310 results for "The FA"

- Swiss Typefaces
- Designers: Swiss Typefaces design team
- Typefaces: Suisse Sign‚ Suisse Works‚ Suisse Neue‚ Suisse Int’l‚ Suisse Int’l Condensed‚ Suisse Int’l Mono‚ SangBleu‚ SangBleu Sans‚ SangBleu Courtesan‚ Simplon Norm‚ Simplon Mono‚ Romain Headline‚ Romain Text‚ Euclid Flex‚ New Paris‚ TheW Clan‚ TheW NYC‚ KRSNA‚ BRRR‚ Riviera‚ Euclid Stencil‚ Capital‚ L’Officiel Headline‚ L’Officiel Text‚ Esquire‚ Mugler‚ L’Hebdo Egyptian‚ L’Hebdo Sans‚ HBC Duo‚ HBC Mono‚ Grazia‚ Vogue Brasil‚ SangBleu Vogue Turkey‚ Suisse special‚ Passion
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- Ben Kiel
- Designers: Ben Kiel
- Typefaces: Cortado Script‚ Dala Prisma‚ Cimarron‚ Eames Frames‚ Girard Slab‚ Girard Sky‚ Goliath‚ Lucky Times‚ Neutraface Display Cyrillic‚ West Barnum‚ Worthe Numerals‚ Carlstedt Script
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- Canada Type
- Designers: Rebecca Alaccari‚ Patrick Griffin
- Typefaces: Adams‚ Adore‚ Agent‚ Albertan Pro‚ Alexander Quill‚ Alexia‚ Ambassador Script‚ Annonce‚ Apricot‚ Aragon‚ Aragon Condensed‚ Aragon ST‚ Aragon Sans‚ Archie‚ Autobats‚ Bella Donna‚ Big Brush‚ Bigfoot‚ Birthday‚ Blackhaus‚ Blanchard‚ Bluebeard‚ Bolero‚ Book Jacket‚ Boondock‚ Bouwsma Script‚ Bouwsma Text‚ Boyscout‚ Broken‚ Bruschetta‚ Busted‚ Caper Comic‚ Captain Comic‚ Celebrity‚ Centennial Script‚ Chalice‚ Chapter 11‚ Chikita‚ Chopper‚ Circulaire‚ Clarendon Text‚ Clarendon Wide‚ Classic Comic‚ Coconut‚ Collector Comic‚ Common Comic‚ Cotillion Pro‚ Cougar‚ Crescendo‚ Crucifix‚ Dancebats‚ Didot Display‚ Didot Headline‚ Diploma‚ Diva‚ Dokument Pro‚ Dominion‚ Dominique‚ Doobie‚ Driver Gothic‚ Dutch Mediaeval Book ST‚ Dutch Mediaeval Pro ST‚ Dutch Mediaeval‚ Evolver‚ Fab‚ Fantini‚ Fellowship‚ Fido‚ Firefly‚ Flirt‚ Fontella‚ Fore‚ Formula‚ Freco‚ Fury‚ Gala‚ Gallery‚ Gamer‚ Gaslon‚ Gator‚ Gaulois‚ Genesis‚ Genie‚ Geronimo‚ Gibson‚ Goudy Two Shoes‚ Go‚ Grippo‚ Guillotine‚ Guinevere Pro‚ Gumball‚ Hamlet‚ Happy‚ Heathen‚ Hortensia‚ Huckleberry‚ Hunter‚ Hydrogen‚ Informa Pro‚ Informa‚ Isabelle Pro‚ Jackpot‚ Janice‚ Jazz Gothic‚ Jezebel‚ Jimi‚ Jingo‚ Johnny‚ Jojo‚ Jonah‚ Jupiter Pro‚ Jupiter‚ King Tut‚ King Wood‚ Kofi‚ Kumlien Pro‚ Lancelot Pro‚ Lapis Pro‚ Latex‚ Leather‚ Leo‚ Lexington‚ Libertine‚ Lionheart‚ Lipstick‚ Lorenzo‚ Lotto‚ Louis‚ Loxley‚ Luminari‚ Lyra‚ Maestro‚ Martie‚ Marvin‚ Mascara‚ Mauritius‚ Mayfair‚ Memoriam Pro‚ Memoriam‚ Merc‚ Messenger‚ Middleton Brush‚ Miedinger‚ Militia Sans‚ Militia‚ Minuet‚ Mirabel‚ Monte Cristo‚ Moxie‚ Mullen Hand‚ Naga‚ Neil Bold‚ Nuke‚ Odette‚ Orotund‚ Orpheus Pro‚ Outcast‚ Oxygen‚ Paganini‚ Pendulum‚ Pipa‚ Platoon‚ Player‚ Plywood‚ Poster Paint‚ Press Gothic‚ Puma‚ Quanta‚ Quiller‚ Ratio Modern‚ Rawhide‚ Recta‚ Redwood‚ Reiner Hand‚ Rhino‚ Robur‚ Roma‚ Ronaldson‚ Roos ST‚ Roos‚ Rostrum‚ Runway‚ Rush‚ Sailor‚ Salome‚ Santini‚ Screener‚ Scroll‚ Secret Scrypt‚ Semplicita Pro‚ Serena‚ Showboat‚ Shred‚ Silk Script‚ Sincerely‚ Siren Script‚ Skullbats‚ Slinger‚ Social Gothic 2‚ Social Gothic‚ Social Stencil‚ Soft Press‚ Sol Pro‚ Spade‚ Spadina‚ Stalker‚ Steiner Special‚ Sterling Script‚ Stern Pro‚ Stock‚ Storyville‚ Stretto‚ Styx‚ Sultan‚ Swan Song‚ Sympathique‚ Symposium Pro‚ Tabarnak‚ Taboo‚ Teaspoon‚ Testament‚ Tomato‚ Torquemada‚ Totemic‚ Treasury Pro‚ Treasury‚ Trump Gothic Pro‚ Trump Script‚ Trump Soft Pro‚ Tuba‚ Tupelo‚ VIP‚ Valet‚ Verso‚ Vox Round‚ Vox‚ Wagner Grotesk‚ Wagner Round‚ Wagner Script‚ Walter‚ Wilke Kursiv‚ Wonder Brush‚ Zigarre‚ Zilvertype Pro
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- CyberGraphics
- Designers: Jan Erasmus
- Typefaces: Ethereum‚ Azania‚ Azania Tuscan‚ Transition‚ Menyaka‚ Lalibela‚ Export Unicase‚ Thornface‚ Pixeluxe‚ Nando’s‚ Mzansi‚ Giramundo‚ Shaftciti‚ Aphrodite
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- Emigre
- Designers: Mark Andresen ‚ Bob Aufuldish ‚ Jonathan Barnbrook ‚ Rodrigo Cavazos ‚ Barry Deck ‚ Eric Donelan ‚ John Downer ‚ Xavier Dupré‚ Elliott Peter Earls ‚ Edward Fella ‚ Martin Friedl ‚ Sibylle Hagmann ‚ Berton Hasebe ‚ Frank Heine ‚ John Hersey ‚ Jeffery Keedy ‚ Nancy Mazzei‚ Brian Kelly ‚ Zuzana Licko ‚ P. Scott Makela‚ Conor Mangat‚ Miles Newlyn‚ Claudio Piccinini‚ Christian Schwartz‚ Rudy VanderLans
- Typefaces: Matrix II‚ Matrix II Display‚ Triplex‚ Triplex Italic‚ Democratica‚ Dalliance‚ Exocet‚ Mason‚ Filosofia‚ Mr Eaves Sans‚ Mr Eaves XL Sans‚ Mrs Eaves‚ Mrs Eaves XL‚ Alda‚ Apollo‚ Arbitrary‚ Backspacer‚ Base 9 and 12‚ Base 900‚ Base Monospace‚ Big Cheese‚ Blockhead‚ Blockhead Illustrations‚ Brothers‚ Cardea‚ Cholla‚ Citizen‚ Council‚ Dead History‚ Dogma‚ Eidetic‚ Elektrix‚ Elliott's‚ Fairplex‚ FellaParts‚ Hypnopaedia‚ Journal‚ Keedy‚ Lo-Res‚ Los Feliz‚ Lunatix‚ Malaga‚ Missionary‚ Modula‚ Modula Round‚ Motion‚ Narly‚ NotCaslon‚ Oakland‚ Oblong‚ Ottomat‚ OutWest‚ Platelet‚ Poppi‚ Priori‚ Priori Acute‚ Program‚ Puzzler‚ Remedy‚ Sabbath Black‚ Senator‚ Soda Script‚ Solex‚ Suburban‚ Tall Pack‚ Tarzana‚ Template Gothic‚ Thingbat‚ Totally Gothic‚ Tribute‚ Variex‚ Vendetta‚ Vista Sans‚ Vista Sans Narrow‚ Vista Slab‚ Whirligig‚ ZeitGuys
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- FontFont
- Designers: Michael Abbink‚ Bruce Alcock‚ Phil Baines‚ Andreu Balius‚ Eddie Baret‚ Donald Beekman‚ Axel Bertram‚ Peter Bil'ak‚ Evert Bloemsma‚ Erik van Blokland‚ Tony Booth‚ Albert Boton‚ Felix Braden‚ Jürgen Brinckmann‚ Neville Brody‚ Chris Burke‚ Ralph du Carrois‚ Joan Carles Pérez Casasín‚ chester‚ Hyun Cho‚ James Closs‚ Nick Cooke‚ John Critchley‚ Critzla‚ David Crow‚ Joel Decker‚ Livius Dietzel‚ Hannes von Döhren‚ Timothy Donaldson‚ Susanna Dulkinys‚ Xavier Dupré‚ Lukasz Dziedzic‚ Andreas Eigendorf‚ Johannes Erler‚ Oded Ezer‚ Hannes Famira‚ Tobias Frere-Jones‚ Daniel Fritz‚ Andreas Frohloff‚ Val Fullard‚ Malcolm Garrett‚ Verena Gerlach‚ Pepe Gimeno‚ Alan Dague-Greene‚ Stefan Hägerling‚ Marianne van Ham‚ Markus Hanzer‚ Panos Haratzopoulos‚ Frank Heine‚ Jörg Hemker‚ Elke Herrnberger‚ Jonathan Hitchen‚ Jürgen Huber‚ Fedor Hüneke‚ Rian Hughes‚ Maik Ignaszak‚ Yanek Iontef‚ Jan Jedding‚ Matthias Jordan‚ Andreas Jung‚ Per Jørgensen‚ Christoph Kalscheuer‚ Nicole Kapitza‚ Claudia Kipp‚ Robert Kirchner‚ Max Kisman‚ Stefan Kisters‚ Manfred Klein‚ Barbara Klunder‚ Akira Kobayashi‚ Travis Kochel‚ Astrid Koenig‚ Sami Kortemäki‚ Andrej Krátky‚ Henning Krause‚ Tobias Kvant‚ Paul van der Laan‚ Martin L'Allier‚ Alessio Leonardi‚ Klaus-Dieter Lettau‚ Ingrid Liche‚ Jan Maack‚ Martin Majoor‚ Thomas Marecki‚ Simone May‚ Paul McNeil‚ Dung van Meerbeeck‚ MetaDesign‚ Mitja Miklavcic‚ Othmar Motter‚ Dario Muhafara‚ Hamish Muir‚ Roelof Mulder‚ Joachim Müller-Lancé‚ Stephan Müller‚ Silvio Napoleone‚ Guy Jeffrey Nelson‚ Paul H. Neville‚ Theo Nonnen‚ Örjan Nordling‚ Morten Olsen‚ Maurizio Osti‚ Vivien Palloks‚ Hrant Papazian‚ ParaType‚ Jim Parkinson‚ Jane Patterson‚ Slávka Pauliková‚ Max Phillips‚ Albert Pinggera‚ Albert-Jan Pool‚ Jean François Porchez‚ Darren Raven‚ Matthias Rawald‚ Hans Reichel‚ Norbert Reiners‚ Achaz Reuss‚ Just van Rossum‚ Fabian Rottke‚ Siegfried Rückel‚ Alex Rütten‚ Steffen Sauerteig‚ Ole Schäfer‚ Fabrizio Schiavi‚ Lukas Schneider‚ Alex Scholing‚ Christina Schultz‚ Christian Schwartz‚ Stefanie Schwarz‚ Pierre di Sciullo‚ Ben Shahn‚ Nick Shinn‚ John Siddle‚ H. A. Simon‚ Henning Skibbe‚ Fred Smeijers‚ Svend Smital‚ Göran Söderström‚ Viktor Solt-Bittner‚ Kris Sowersby‚ Erik Spiekermann‚ Nina Stössinger‚ Mindaugas Strockis‚ Inka Strotmann‚ Paul Sych‚ Julia Sysmäläinen‚ György Szönyei‚ Ole Søndergaard‚ Jeremy Tankard‚ Mårten Thavenius‚ Matthias Thiesen‚ Ludwig Übele‚ Daniel Utz‚ Peter Verheul‚ Kai Vermehr‚ Henning Wagenbreth‚ Eva Walter‚ Peter G. Warren‚ Martin Wenzel‚ Cornel Windlin‚ Gerd Wippich‚ Ian Wright‚ Martin Wunderlich‚ Yanone‚ Florian Zietz‚ Kai Zimmermann‚ Pascal Zoghbi
- Typefaces: FF 0069‚ FF 9600‚ FF A Lazy Day‚ FF Aad‚ FF Absara‚ FF Absara Headline‚ FF Absara Sans‚ FF Absara Sans Headline‚ FF Acanthus‚ FF Acanthus Open‚ FF Acanthus Text‚ FF Advert‚ FF Advert Rough‚ FF Aircraft‚ FF Alega‚ FF Alega Serif‚ FF Amman Sans‚ FF Amman Serif‚ FF Amoeba‚ FF Angie‚ FF Angie Open‚ FF Angkoon‚ FF Angst‚ FF Angst Mix‚ FF Antithesis‚ FF Archian Amphora‚ FF Archian Amphora Sans‚ FF Archian Boogie Woogie‚ FF Archian Initial‚ FF Archian Labirintus‚ FF Archian Labirintus Sans‚ FF Archian Night‚ FF Archian Normal‚ FF Archian Plastic‚ FF Archian Stencil‚ FF Archian Wilmos‚ FF Assuri‚ FF Atlanta‚ FF Atma Serif‚ FF Atomium‚ FF Atomium Outline‚ FF Automatic‚ FF Autotrace Double‚ FF Autotrace Five‚ FF Autotrace Nine‚ FF Autotrace One‚ FF Autotrace Outline‚ FF Avance‚ FF Bagel‚ FF Balance‚ FF Basic Gothic‚ FF Bau‚ FF Bauer Grotesk‚ FF Baukasten Five‚ FF Baukasten Four‚ FF Baukasten One‚ FF Baukasten Six‚ FF Baukasten Three‚ FF Baukasten Two‚ FF Beadmap Inline‚ FF Beadmap Outline‚ FF Beekman Square‚ FF BeoSans Hard‚ FF BeoSans Soft‚ FF Beowolf‚ FF Berlage‚ FF Bionic Dynamic‚ FF Bionic Organic‚ FF Bionic Static‚ FF Blur‚ FF Bokka Drawings‚ FF Bokka Half Shadow‚ FF Bokka Outline‚ FF Bokka Shadow‚ FF Bokka Solid‚ FF Boomshanker‚ FF Boomshanker Solid‚ FF Bradlo Sans‚ FF Bradlo Slab‚ FF Brokenscript‚ FF Brokenscript Rough‚ FF Bull Double‚ FF Bull Inked‚ FF Bull Outline‚ FF Bull OverInked‚ FF Bull SemiInked‚ FF Bull UnderInked‚ FF Burokrat One‚ FF Burokrat Three‚ FF Burokrat Two‚ FF Call Eight‚ FF Call Eight Negative‚ FF Call Five L‚ FF Call Five L Negative‚ FF Call Five S‚ FF Call Five S Negative‚ FF Call Four L‚ FF Call Four L Negative‚ FF Call Four S‚ FF Call Four S Negative‚ FF Call Nine L‚ FF Call Nine L Negative‚ FF Call Nine S‚ FF Call Nine S Negative‚ FF Call One‚ FF Call One Negative‚ FF Call Seven‚ FF Call Seven Negative‚ FF Call Six‚ FF Call Six Negative‚ FF Call Three‚ FF Call Three Negative‚ FF Call Two‚ FF Call Two Negative‚ FF Care Pack‚ FF Carina‚ FF Carolus Magnus‚ FF Cartonnage‚ FF Cartonnage Pict‚ FF Casus‚ FF Catch Words One‚ FF Catch Words Two‚ FF Cavolfiore‚ FF Celeste‚ FF Celeste Sans‚ FF Celeste Small Text‚ FF Cellini‚ FF Cellini Titling‚ FF Chambers Sans‚ FF Chartwell Bars‚ FF Chartwell Bars Vertical‚ FF Chartwell Lines‚ FF Chartwell Pies‚ FF Chartwell Radar‚ FF Chartwell Rings‚ FF Chartwell Rose‚ FF Chelsea‚ FF Chemo Bubble‚ FF Chemo Bubble Dot‚ FF Chemo Bubble Dot Stroke‚ FF Chemo Bubble Stroke‚ FF Chemo Dirty Stroke‚ FF Chemo Dot‚ FF Chemo Dot Stroke‚ FF Chemo Double Stroke‚ FF Chemo Line‚ FF Chemo Mixer‚ FF Chemo Stroke‚ FF Chernobyl‚ FF Childs Play Age Eight‚ FF Childs Play Age Five‚ FF Childs Play Age Nine‚ FF Childs Play Age Seven‚ FF Childs Play Age Six‚ FF Childs Play Age Ten‚ FF Childs Play Dingbats‚ FF Clair‚ FF Clan‚ FF Clifford Eighteen‚ FF Clifford Nine‚ FF Clifford Six‚ FF Cocon‚ FF Coltello‚ FF Confidential‚ FF Container‚ FF Craft‚ FF Craft Reversed‚ FF CrashBangWallop‚ FF CrashBangWallop Contoured‚ FF CrashBangWallop Highlight‚ FF Cst Berlin East‚ FF Cst Berlin East Original‚ FF Cst Berlin East Original Round‚ FF Cst Berlin West‚ FF Cst Berlin West Original‚ FF Cube‚ FF Cutout‚ FF Dagny‚ FF Danubia‚ FF Danubia Script‚ FF Dax‚ FF Dax Compact‚ FF Daxline‚ FF Dig‚ FF DIN‚ FF DIN Arabic‚ FF DIN Round‚ FF Dingbats 2.0 Arrows One‚ FF Dingbats 2.0 Arrows Three‚ FF Dingbats 2.0 Arrows Two‚ FF Dingbats 2.0 Basic Forms‚ FF Dingbats 2.0 Circles and Crosses‚ FF Dingbats 2.0 Human‚ FF Dingbats 2.0 Mixed Forms‚ FF Dingbats 2.0 Numbers‚ FF Dingbats 2.0 Office‚ FF Dingbats 2.0 Stars and Flowers‚ FF Dingbats 2.0 Strong Forms‚ FF Dingbats 2.0 Technics‚ FF Dirty Four‚ FF Dirty One‚ FF Dirty Seven One‚ FF Dirty Seven Two‚ FF Dirty Six‚ FF Dirty Three‚ FF Dirtyfax‚ FF District‚ FF Disturbance‚ FF Dog‚ FF Dolores‚ FF Dome Headline‚ FF Dome Text‚ FF Dora‚ FF Dora Display‚ FF Dot Matrix Grid‚ FF Dot Matrix One‚ FF Dot Matrix Two‚ FF Dotty Part One‚ FF Dotty Part Three‚ FF Dotty Part Two‚ FF Double Digits Diamond‚ FF Double Digits Round‚ FF Double Digits Square‚ FF Double Digits Super Square‚ FF Double Dutch Smooth‚ FF Droids‚ FF Droids Sans‚ FF DuChirico‚ FF DuDuchamp‚ FF DuGauguin‚ FF DuMathieu‚ FF DuMifu‚ FF DuMoore‚ FF DuMoore Inline‚ FF Duper‚ FF DuTurner‚ FF Dynamoe‚ FF Eboy EXT‚ FF Eboy REG‚ FF Eboy TNT‚ FF Eddie‚ FF Eggo‚ FF Ekttor‚ FF Ekttor Mixed‚ FF Elegie‚ FF Elementa‚ FF Elementa Rough‚ FF Elementary Earth‚ FF Elementary Life‚ FF Elementary Space‚ FF Engine‚ FF Enzo‚ FF Erikrighthand‚ FF Ernestine‚ FF Eureka‚ FF Eureka Mono‚ FF Eureka Sans‚ FF Extra‚ FF Fago‚ FF Fago Correspondence Sans‚ FF Fago Correspondence Serif‚ FF Fago Mono‚ FF Falafel‚ FF FancyWriting‚ FF Flava‚ FF Flava Hi‚ FF Flava Lo‚ FF Flava Round‚ FF Fleches Left Right‚ FF Fleches Up Down‚ FF Flightcase‚ FF Folk‚ FF Folk Rough‚ FF Fontesque‚ FF Fontesque Display‚ FF Fontesque Sans‚ FF Fontesque Text‚ FF FontSoup Catalan‚ FF FontSoup German‚ FF Forchetta‚ FF Franklinstein‚ FF Franziska‚ FF Friday‚ FF Fudoni One‚ FF