: Miles Newlyn
- Typefaces: New Zen‚ New Herman‚ TP Rubrik‚ TP Rubrik Edge‚ TP Frank‚ TP Farm‚ TP Zen‚ TP Hero‚ TP Atten‚ Sky‚ Zaha Hadid Sans‚ EE Nobblee‚ Joy Sans‚ WGSN Headline‚ HTC Hand‚ Macmillan Headline‚ Tate New Pro‚ Openworld
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- Brody Associates
- Designers: Neville Brody‚ Luke Prowse
- Typefaces: England Brody‚ Calvert Brody‚ Channel 4 Horseferry‚ Channel 4 Chadwick‚ SamsungOne
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- Barnbrook Fonts
- Designers: Jonathan Barnbrook
- Typefaces: Bastard‚ Bourgeois‚ Bourgeois Slab‚ Coma‚ Delux‚ Doctrine‚ Doctrine Stencil‚ Doublethink‚ Drone‚ Echelon‚ Exocet‚ Expletive script‚ False Idol‚ Hopeless Diamond‚ Infidel‚ Mason sans‚ Mason serif‚ Melancholia‚ Moron‚ Newspeak‚ Nixonscript‚ Nylon & Draylon‚ Patriot‚ Priori Acute‚ Priori Sans‚ Priori Serif‚ Prototype‚ Prozac‚ Regime‚ Resolution‚ Sarcastic‚ Shock & Awe‚ State Machine‚ Tourette‚ Virus Deja Vu‚ Virus VujaDe‚ Olympukes‚ Olympukes 2012‚ Apocalypso
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- Family Type
- Designers: Briton Smith
- Typefaces: Athletics‚ Bossa‚ Modern Era‚ Universal Sans‚ Universal Serif
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- Op. Cit. Ibid. Type Foundry
- Designers: Kia Tasbihgou
- Typefaces: Propos‚ Taper‚ Jeder Grotesque‚ Peace
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- Designers: John Morgan‚ Adrien Vasquez
- Typefaces: Berthe‚ English Egyptian‚ Nizioleti
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- Branding with Type
- Designers: Alberto Romanos‚ Thom Niessink
- Typefaces: Bw Aleta‚ Bw Beto‚ Bw Darius‚ Bw Glenn Sans‚ Bw Glenn Slab‚ Bw Gradual‚ Bw Helder‚ Bw JS1‚ Bw Mitga‚ Bw Modelica‚ Bw Modelica Condensed‚ Bw Modelica Expanded‚ Bw Modelica LGC‚ Bw Modelica Ultra Condensed‚ Bw Nista‚ Bw Quinta Pro‚ Bw Seido Raw‚ Bw Seido Round‚ Bw Stretch‚ Bw Surco‚ Bw Vivant
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- Mass-Driver
- Designers: Rutherford Craze
- Typefaces: MD System‚ MD Eight‚ Nichrome
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- Boulevard LAB
- Designers: Sam Glen Hughes
- Typefaces: BL Arctic‚ Avenue Mono‚ Sometimes Times‚ Oatmeal Sans‚ George Display‚ Lothian Sans‚ Office Times‚ Kale Sans
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- British Standard Type
- Designers: Haakon Spencer‚ Matthew Fenton
- Typefaces: BST Bazaine‚ BST Ritma‚ BST Symbol
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- The Foundry Types
- Designers: David Quay‚ Stuart de Rozario
- Typefaces: Foundry Tiento‚ Architype Ingenieur‚ Architype Renner‚ Foundry Context‚ Foundry Dat‚ Foundry Dit‚ Foundry Fabriek‚ Foundry Flek‚ Foundry Form Sans‚ Foundry Form Serif‚ Foundry Gridnik‚ Foundry Journal‚ Foundry Monoline‚ Foundry Old Style‚ Foundry Origin‚ Foundry Plek‚ Foundry Sans‚ Foundry Sterling‚ Foundry Wilson‚ New Alphabet‚ Architype Catalogue Soft Outline‚ Architype Catalogue Soft Solid‚ Architype Fodor‚ Architype Stedelijk‚ Architype Vierkant‚ Architype Albers‚ Architype Aubette‚ Architype Schwitters‚ Architype Van Doesburg‚ Architype Van der Leck‚ Architype Ballmer‚ Architype Bayer‚ Architype Bayer-Type‚ Architype Bill‚ Architype Tschichold
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- Typeland
- Designers: Alessia Mazzarella‚ Vaibhav Singh
- Typefaces: Amifer‚ Balbum‚ Langar‚ Zubtrak Stencil‚ Frequencies
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- Foundry5
- Designers: Mohamad Dakak‚ Pria Ravichandran‚ Kostas Bartsokas
- Typefaces: Jali Latin‚ Jali Arabic‚ Jali Greek
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- Frost
- Designers: Harrison Marshall
- Typefaces: System‚ System Mono‚ Bureau‚ Polar‚ Polar Mono‚ Polar Semi Mono
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- Sociotype
- Designers: Joe Leadbeater‚ Nigel Bates‚ Nic Carter‚ James Cramp‚ Alicia Mundy
- Typefaces: Onsite‚ Gestura‚ Rework
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