Fudoni Three‚ FF Fudoni Two‚ FF Gateway A One‚ FF Gateway A Two‚ FF Gateway B One‚ FF Gateway B Two‚ FF GeaebOil‚ FF Ginger‚ FF Ginger Icons‚ FF Ginger Flamboyant‚ FF Golden Gate Gothic‚ FF Good‚ FF Good Headline‚ FF Gothic‚ FF Govan‚ FF Graffio Difensivo‚ FF Graffio Offensivo‚ FF Graffio Visivo‚ FF Handwriter‚ FF Handwriter Symbols‚ FF Hardsoul‚ FF Harlem‚ FF Harlem Slang‚ FF Headz‚ FF Hertz‚ FF Hip‚ FF Holmen‚ FF Holmen Headline‚ FF Humanist‚ FF Hydra‚ FF Hydra Text‚ FF Identification Five C‚ FF Identification Four S‚ FF Identification One‚ FF Identification Three F‚ FF Identification Two M‚ FF Imperial Bone‚ FF Imperial Long Bone‚ FF Imperial Long Spike‚ FF Imperial Spike‚ FF Info Correspondence‚ FF Info Display‚ FF Info Pict Four‚ FF Info Pict One‚ FF Info Pict Plus‚ FF Info Pict Three‚ FF Info Pict Two‚ FF Info Produkt‚ FF Info Produkt Left Bleed‚ FF Info Produkt Right Bleed‚ FF Info Text‚ FF Inkling‚ FF InnerCity Brixton‚ FF InnerCity Camberwell‚ FF Instanter‚ FF Iodine‚ FF Iodine Negative‚ FF Irregular‚ FF Irregular Caps‚ FF Irregular Inline‚ FF Isonorm‚ FF Isonorm Monospaced‚ FF Jackie‚ FF Jackie Block‚ FF Jackie Fill‚ FF Jacque‚ FF Jambono‚ FF Jigger Angled‚ FF Jigger Angled Back‚ FF Jigger Angled Front‚ FF Jigger Rounded‚ FF Jigger Rounded Back‚ FF Jigger Rounded Front‚ FF JohannesG‚ FF Justlefthand‚ FF Karbid‚ FF Karbid Display‚ FF Karbid Slab‚ FF Karbid Text‚ FF Karo Column‚ FF Karo Dot‚ FF Karo Line‚ FF Karton‚ FF Kath‚ FF Kath Inline‚ FF Kava‚ FF Kievit‚ FF Kievit Slab‚ FF Kipp No Five‚ FF Kipp No Four‚ FF Kipp No One‚ FF Kipp No Seven‚ FF Kipp No Six‚ FF Kipp No Three‚ FF Kipp No Two‚ FF Klunder Script‚ FF Knobcheese‚ FF Knobcheese Initials‚ FF Knobcheese Outline‚ FF Koberger‚ FF Koko Five‚ FF Koko Four‚ FF Koko One‚ FF Koko Three‚ FF Koko Two‚ FF Kosmik‚ FF Kosmik Glyphs‚ FF Kurt‚ FF Lance‚ FF Layout‚ FF Legato‚ FF Letter Gothic Mono‚ FF Letter Gothic Slang‚ FF Letter Gothic Slang Text‚ FF Letter Gothic Text‚ FF Letterine‚ FF Letterine Archetipetti One‚ FF Letterine Archetipetti Two‚ FF Letterine Esagerate‚ FF Letterine Teatro‚ FF Liant‚ FF Littles‚ FF Localizer Sans‚ FF Localizer Serif‚ FF Luggagetag Grid‚ FF Luggagetag One‚ FF Luggagetag Two‚ FF Lukrezia‚ FF Mach‚ FF Madonna‚ FF Magda‚ FF Magda Cameo‚ FF Magda Clean‚ FF Magda Clean Mono‚ FF Magda Mixed‚ FF Magda Trash‚ FF Mambo‚ FF Manga Steel‚ FF Manga Steel Outline‚ FF Manga Stone‚ FF Manga Stone Outline‚ FF Mark‚ FF Marker‚ FF Market‚ FF Marselis‚ FF Marselis Slab‚ FF Marselis Serif‚ FF Marten‚ FF Marten Grotesque‚ FF Masala‚ FF Masala Script‚ FF Massive 1 Base‚ FF Massive 1 Line‚ FF Massive 1 Solid‚ FF Massive 1 Top‚ FF Massive 2 Base‚ FF Massive 2 Line‚ FF Massive 2 Solid‚ FF Massive 2 Top‚ FF Masterpiece Allegro‚ FF Masterpiece Andante‚ FF Matinee Gothic‚ FF Matto‚ FF Matto Porco‚ FF Matto Sans‚ FF Maverick‚ FF Max‚ FF FF Max Pro‚ FF Max Condensed Pro‚ Max Demi Serif‚ FF Megano‚ FF Merlin‚ FF Meta‚ FF Meta Correspondence‚ FF Meta Headline‚ FF Meta Plus Boiled‚ FF Meta Plus Subnormal‚ FF Meta Serif‚ FF Metamorph‚ FF Milo‚ FF Milo Serif‚ FF Milo Slab‚ FF Minimum A‚ FF Minimum Bichro Horizontal‚ FF Minimum Bichro Vertical‚ FF Minimum Bong‚ FF Minimum Crible‚ FF Minimum Eclair‚ FF Minimum Ivre‚ FF Minimum Plafond‚ FF Minimum Sol‚ FF Minimum Toc‚ FF Mister K‚ FF Mister K Crossout‚ FF Mister K Dingbats‚ FF Mister K Informal‚ FF Mister K Onstage‚ FF Mister K Splendid‚ FF Mode01‚ FF Moonbase Alpha‚ FF More‚ FF Motel Gothic‚ FF Motive‚ FF Motter Festival‚ FF Mulinex‚ FF Murphy‚ FF Mutilated‚ FF Mutilated Plain Caps‚ FF Nelio Round Bar Script‚ FF Nelio Round Link Script‚ FF Nelio Round Script‚ FF Nelio Square Bar Script‚ FF Nelio Square Script‚ FF Netto‚ FF Netto Icons‚ FF Network‚ FF Newberlin‚ FF Newberlin Rough‚ FF Nexus Mix‚ FF Nexus Sans‚ FF Nexus Serif‚ FF Nexus Typewriter‚ FF Noni Too‚ FF Noni Wan‚ FF Nort‚ FF Nuvo‚ FF Nuvo Mono‚ FF OCR F‚ FF Offline‚ FF Offline Outline‚ FF Offline Rough‚ FF Olsen‚ FF Oneleigh‚ FF Ophelia‚ FF Orbital‚ FF Ottofont‚ FF Outlander‚ FF Outlander Binary‚ FF Outlander White‚ FF Overdose‚ FF Oxide Solid‚ FF Oxide Stencil‚ FF Oxmox‚ FF Page Sans‚ FF Page Serif‚ FF Papertape Dots‚ FF Papertape Dots Cameo‚ FF Papertape Letters‚ FF Papertape Letters Cameo‚ FF Parable‚ FF Parango‚ FF PEECOL Basic‚ FF PEECOL Basic Plus‚ FF PEECOL Ebot‚ FF PEECOL Ebot Plus‚ FF PEECOL Kicker‚ FF PEECOL Kicker Plus‚ FF PEECOL Play‚ FF PEECOL Play Plus‚ FF PEECOL Pocket One‚ FF PEECOL Pocket Three‚ FF PEECOL Pocket Two‚ FF PEECOL Talk‚ FF PEECOL Talk Plus‚ FF PEECOL Test‚ FF PEECOL Test Plus‚ FF Penguin‚ FF Penguin Outline‚ FF Pepe‚ FF PicLig‚ FF Pitu‚ FF Plus Sans‚ FF Polymorph Base‚ FF Polymorph East‚ FF Polymorph Interformal‚ FF Polymorph North‚ FF Polymorph South‚ FF Polymorph West‚ FF Pop‚ FF Pop LED‚ FF Prater Block‚ FF Prater Block Background‚ FF Prater Block Fill‚ FF Prater Sans‚ FF Prater Script‚ FF Prater Serif‚ FF Primary‚ FF Primary Round‚ FF Primary Stone All‚ FF Primary Stone Bottom‚ FF Primary Stone Left‚ FF Primary Stone Right‚ FF Primary Stone Top‚ FF Priska Serif‚ FF Priska Serif Little Creatures‚ FF Profile‚ FF Providence‚ FF Providence Sans‚ FF Pullman‚ FF Pullman Inline‚ FF Pullman Layer‚ FF Pullman Old‚ FF QType‚ FF QType Square‚ FF Quadraat‚ FF Quadraat Display‚ FF Quadraat Headliner‚ FF Quadraat Sans‚ FF Quadraat Sans Display‚ FF Quadraat Sans Mono‚ FF Quill‚ FF Quixo‚ FF Rattlescript‚ FF Readout One Back‚ FF Readout One Front‚ FF Readout Two Back‚ FF Readout Two Front‚ FF Real Head‚ FF Real Text‚ FF Rekord‚ FF Reminga‚ FF Reminga Titling‚ FF Revolver‚ FF Rians Dingbats Four‚ FF Rians Dingbats One‚ FF Rians Dingbats Three‚ FF Rians Dingbats Two‚ FF Roice‚ FF Ropsen Script‚ FF Rosetta‚ FF Routes A Four‚ FF Routes A One‚ FF Routes A Three‚ FF Routes A Two‚ FF Routes B Four‚ FF Routes B One‚ FF Routes B Three‚ FF Routes B Two‚ FF Sale‚ FF Sale Dingbats‚ FF Sanuk‚ FF Sanuk Big‚ FF Sari‚ FF Saturday‚ FF Scala‚ FF Scala Jewel Crystal‚ FF Scala Jewel Diamond‚ FF Scala Jewel Pearl‚ FF Scala Jewel Saphyr‚ FF Scala Sans‚ FF Schmalhans‚ FF Schmelvetica‚ FF Schoensperger‚ FF Schulbuch Bayern‚ FF Schulbuch Nord‚ FF Schulbuch Süd‚ FF Schulschrift A‚ FF Schulschrift B‚ FF Schulschrift C‚ FF Scratch‚ FF Scratch Outline‚ FF ScratchedOut‚ FF Screen Logger Cool‚ FF Screen Logger Cool Back‚ FF Screen Logger Hot‚ FF Screen Matrix‚ FF Screenstar‚ FF Screenstar Script‚ FF Screenstar Small‚ FF Scribble‚ FF Scribble Less One‚ FF Scribble Less Two‚ FF Scribble Scrawl‚ FF Scribble United‚ FF Scuba‚ FF Seria‚ FF Seria Sans‚ FF Sero‚ FF Sheriff‚ FF Signa‚ FF Signa Correspondence‚ FF Signa Serif‚ FF Signa Serif Stencil‚ FF Signa Slab‚ FF Signa Slab Stencil‚ FF Signa Stencil‚ FF Signa Round‚ FF Singer Sans‚ FF Singer Sans Hard‚ FF Singer Serif‚ FF Singer Serif Hard‚ FF Sizmo‚ FF Snafu‚ FF Snafu Decals‚ FF Snafu Lazy Mix‚ FF Snafu Mix‚ FF Softsoul‚ FF Soupbone‚ FF Soupbone Dingbats‚ FF Speak‚ FF Spinoza‚ FF Spontan‚ FF Stamp Gothic‚ FF Stargate‚ FF Stealth‚ FF Steel Jones‚ FF Steel Mix‚ FF Steel String‚ FF Stoned‚ FF Stoned Border One‚ FF Stoned Border Two‚ FF Stoned Mosaic Five‚ FF Stoned Mosaic Four‚ FF Stoned Mosaic One‚ FF Stoned Mosaic Three‚ FF Stoned Mosaic Two‚ FF Stoned Ornaments One‚ FF Stoned Ornaments Two‚ FF Stoned Rule Four‚ FF Stoned Rule One‚ FF Stoned Rule Three‚ FF Stoned Rule Two‚ FF Stoned Scratches‚ FF Strada‚ FF Studio‚ FF SubMono‚ FF SubVario‚ FF Suhmo‚ FF Sunday‚ FF Super Grotesk‚ FF Tarquinius‚ FF Tartine Script‚ FF ThreeSix‚ FF Tibere‚ FF Tibere Ornaments Banded‚ FF Ticket‚ FF Ticket Invers‚ FF Ticket Mono‚ FF Ticket Negativ‚ FF Tisa‚ FF Tisa Sans‚ FF Tokyo One‚ FF Tokyo One Solid‚ FF Tokyo Two‚ FF Tokyo Two Solid‚ FF Totem‚ FF TradeMarker‚ FF TradeOne‚ FF Tramline‚ FF Transit Back Negativ‚ FF Transit Back Positiv‚ FF Transit Front Negativ‚ FF Transit Front Positiv‚ FF Transit Pict‚ FF Transit Print‚ FF Trixie‚ FF Trixie HD‚ FF Trixie Rough‚ FF Trombo‚ FF Tronic‚ FF Tsunami‚ FF Tundra‚ FF Turmino‚ FF Type-Face‚ FF Typeface Four One‚ FF Typeface Four Two‚ FF Typeface Seven‚ FF Typeface Six‚ FF Typeface Six Point Five‚ FF Typestar‚ FF Typestar OCR‚ FF Tyson‚ FF Uberhand‚ FF Unit‚ FF Unit Rounded‚ FF Unit Slab‚ FF Utility‚ FF Videtur‚ FF Voodoo‚ FF Voodoo Child‚ FF Vortex‚ FF Water Tower‚ FF Witches‚ FF World One‚ FF World Three‚ FF World Two‚ FF Wunderlich‚ FF Xcreen Double‚ FF Xcreen Linex‚ FF Xcreen Straight‚ FF Yakkmakk‚ FF Yoga‚ FF Yoga Sans‚ FF Yokkmokk‚ FF You Can Read Me‚ FF Zan‚ FF Zapata‚ FF Zine Sans Display‚ FF Zine Serif Display‚ FF Zine Slab Display‚ FF Zwo‚ FF Zwo Correspondence
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- Fonts.com
- Typefaces: Abadi®‚ Aitos‚ Albany®‚ Albertina™‚ Albertus®‚ Alisal™‚ Almanac™‚ Amadeo™‚ Amanda™‚ Amasis™‚ Ampersands Regular‚ Andale® Mono‚ Andale® Sans‚ Andy™‚ Antique Roman™‚ Apollo™‚ Applied Sans‚ Aqua Life™‚ Arabesque™ Ornaments‚ Arepo™‚ Arial®‚ Artisan Roman™‚ Artistik™ Regular‚ Arty‚ Ashley Crawford‚ Ashley® Script‚ Astrology‚ Athenaeum™‚ Augusta™‚ Azbuka™‚ Bandolero™ Regular‚ Basilia® MT‚ Monotype Baskerville™‚ Bell®‚ Bembo®‚ Bembo® Book‚ Monotype Bernard™ Condensed‚ PL Bernhardt‚ New Berolina® Regular‚ Biffo™ Regular‚ Binner Gothic™‚ Binner Poster™ Regular‚ Binny Old Style™‚ Black Boton™ Bold‚ Blado®‚ Blueprint™‚ Monotype Bodoni‚ Bon Apetit™‚ Bonita™ Regular‚ Bookman Old Style™‚ Boscribe™ Regular‚ Bosis™‚ Botanical™ Pi‚ Braff™ Regular‚ Braggadocio® Regular‚ Monotype Broadway™‚ Broadway™‚ Buccaneer‚ Buccardi™‚ Buffalo Gal™ Regular‚ Bulmer®‚ Burin™‚ Burin Sans™‚ Cachet™‚ Calisto®‚ Calvert™‚ Camphor™‚ Cantoria®‚ Carré Noir™‚ Cartier™ Book‚ Cartier‚ Caslon Open Face Regular‚ Caslon Titling Regular‚ Castellar® Roman‚ Centaur®‚ Central Station™‚ Monotype Century™‚ Century Gothic™‚ Monotype Century Old Style™‚ Monotype Century™ Schoolbook‚ CG Hollandse/Signature‚ CG Triumvirate‚ Chong Modern™‚ Chong Old Style™‚ Christmas Ornaments™‚ Circle Frame™‚ Citadel Script™‚ CG Clarendon® Book Condensed‚ Monotype New Clarendon®‚ Monotype Clarendon®‚ Clarion®‚ Classic Regular‚ Classic Roman™‚ Monotype Clearface‚ Monotype Clearface Gothic‚ Colmcille®‚ Colonna®‚ Columbus®‚ Comedia™ Medium‚ Commerce Gothic™ Regular‚ Commercial‚ Compacta™ MT Bold‚ Connach‚ Contemporary Ornaments‚ Coronet®‚ Monotype Corsiva®‚ Courier‚ Monotype Courier 12™‚ Courier Line Draw‚ Courier PS‚ Crusader Regular‚ Cumberland®‚ Curlz® Regular‚ Dante®‚ David Hadash™ Formal‚ David Hadash™ Sans‚ David Hadash™ Script‚ David Hadash™ Biblical‚ Daylilies Regular‚ Delima™‚ Diablo™ Regular‚ Diamond™‚ Dinosaurs™ Regular‚ Directions™ Regular‚ Dorchester Script™ Regular‚ Dreamland™‚ Monotype Egyptian™ 72 Extended Regular‚ Ehrhardt®‚ Elegante‚ Ellington®‚ Monotype Engravers™‚ Engravers™ #2‚ Monotype Engravers™ Old English Regular‚ Facade™ Condensed‚ Fairbank™‚ Falstaff™‚ Felbridge™‚ Felix™ Titling Regular‚ Fencing Regular‚ Festival™ Titling‚ Figaro® Regular‚ Fineprint™‚ Flemish Script™‚ Florentine Script™‚ Floridian™ Script Regular‚ Fluidum Bold‚ Footlight®‚ Forte™‚ Fournier™‚ Monotype Franklin Gothic™ Extra Condensed‚ French Script™‚ Frisans™‚ Frontier™ Pi‚ Monotype Gallia™ Regular‚ Monotype Garamond‚ Garth Graphic®‚ Generica™ Condensed‚ Vacation™‚ Gill Sans®‚ Gill Facia‚ Givens Antiqua™‚ Gloucester™‚ Monotype Goudy™‚ Goudy™ Handtooled Handtooled‚ Goudy Ornate MT Regular‚ Monotype Goudy™ Catalogue‚ Monotype Goudy Modern™‚ Goudy Text™‚ Graphite‚ Greeting Monotone™ Regular‚ Monotype Grotesque®‚ Haarlemmer™‚ Hadriano™‚ Handle Oldstyle™‚ Harmonia Sans™‚ Headline™ Bold‚ Helinda Rook™‚ Holidays™‚ Holland Title Regular‚ Hollandse Mediaeval‚ Horley Old Style®‚ Hoyerswerda Fraktur Regular‚ Impact™‚ Imprint™‚ Industrial Gothic™‚ Inflex™ Bold‚ Monotype Ionic®‚ Isabella™ Regular‚ Monotype Italian Old Style™‚ Monotype Janson®‚ Jeunesse™‚ Jeunesse™ Sans‚ Jeunesse™ Slab‚ Joanna®‚ Joanna® Solotype Regular‚ Julietrose™‚ Julius Primary™‚ Keystrokes™‚ Kidprint®‚ Kigali™‚ Kino® Regular‚ Klang® Regular‚ Koorkin‚ Latin Condensed‚ Latin #2‚ Laurentian™‚ Letter Gothic™‚ Liberty Script Regular‚ Light Roman™‚ Monotype Lightline Gothic™ Regular‚ Linex Sans®‚ Linex Sweet™‚ Loft™‚ Logos Service‚ Lotus Regular‚ Monotype Lydian™‚ Mahogany Script™‚ Mahsuri Sans‚ Massif™‚ Matura®‚ Maxime™‚ Medium™ Roman‚ Melodies™ Pi‚ Memo™‚ Menhart™‚ Mentor™‚ Mentor™ Sans‚ Mercurius Script™ Bold‚ Mercurius™‚ Milestones®‚ Monotype® Modern‚ Modernistic Regular‚ Monkey Business™ Pi‚ Monoline Script™ Regular‚ Monotype Sabon®‚ Monotype Walbaum™‚ Monteverdi™‚ Morris Freestyle™ Regular‚ Mosquito™‚ Mosquito™ Formal‚ Mundo Sans™‚ Scotch Roman™‚ Nadianne™‚ Nature Pi‚ Neo® Sans Arabic‚ Neo® Sans‚ Neo® Tech‚ Neographik™ Regular‚ New Gothic Light‚ Monotype News Gothic™‚ Nimrod®‚ Ocean Sans®‚ OCR A Extended‚ Octavian™‚ Old English™‚ Monotype Old English Text™‚ Old Fashion Script™‚ Monotype Old Style®‚ Onyx® Regular‚ Origami™‚ Original Script™‚ Othello™ Regular‚ Oval Frame™‚ Palace Script®‚ Palazzo Caps‚ Parisian™ Regular‚ Parma‚ Parties Pi‚ Pastonchi™‚ Pepita® Regular‚ Perpetua®‚ Perrywood™‚ Phenix American™ Regular‚ Phonetics‚ Photina®‚ Phyllis‚ Placard®‚ Plantin®‚ News Plantin™‚ Plate Gothic™‚ Playtime™ Pi‚ Poliphilus®‚ Pompei™‚ Pompei™ New‚ Quill™‚ Quire Sans‚ Riviera Script™‚ Rockwell®‚ Rococo™ Ornaments‚ Romantica‚ Rotis® Serif‚ Rotis® Sans Serif‚ Rotis® Semi Sans‚ Rotis® Semi Serif‚ Runa Serif™‚ Runic™ Condensed‚ Sackers™ Gothic‚ Sackers Square Gothic‚ Sackers™‚ Sackers™ Solid Antique Roman‚ Sackers™ Classic Roman‚ Sackers™ Script‚ Sassoon® Primary‚ Sassoon® Infant‚ Sassoon® Sans Slope‚ Sassoon® Sans‚ Scene®‚ Scherzo™‚ Monotype Scotch™‚ Scripps College Old Style™‚ Monotype Script™ Bold‚ Shannon™ Premier‚ Shannon™‚ Signs™ Pi‚ Ski Gothic Regular‚ Slate™‚ Egyptian Slate™‚ Smart Sans™‚ Soho®‚ Soho® Gothic‚ Solace Regular‚ Monotype Sorts™ Pi‚ Southwest™‚ Spectrum™‚ Sports™‚ Square Frame™‚ Stockholm™ Regular‚ Stone® Print‚ Storm Sans™‚ Strayhorn®‚ Surrogate‚ Sweeney‚ Swing® Bold‚ Synthetica™‚ Tanseek Modern™‚ Tanseek Traditional™‚ Tazugane Gothic (たづがね角ゴシック)‚ Ter Gast Regular‚ Terminax Regular‚ Thorndale®‚ Times New Roman®‚ Times New Roman® World‚ Toulouse-Lautrec‚ Moulin Rouge‚ Transport™ Pi‚ Truesdell‚ Twentieth Century™‚ Typewriter‚ Typewriter Elite Regular‚ Typewriter Gothic Regular‚ Ulissa‚ Uncial™ Regular‚ Utah‚ Van Dijck®‚ Victoria™ Titling Condensed‚ Wedding Singer™‚ Wedding Text™‚ Wile™‚ Windsor™‚ Wittenberger Fraktur™‚ Wolfsblood‚ Yearbook‚ Ysobel™‚ Zeitgeist™‚ Zemestro™‚ M Hei PRC‚ M Hei HK‚ M Sung PRC‚ M Yuen HK‚ C Hei 2 HK‚ C Wei Bei PRC‚ C Hei 2 PRC‚ M Yuen Traditional Chinese‚ C Yuen 2 PRC‚ M Sung HK‚ M Stiff Hei HK‚ M Yuen PRC‚ M Ellan HK™‚ M Gentle HK‚ C J Ngai HK‚ C Su HK‚ C Xing HK‚ C Xing PRC‚ C Su PRC‚ C Fang Song HK‚ C Fang Song PRC‚ C Gu Li PRC‚ C Gu Yin HK‚ C Gu Yin PRC‚ C Hei 3 HK‚ C Hei 3 PRC‚ C Hei HK‚ C Hei PRC‚ C J Ngai PRC‚ C Kan HK‚ C Kan PRC‚ C Ngan Kai HK‚ C Ngan Kai PRC‚ C Song 3 HK‚ C Song 3 PRC‚ C Xing Kai HK‚ C Xing Kai PRC‚ C X Li HK‚ C X Li PRC‚ C X Yao PRC‚ C Yuen HK‚ C Gu Li HK‚ C O Hei PRC‚ C O Yuen PRC‚ C O 2 Yuen HK‚ C O 2 Yuen PRC‚ C Po 3 HK‚ C Po HK‚ C Po PRC‚ C Po 3 PRC‚ M HG Hagoromo T HK‚ M Banquet P HK‚ M Banquet P PRC‚ M Bei HK‚ M Bitmap Round HK‚ M Bitmap Square HK‚ M Comic HK‚ M Comic PRC‚ M Computer HK‚ M Computer PRC
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- Fountain
- Designers: Rui Abreu‚ Lee Basford‚ Lars Bergquist‚ Felix Braden‚ Lotta Bruhn‚ Peter Bruhn‚ Lucas Brusquini‚ Matthew Chiavelli‚ Stefan Claudius‚ Thomas Crolla‚ Jay David‚ Rúben Dias‚ Stefan Hattenbach‚ Peter Hoffman‚ Nina Hons‚ Sylvia & Daniel Janssen‚ Randy Jones‚ Gábor Kóthay‚ Martin Lexelius‚ Ricardo Santos‚ Göran Söderström‚ Simon Schmidt‚ Dirk Uhlenbrock‚ René Verkaart
- Typefaces: Alita‚ Anarko‚ Anziano‚ Aria‚ Aria Text‚ Atlantik‚ Baskerville 1757‚ Borgstrand‚ Bruhn Sans‚ Bruhn Script‚ Bully‚ Capri‚ Catacumba‚ Corpus Gothic‚ Dang‚ Dekoria‚ Delay‚ Delicato‚ Dessau‚ Eason‚ Eric Sans‚ Farao‚ Filt‚ Flieger‚ Foral‚ Gas‚ Gira Sans‚ Girl‚ Gretel‚ Grimoire‚ Heroine‚ Hybrid‚ Incognito‚ Jalapeño‚ Ketchupa‚ Lisboa‚ London‚ Lucifer‚ Malmö Sans‚ Mayo‚ Meadow‚ Mercury‚ Mini‚ Monolith‚ Monteverdi‚ Montrachet‚ Mustardo‚ Ness‚ Nordic Narrow‚ Nuephoric‚ Orbe‚ Paracelsus‚ Pussy‚ Revival‚ Robotron‚ Sadness‚ Satura Suite‚ Sauerkrauto‚ Schlager‚ Scrixel‚ Stalemate‚ TacaTycho‚ Udo‚ Ultura‚ UniF‚ Vitus‚ Waldstein‚ Zanzibar
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- Gestalten
- Designers: Laure Afchain‚ Martin Aleith‚ Atelier télescopique‚ Yomar Augusto‚ Donald Beekman‚ Sofie Beier‚ Benoit Bodhuin‚ Bowling Club ?‚ Henning Brehm‚ S. W. Bugten‚ Matt Burvill‚ Matthieu Cortat‚ Critzla‚ Claudia Doms‚ Boris Dworschak‚ S. P. Egli‚ Erik Worsøe Eriksen‚ Mark Froemberg‚ Rodrigo Fuenzalida‚ Fulguro‚ Timo Gaessner‚ Jens Gehlhaar‚ Benjamin Gomez‚ Julian Hansen‚ Aron Jancso‚ JayOneJutojo‚ Dani Klauser‚ Nadia Knechtle‚ Dmitri Lavrow‚ Olof Lindqvist‚ Lopetz‚ Birte Ludwig‚ Michael Luther‚ Vitalij Meier‚ Alexander Meyer‚ Mika Mischler‚ Pierre Nguyen‚ Andre Nossek‚ Diana Luciana Ovezea‚ PACT‚ Olga Pankov‚ Sarah Parsons‚ Alexander Puell‚ Martijn Rietveld‚ Frank Rocholl‚ Jakob Runge‚ Marc Schilkowski‚ Joerg Schmitt‚ Angelo Stitz‚ Anton Studer‚ Nik Thoenen‚ Clarissa Tossin‚ Vier5‚ Sebastian Wadsted‚ Alexander Wise‚ Wittner & Thoma‚ Dmitri Yarynych
- Typefaces: T-Star‚ T-Star Mono Round‚ Blender‚ Bonesana‚ Malaussène‚ Naiv‚ Sensaway‚ Adhesive‚ Agitka‚ Albula‚ Arvore‚ Basic‚ BDRmono‚ Beatbox‚ Blech‚ Boxen‚ BR Jaeger‚ Braten Fat‚ Breeze‚ Brother‚ Calcine‚ Caligo‚ Canary‚ Capricorn‚ Client Mono‚ d Type‚ Dubwise‚ Engel‚ EngelNewSans‚ EngelNewSerif‚ Exakt‚ Feixen‚ Flomaster‚ Forbury‚ Forza‚ Frank‚ Franz Jaeger‚ Friends‚ Galotta‚ Generell TW‚ Generika Mono‚ Giambo Stencil‚ Gratis‚ Halunken‚ Hannover Millennial‚ Haudegen‚ Hellschreiber Sans‚ Hellschreiber Serif‚ Hiploe‚ Ikirusns‚ IkiruSerif‚ Inbetween‚ Karlo Open‚ Karlo Sans‚ Karlo Serif‚ Khubo‚ Kit Fat‚ Knochen‚ Lacrima‚ Laminat‚ Logasmen‚ Lunica‚ Maksim‚ Metier‚ Mevum‚ Mini‚ Nautinger‚ Nedo‚ Nuri‚ Octavious‚ Ogaki‚ Online Gothic‚ Ovink‚ Paiper‚ Papercut‚ Peindice‚ Pipo‚ Planeta‚ Prell‚ Pulitzer‚ Qalto‚ Quister‚ Quanten‚ Quoten‚ Railbox‚ Regular‚ Relevant‚ REMF‚ Sassy‚ Sea Ark Sheep‚ Sequencia‚ Sequencia Mono‚ Shake‚ Sinew Sans‚ Starlet‚ Star‚ SVT‚ Talib‚ Terraformer‚ Traffic Wide‚ Treza‚ Truus‚ Victor‚ Winter‚ Yogasaan‚ Zimmer
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- Jean-Baptiste Levée
- Designers: Jean-Baptiste Levée
- Typefaces: Acier BAT‚ Air Inuit Sans‚ ATA Primus‚ Beaux Arts Didot‚ Carrefour Origin‚ Cogito‚ Criterium‚ Enfantine Nathan‚ Expert‚ Gemeli‚ Nuits Sonores‚ Panorama‚ Pimkie‚ Progress‚ Synthese‚ Télérama Dogon‚ Wallpaper‚ Wallpaper Sketch‚ BMCE‚ Columbia
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- kiosk-fonts
- Designers: Frank Grießhammer‚ Heiko Günther
- Typefaces: FF Quixo‚ Safari‚ Internationale‚ Black Frituur‚ Roundenau Basic‚ Roundenau Advanced‚ Micromieps‚ Steelcut Backfill‚ Steelcut Singleline‚ Steelcut Plain‚ Steelcut Solid‚ Steelcut Shoenail‚ Steelcut Edelweiss‚ Steelcut Doubleline‚ Rex Mundi‚ Rex Mundi Schwer‚ Format‚ Fleischwurst Fett‚ Sommerfest‚ Ghana Signpainters Cocktail‚ Pappe‚ Px Barok‚ Pichard‚ Señor Huerta‚ Coswig‚ Charmin Armin
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- Laura Worthington
- Designers: Laura Worthington
- Typefaces: Adorn‚ Adorn Garland Smooth‚ Adorn Smooth‚ Al Fresco‚ Alana‚ Alana Smooth‚ Alisha‚ Azalea Rough‚ Azalea Smooth‚ Beloved‚ Bianca‚ Blithe‚ Boucherie‚ Buckley‚ Caprizant‚ Charcuterie‚ Congenial‚ Ed’s Market‚ Fairwater‚ Funkydori‚ Genache‚ Giovale‚ Greeting Cards‚ GrindelGrove‚ Harlean‚ HoneyBee‚ Hummingbird‚ Jumble‚ Ladybird‚ Liam‚ Mandevilla‚ Modish‚ Nelson‚ Number Five‚ Origins‚ Origins Smooth‚ Recherche‚ Regina‚ Renata‚ Rosarian‚ Samantha‚ Sepian‚ Sheila‚ Shelby‚ Spumante‚ Tangelo‚ Tiva‚ Voltage‚ Wallflowers‚ Wallflowers II‚ Wallflowers III‚ Winsome‚ Winter Wallflowers‚ Yana
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- Lián Types
- Designers: Maximiliano Sproviero
- Typefaces: Fleur‚ Pantera‚ Girasol‚ Rafaella‚ Posh‚ Fluire‚ Preta‚ Vinyle‚ Lubaline‚ Skill‚ Seventies‚ Indie‚ Model‚ Selfie‚ Heroe‚ Dream Script‚ Beatle‚ String‚ Erotica‚ Reina‚ Breathe‚ Parfait Script‚ Mon Amour Script‚ Valeria Script‚ Intima Script‚ Kaligrafia Galana‚ Paradise Script‚ Quijote Sauvage‚ Kalligrand Script‚ Devil Kalligraphy‚ Oh Lara‚ Lunga‚ fFriendship‚ Quijote‚ Miscelanea‚ School Rainbow‚ Pumba‚ Bird Script‚ Brand
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- Linotype
- Typefaces: Linotype Abstract™ Regular‚ Achispado™ Regular‚ AdPro™‚ Aeonis™‚ Aeris™‚ Linotype Afrika™‚ Agilita®‚ Linotype Agogo™‚ Agrafie™‚ Ahmed‚ Airam™ Regular‚ Akko™‚ Al Harf Al Jadid™‚ F2F Al Retto™ Regular‚ Linotype Albafire™ Regular‚ Linotype Albatross™ Regular‚ Linotype Albawing™‚ Alcuin®‚ Aldus®‚ Ale™‚ Linotype Algologfont™ Regular‚ F2F Allineato™ Regular‚ Linotype Alphabat™ Regular‚ Alternate Gothic‚ Ambigue™‚ Amer® Regular‚ Americana®‚ Amherst™‚ Anasdair™‚ Angro™‚ Linotype Animalia™ Regular‚ Anlinear™‚ Anno™‚ Antique Olive™‚ Anuparp Thai™ Regular‚ Anzeigen Grotesk™ Regular‚ Linotype Aperto™‚ Aptifer™ Sans‚ Aptifer™ Slab‚ Linotype Arab Stroke™‚ Linotype Araby Rafique™ Regular‚ Arcadia®‚ Ariadne® Roman‚ Arian™‚ Arioso™ Regular‚ Arnold Boecklin™‚ Linotype Aroma™‚ Linotype Aroma™ No. 2‚ Arsis®‚ Linotype Aspect™‚ New Aster‚ Linotype® Astrology Pi‚ Astrotype™‚ ASV Codar®‚ Linotype Atlantis™‚ Linotype Atomatic™ Regular‚ Linotype Auferstehung™ Regular‚ Aurelia™‚ Auriol®‚ Linotype Authentic™ Sans‚ Linotype Authentic™ Serif‚ Linotype Authentic™ Small Serif‚ Linotype Authentic™ Stencil‚ Linotype Automat™‚ Avenir®‚ Avenir Next‚ Avenir Next Rounded‚ Badiya™‚ Badr®‚ Balder™ Regular‚ Balega™ Regular‚ Banco®‚ Bandalero™ Regular‚ Barbedor™‚ Linotype Bariton™ Regular‚ Linotype Barock™ Regular‚ Basic Commercial™‚ Basic Commercial™ Soft Rounded‚ Basilia Com‚ Baskerville LT‚ Baskerville‚ Bazar™ Regular‚ Becket™ Regular‚ Bell Centennial‚ Bell Gothic‚ Linotype Belle™‚ Beluga™ LT‚ Beneta™‚ Beret™‚ Berndal™‚ Bernhard Bold Condensed‚ Bernhard Modern‚ Bernhardt Standard™ Regular DFR‚ Linotype Besque™ Regular‚ Big Vesta™‚ Bigband™ Terrazzo‚ Linotype BioPlasm™ Regular‚ Biosymbols™ LT‚ Linotype Bix™‚ Bix Bats™‚ Linotype BlackWhite™‚ Blippo‚ Boberia™‚ Bodebeck™‚ Bodoni‚ Bodoni Poster‚ Bodoni LT‚ Bauer Bodoni®‚ Bohemia™‚ F2F BoneR™ Book‚ Boogie™‚ Linotype Boundaround™ Regular‚ Bousni Carre™‚ Bousni Ronde™‚ Brda™‚ Breeze™‚ Breughel®‚ Linotype Brewery™‚ Brewery No 2‚ Brush Script™ Regular‚ Linotype Buckingham Fraktur™‚ Bundesbahn Pi™‚ Burgstaedt Antiqua™‚ F2F Burnout Chaos™ Regular‚ Byngve™‚ Linotype Cadavre Exquis™ Regular‚ PMN Caecilia®‚ Cajoun™ Regular‚ New Caledonia®‚ Candida®‚ Caravan™‚ Cardamon‚ Carlin Script™‚ Linotype Carmen™ Regular‚ Carolina™‚ Cascade® Script Medium‚ Linotype CaseStudyNo1™‚ Caslon #540‚ Linotype Centennial®‚ Century™ Expanded‚ Century Old Style‚ New Century Schoolbook®‚ Linotype Cerny™ Regular‚ Linotype Cethubala™ Regular‚ Challenger™ Regular‚ Charme™‚ Linotype Charon™‚ Chemsymbols™ LT‚ Chemtools™ LT‚ Chevalier‚ Linotype Chineze™‚ Chineze Dragon™‚ Choc™ Roman‚ Linotype Cineplex™‚ Cisalpin™‚ Clairvaux™‚ Clarendon LT‚ Linotype Clascon™‚ Clearface Gothic™‚ Cloister™ Open Face Roman‚ Linotype CMC-7™ Regular‚ Cochin®‚ Linotype Colibri™‚ Colombine®‚ Compatil Exquisit‚ Compatil Fact‚ Compatil Letter‚ Linotype Compendio™‚ Conrad®‚ Linotype Constitution™ Regular‚ Contacta™ Regular‚ CoolWool™‚ Coomeec‚ Cooper Black™‚ Copperplate Gothic‚ Corona®‚ Coronet®‚ Cosmiqua®‚ Universal Symbol‚ Linotype CreativeArrows™‚ Linotype Cutter™‚ F2F Czykago™‚ Linotype Dala™‚ Dalcora™ Regular‚ Dassitzt™‚ Deconumbers™ Pi‚ Linotype® Decoration Pi‚ Delphin®‚ Demos®‚ Demos Next‚ Deutsche Bahn AG‚ Linotype Dharma™ Regular‚ Linotype® Didot‚ Digi Antiqua™ Condensed Light‚ Digi Grotesk™ N Bold Condensed‚ DIN 1451‚ DIN Neuzeit® Grotesk‚ DIN Next‚ DIN Next Devanagari‚ DIN Next Rounded‚ DIN Next Slab‚ Diotima® Classic‚ Diotima®‚ Diskus®‚ Diverda™ Sans‚ Diverda™ Serif‚ Dom™‚ Doric™ Bold‚ Linotype Dot™‚ Linotype Down Town™ Regular‚ Linotype Dropink™ Regular‚ Duc de Berry™‚ Linotype Dummy™‚ Eckmann® Regular‚ Edison™‚ Linotype Ego™ Regular‚ Egyptienne‚ Egyptienne F™‚ Eirinn™‚ F2F El Dee Cons™ Regular‚ Stempel Elan™ Bold‚ Parkinson Electra®‚ Electra®‚ Linotype Element™ Regular‚ Elementis™‚ Linotype Elisa™‚ Else NPL™‚ Engravers™ Bold Face‚ F2F Entebbe™ Regular‚ Linotype Ergo™‚ Escript™‚ Linotype Essentials ValuePacks‚ Linotype EuroFont™‚ Eurostile®‚ Eurostile® Unicase Regular‚ Eurostile® Candy‚ Eurostile® LT‚ Eurostile Next‚ Excelsior®‚ Excritura‚ Expectation™ Regular‚ F2F OCRBczyk™‚ Facsimile™‚ Linotype Facts of Life™‚ Fairfield®‚ Linotype Fehrle Display® Regular‚ Linotype Feltpen™‚ Fette Fraktur™‚ Linotype Finerliner™‚ Finnegan®‚ Firas™ Regular‚ Linotype Flamingo™ Regular‚ Linotype Fluxus™ Regular‚ Flyer™‚ Folio®‚ Forbes™ Bold‚ Frakto™‚ Francker™‚ Franklin Gothic‚ Linotype Franosch™‚ Linotype Fresh Ewka™‚ Linotype Freytag™‚ F2F Frontpage Four™ Regular‚ Frutiger® Serif‚ Frutiger®‚ Frutiger® Arabic‚ Frutiger Next‚ Neue Frutiger‚ Frutiger® Capitalis‚ Frutiger® Symbols‚ Frutiger Stones™‚ Linotype Funny Bones™‚ Futura®‚ Linotype Gaius™‚ Linotype® Game Pi‚ Stempel Garamond™‚ Simoncini Garamond™‚ Garamond #3‚ Gavotte™ Regular‚ Gazette®‚ Generis® Serif‚ Generis® Slab‚ Generis® Sans‚ Generis® Simple‚ Giacometti™‚ Linotype Gianotten™‚ Ginkgo™‚ Linotype GlassFlag™ Regular‚ Glypha®‚ Linotype Gneisenauette™‚ Linotype Go Tekk™‚ Goodies™‚ Linotype Gotharda™ Regular‚ Gothic 13™ Regular‚ Linotype Gothic™‚ Grace™ Regular‚ Grafiko™ Regular‚ Grafilone™‚ Granjon®‚ Linotype Graphena™ Regular‚ Linotype Grassy™‚ Guardi®‚ F2F Haakonsen™ Regular‚ Neue Haas Grotesk™‚ Neue Haas Unica‚ Hakim Ghazali™ Regular‚ Hamada™ Roman‚ HaManga Irregular™‚ Neue Hammer Unziale™‚ Hassan®‚ Hawkhurst™‚ Helvetica® Monospaced‚ Neue Helvetica®‚ Helvetica®‚ Helvetica® World‚ Neue Helvetica® Arabic‚ Linotype Henri™‚ Herculanum®‚ Hexatype™ Bold‚ Hildegard™‚ Hiroshige™‚ Hisham® Regular‚ Hobo‚ F2F HogRoach™ Regular‚ Linotype® Holiday Pi‚ Hollander™‚ Hot Plate™‚ Hotmetal Pi™‚ HoTom™‚ Linotype Humanistika™‚ Icone™‚ Impacta™ Regular‚ Impressum®‚ Linotype Improfil™‚ Linotype Inagur™‚ Index™‚ Indus™‚ Industria®‚ Linotype Inky Script™ Regular‚ Insan™‚ Insignia®‚ Linotype Invasion™‚ Iridium®‚ Linotype Irish Text™ Regular‚ Linotype Isilda™‚ Isra™‚ Italienne™ Regular‚ Iwan Stencil™ Regular‚ Jaguar™ Regular‚ Jalal®‚ Jan™ Regular‚ Janna™‚ Janson® Text‚ Jiffy™ Regular‚ Johnstemp™‚ JP2™ Regular‚ Juliana® Text‚ Jump™ Regular‚ Just Square™‚ Kabel®‚ Neue Kabel‚ Linotype Kaliber™‚ Kalligraphia Regular‚ Karim® Regular‚ Kaufmann®‚ Linotype Killer™ Regular‚ Kismet™ Regular‚ Klint™‚ Koala™‚ Koch Antiqua® Regular‚ Kompakt™ Regular‚ Linotype Konflikt™ Regular‚ Koufiya™‚ Linotype Kropki™ Roman‚ Kuenstler Script®‚ Kufi™‚ Kursivschrift™‚ Linotype Labyrinth™ Regular‚ Linotype Laika™ Regular‚ Lake Informal™‚ Legal™‚ Linotype Leggodt™‚ Levato™‚ Libelle™ Regular‚ Linotype Lichtwerk™‚ Life®‚ Liga Sans™‚ Linotype Lindy™ Regular‚ LinoLetter™‚ LinoScript®‚ Linotext®‚ Linotype Hieroglyphes™‚ Linotype Method™‚ Linotype Maral™ Armenian‚ Linotype Mineru™‚ Linotype Octane™‚ Linotype Party Time™‚ Linotype Pegathlon™‚ Linotype Projekt™‚ Linotype Puritas™‚ Linotype Rowena™‚ Linotype Syntax® Lapidar Text‚ Linotype Syntax® Lapidar Serif Text‚ Linotype Syntax® Lapidar Display‚ Linotype Salamander™‚ Linotype Syntax® Letter‚ Linotype Syntax® Serif‚ Linotype Syntax® Lapidar Serif Display‚ Linotype Sunburst™‚ Linotype Textil Pi‚ Linotype Technical Pi‚ Linotype Univers‚ Linotype Zigibacks™‚ Lomo™‚ Lotus® Arabic‚ F2F Lovegrid™ Caps‚ Luba™‚ LuMarc™‚ Luthersche Fraktur™‚ Macbeth™ Regular‚ F2F Madame Butterfly™ Regular‚ Madison Antiqua™‚ F2F MadZine™‚ Linotype Maenneken™‚ Maged®‚ Linotype Mailbox™‚ Malabar™‚ Mano®‚ Mantika™ Sans‚ Mantika™ Informal‚ Mantika Book‚ Mantika News‚ Marathon™‚ Marconi®‚ Linotype Marcu San™‚ Mariam® Bold‚ Linotype Markin™‚ Mateo™‚ Universal Mathematical Pi™‚ Matthia™‚ Maximus®‚ Medici® Script‚ Linotype Mediterraneo™‚ Linotype Mega™‚ F2F Mekanik Amente™ Regular‚ F2F Mekkaso Tomanik™ Regular‚ Melior®‚ Memphis®‚ Memphis® Soft Rounded‚ Mengelt Basel Antiqua‚ Meridien®‚ Merlin™ Regular‚ Meroe‚ F2F Metamorfosi™ Regular‚ Metrolite® #2 Roman‚ Metromedium™ #2 Roman‚ Metroblack™ #2 Roman‚ Metro® Office‚ Metro Nova‚ Linotype MhaiThaipe™‚ Microgramma™‚ Midan™‚ Linotype Mild™ Regular‚ Linotype Mindline™‚ Minister™‚ Linotype Minos™ Regular‚ Mistral® Regular‚ Mitra®‚ Linotype MMistel™ Regular‚ Modified Gothic™ Regular‚ Mofid Mahdi® Regular‚ F2F Monako Stoned™ Regular‚ Monticello®‚ Montix™‚ Morocco™ Regular‚ Morris Sans®‚ Mustang™ Regular‚ Nami®‚ Linotype Nautilus™‚ Nautilus™ Text‚ Nautilus™ Monoline‚ Nazanin®‚ Ned™ Regular‚ Neudoerffer Fraktur™‚ Neuland® Black‚ Neuland® Star Regular‚ Neuseidler™‚ Neuzeit® Office‚ Neuzeit® Office Soft Rounded‚ Neuzeit® S‚ News Gothic No. 2™‚ News Gothic™‚ Nicolas Cochin®‚ Noa™‚ Linotype Nordica™‚ Noris Script® Regular‚ Notre Dame™‚ Linotype Not Painted™ Regular‚ Linotype Notec™ Regular‚ NoweAteny™‚ Nuptial Script™ Medium‚ OCR A Regular‚ OCR B‚ OCR A Tribute™‚ F2F OCRAlexczyk™‚ Old Style 7‚ Olympia® Light‚ Olympian®‚ Omnia™ Roman‚ Ondine™‚ Opal™‚ Optima®‚ Optima Nova‚ Orator™‚ Linotype Orbit™ Light‚ Linotype Ordinar™‚ Orion™‚ Linotype Paint It™‚ Palatino®‚ Palatino® Arabic Regular‚ Palatino Nova‚ Palatino® Linotype‚ Palatino® Sans‚ Palatino® Sans Arabic‚ Pargrid™‚ Peignot®‚ Phoebus™ Regular‚ Picture Yourself™‚ Linotype Pide Nashi™‚ Piercing™‚ Pierrot™ Regular‚ Pilgrim®‚ Linotype Pine™ Regular‚ Pinxit™‚ Pirouette™‚ Linotype Pisa™‚ Pistol Shot™‚ F2F Pixmix™ Regular‚ Plak®‚ F2F Poison Flowers™ Regular‚ Pompeijana™‚ Potpourri™ Regular‚ Praxis®‚ Present®‚ President™ Regular‚ Prestige Elite™‚ F2F Prototipa Multipla™ Regular‚ F2F Provinciali™ Regular‚ Linotype Punkt™‚ Qadi® Bold‚ Quartan™‚ Quasaria™‚ Quench®‚ Quitador‚ Quitador Sans‚ Rabenau™‚ Raclette™ Regular‚ Railroad Gothic™ Regular‚ Raleigh™‚ Rameau™‚ Linotype Rana™‚ ReadMyHand™‚ Linotype Really™‚ Really™ No 2‚ Linotype Red Babe™ Regular‚ Linotype Reducta™ Regular‚ Linotype Renee Display™‚ Renner™ Antiqua‚ Reporter™ #2 Regular‚ Revue™‚ Linotype Rezident™‚ Linotype Richmond™‚ Rockner™‚ Roemisch™‚ Linotype Rory™ Oblique‚ Rotation™‚ Linotype Rough™‚ Roundy™‚ Ruling Script™ Two‚ Rundfunk Antiqua™ Roman‚ Rundfunk Grotesk™ Bold‚ Linotype Russisch Brot™‚ Rusticana™‚ Ruzicka Freehand™‚ Sabon®‚ Sabon Next‚ Linotype Sallwey Script™ Regular‚ Saltino™ Regular‚ Salto™ Regular‚ Samba™‚ San Marco™‚ Linotype Sangue™ Regular‚ Linotype Sansara™ Regular‚ Saphir™ Regular‚ Saral™ Devanagari‚ Sassoon® Primary‚ Sassoon® Infant‚ Sassoon® Sans Slope‚ Sassoon® Sans‚ Sassoon® Book‚ Satero® Serif‚ Satero® Sans‚ Saussa™ Regular‚ Linotype Schachtelhalm™ Regular‚ Stempel Schneidler®‚ Schnitz™ Regular‚ Schwennel™‚ Linotype Scott™‚ Linotype Scrap™‚ F2F Screen Scream™ Regular‚ Scriptuale™‚ Seebad™‚ Serifa®‚ Serlio™ Regular‚ Linotype Seven™ Regular‚ F2F Shakkarakk™ Regular‚ Sharquefin™‚ Shelley® Script‚ Sho™ Roman‚ F2F Shpeetz™ Regular‚ Linotype Sicula™‚ Sierra™‚ Linotype Silver™ Regular‚ Sinah™‚ Sinah™ Sans‚ Sinova™‚ Sirichana™ Thai‚ Siseriff™‚ Sistina® Regular‚ Linotype Sjablony™ Regular‚ Linotype Sketch™ Regular‚ Rundfunk Grotesk™ Bold‚ Linotype Russisch Brot™‚ Rusticana™‚ Ruzicka Freehand™‚ Sabon®‚ Linotype Sallwey Script™ Regular‚ Saltino™ Regular‚ Salto™ Regular‚ Samba™‚ San Marco™‚ Linotype Sangue™ Regular‚ Linotype Sansara™ Regular‚ Saphir™ Regular‚ Saral™ Devanagari‚ Sassoon® Primary‚ Sassoon® Infant‚ Sassoon® Sans Slope‚ Sassoon® Sans‚ Sassoon® Book‚ Satero® Serif‚ Satero® Sans‚ Saussa™ Regular‚ Linotype Schachtelhalm™ Regular‚ Stempel Schneidler®‚ Schnitz™ Regular‚ Schwennel™‚ Linotype Scott™‚ Linotype Scrap™‚ F2F Screen Scream™ Regular‚ Scriptuale™‚ Seebad™‚ Serifa®‚ Serlio™ Regular‚ Linotype Seven™ Regular‚ F2F Shakkarakk™ Regular‚ Sharquefin™‚ Shelley® Script‚ Shilia‚ Sho™ Roman‚ F2F Shpeetz™ Regular‚ Linotype Sicula™‚ Sierra™‚ Linotype Silver™ Regular‚ Sinah™‚ Sinah™ Sans‚ Sinova™‚ Sirichana™ Thai‚ Siseriff™‚ Sistina® Regular‚ Linotype Sjablony™ Regular‚ Linotype Sketch™ Regular‚ Trade Gothic Next‚ Trump Mediaeval® Office‚ Trump Mediaeval®‚ F2F Twins™ Regular‚ Linotype Typentypo™ Regular‚ Linotype Typo American™ Regular‚ F2F Tyrell Corp™ Regular‚ Umbra®‚ Univers® Next Arabic‚ Univers®‚ Universal Pi™‚ Ut Sa Ha Gumm Thai™ Regular‚ VAG Rounded™‚ Vario™‚ Varius™‚ Vectora®‚ Veljovic Script™‚ Linotype Venezia™ Initiale‚ Venture™ Script‚ Vere Dignum™‚ Veronika™‚ Versailles™‚ Vesta™‚ Veto®‚ Vialog®‚ Vialog® Signs‚ Vialog 1450‚ Virtuosa® Classic Regular‚ Linotype Vision™‚ Walbaum‚ Linotype WaterFlag™ Regular‚ Waza™ Regular‚ Weiss®‚ Westside™ Regular‚ F2F Whale Tree™ Regular‚ Whitenights™‚ Why Square™‚ Wiesbaden Swing™‚ Linotype Wildfont™ Regular‚ Wilhelm Klingspor Gotisch™‚ Wilke™‚ Woodstock™ Regular‚ Xenois Sans‚ Xenois Semi‚ Xenois Serif‚ Xenois Super‚ Xenois Soft‚ Xenois Slab‚ Linotype Xmas Pi‚ Xmas™‚ Yakout®‚ Yalta Sans‚ F2F ZakkGlobe™ Regular‚ Zapf Essentials®‚ Zapfino®‚ Zapfino® Extra‚ Zapfino® Extra X‚ Zapfino® Arabic‚ Linotype Zensur™ Regular‚ Zeppelin™ Regular‚ Linotype Zootype™‚ Linotype Zurpreis™‚ Linotype Afroculture™ Regular‚ Linotype American Indian™ Regular‚ Linotype Ancient Chinese™ Regular‚ Linotype Astrolo™ Regular‚ Linotype® Audio Pi Regular‚ Bobotta™ Icons Regular‚ Border Font S2000™ 1515-9‚ Linotype Caciocavallo™ Regular‚ Linotype Circles™ Regular‚ Linotype Creatures™ Regular‚ Linotype Dinosaures™ Regular‚ Linotype Dressage™ Regular‚ Linotype EEC Pi Regular‚ Linotype® European Pi‚ Linotype Face Value™ Regular‚ Linotype Festtagsfont™ Regular‚ Linotype Freak Cabinet™ Regular‚ Linotype Harry Cars™ Regular‚ Linotype Heureka Glyphs™ Regular‚ Mac Key Caps Pi™ Regular‚ Linobats™ Regular‚ Lubok™ Regular‚ Universal MICR Pi™ Medium‚ Linotype Modulo™ Regular‚ Linotype Monday Devils™ Regular‚ National Codes Pi™‚ Linotype Offix™ Regular‚ Linotype Shapeshifter™ Regular‚ Linotype Short Story™ Regular‚ F2F Simbolico™ Regular‚ Linotype Sindbad™ Regular‚ Linotype Smileface™ Regular‚ Linotype Space Balls™ Regular‚ Linotype Squares™ Regular‚ Topografische Zahlentafel™ Regular‚ Linotype Traco™ Regular‚ Linotype Traffity™ Regular‚ Linotype Triangles™ Regular‚ Linotype® Warning Pi Regular
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- P22
- Designers: Richard Kegler‚ Carima El-Behairy
- Typefaces: 1722 Pro‚ Acropolis Now‚ Acropolis Then‚ Acropolis Extras‚ Afton‚ Aglio‚ Akebono‚ Albemarle Pro‚ Albers‚ Albertan‚ Albion‚ Alexander Quill‚ Allyson Pro‚ Alpha Roman Pro‚ Ambient‚ Amelia‚ Amelia Jayne‚ Amethyst‚ Aragon‚ Art Deco Chic‚ Art Deco Display‚ Art Deco Extras‚ Art Nouveau Bistro‚ Art Nouveau Cafe‚ Art Nouveau Extras‚ Arts And Crafts‚ Artscript Pro‚ Athena‚ Atomica‚ Avocet‚ Bagaglio‚ Basala‚ P22 Basel Roman‚ Bastyan Pro‚ Bayer Fonetik‚ Bayer Shadow‚ Bayer Universal‚ Bauhaus Extras‚ Bifur‚ BlancoNeg‚ Bodoni 175‚ Bodoni 26‚ Bodoni Bold Pro‚ Bramble‚ Broadway‚ Broadwindsor‚ Cadmus‚ Cage‚ Californian‚ Calligraphica‚ Camelot‚ Canterbury Pro‚ Caslon‚ Catalan‚ Cezanne‚ Chai Tea Pro‚ Chatham‚ Ching Mang‚ Holly Leaves A‚ Christmas One‚ Christmas Two Part‚ Cigno‚ Cilati Pro‚ Clementine‚ Cloister‚ Constructivist‚ Corinthia‚ Cotillion‚ Counter‚ Credo‚ Creepy Ornaments‚ Cruz Scripts Pro‚ Curwen‚ Cusp‚ Dada‚ Daddy-O‚ Dard Hunter‚ DaVinci‚ Posada Irregular‚ Posada Regular‚ Posada Extras‚ Dearest‚ Deepdene‚ DeStijl‚ Dokument‚ Driade‚ Durer Caps‚ Dwiggins‚ Dyrynk‚ Ed Rogers‚ Elizabethan‚ Elven‚ Escher‚ Fellowship ‚ Figures‚ Flash‚ Fleurons Garamont‚ Fleurons Granjon‚ Fleurons Rogers‚ FLLW Eaglefeather‚ FLLW Exhibition‚ FLLW Midway‚ FLLW Terracotta‚ Floriat‚ Folk Art‚ Folkwang‚ Fontasaurus‚ Forum Titling‚ Founders‚ Fournier Le Juene‚ Franklin's Caslon‚ Frau Jenson People‚ Freely‚ Frenzy‚ Garamont‚ Garamouche‚ Gauguin‚ GDT‚ Glamour‚ Globe Gothic‚ Goudy Aries‚ Goudy Extras‚ Goudy Handtooled‚ Goudy Heavyface‚ Goudy Initials‚ Goudy Modern/Open‚ Goudy Oldstyle‚ Goudy Ornate‚ Goudy Sans‚ Goudy Text‚ Goudy Thirty Pro‚ Grenville‚ Grosvenor‚ Hadriano‚ Halloween Ornaments‚ Hedonic‚ Hess Monoblack‚ Hieroglyphics‚ Hiromina03‚ Holiday Ornaments‚ Hopper‚ Hoy Pro‚ HWT American Chromatic‚ HWT Antique Tuscan 9‚ HWT Arabesque‚ HWT Artz‚ HWT Bon Air‚ HWT Borders One‚ HWT Bulletin Script Two‚ HWT Catchwords‚ HWT Geometric‚ HWT Gothic Round‚ HWT Mardell‚ HWT Republic Gothic‚ HWT Roman Extended Fatface‚ HWT Roman Extended Lightface‚ HWT Slab‚ HWT Star Ornaments‚ HWT Tuscan Extended‚ HWT Unit Gothic‚ HWT Van Lanen‚ IHOF Collection‚ Il Futurismo‚ Imperial Script‚ Insectile‚ Isabelle‚ Italian Oldstyle‚ Jacobean Initials‚ Jefferson Gothic‚ Jenson‚ Kaatskill‚ Kane‚ Kaz Pro‚ Kells‚ Kennerley‚ Keystone Ornaments‚ Kilkenny Pro‚ Koch Neuland‚ Koch Signs‚ Komusubi‚ LaDanse‚ Lancelot ‚ Lapis‚ Larkin‚ Late November Pro‚ Latimer‚ Law Italic‚ Lindum‚ London Underground‚ Lucilee‚ Lustig Elements‚ Mantra‚ Matador ‚ Mayflower‚ Mercator‚ Mercian‚ Metropolitan‚ Mexican Relics‚ Monet‚ Monumental Titling‚ Mucha‚ Mystic Font Pro‚ Nicolas Cochin‚ Numismatic‚ Obelysk Grotesk‚ Octic Gothic‚ Ohley‚ Operina Pro‚ Ornamental Initials‚ Ornaments 1‚ Ornaments 2 Pro‚ Ornaments 3‚ Ornaments Animalia‚ Pabst‚ Pan Am‚ Parrish‚ Peanut Pro‚ Petemoss‚ Petroglyphs‚ Phantasmagoria Pro‚ Platten Neu‚ Platten‚ Plymouth‚ Pooper Black‚ Pop Art‚ Posh Initials‚ Poster Paint‚ Pouty‚ Powell‚ Preissig Roman‚ Preissig Scrape‚ Preissig Extras‚ Preissig Lino‚ Rakugaki‚ Record Title‚ Relax‚ Remington‚ Roanoke Script‚ Rodin-Michelangelo‚ Royalist Pro‚ Ruthie‚ Saarinen‚ Salon‚ Schwarzkopf‚ Sherwood‚ Shibumi‚ Sneaky Pro‚ Sniplash‚ Sparrow‚ Spiggie Pro‚ Spire‚ Squareface Pro‚ ST G Schrift Pro‚ Stanyan Autumn‚ Stanyan Eros‚ Stern Pro‚ Staunton Scripts‚ Sting‚ Sweepy OT‚ Swing Bold‚ Symphony‚ Tai Chi‚ Telegdi‚ Tourist Gothic Pro‚ ToyBox‚ Tulda Pro‚ Tuscan Expanded‚ Twentieth Century Medium Pro‚ Tyndale‚ Typewriter‚ Underground‚ Vale Pro‚ Victorian Gothic‚ Victorian Swash‚ Victorian Ornaments One‚ Victorian Ornaments Two‚ Vidro‚ Vienna‚ Village No. 2‚ Vincent‚ Vine Leaves‚ Virginian‚ WaterGarden‚ Way Out West‚ Winchell‚ Morris Golden‚ Morris Troy‚ Morris Ornaments‚ Woodcut‚ WoodType‚ Yule‚ Zaner Pro‚ Zebra‚ Zephyr‚ Zigarre Script
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- Paratype
- Typefaces: Academy‚ Acsioma‚ Ad Lib‚ Adamant‚ AdLib WGL4‚ Adonis‚ Adventure‚ AdverGothic‚ Aelita‚ Agafia‚ Airy‚ Aksent‚ URW Alcuin‚ Aldine 401‚ Alien Alphabet‚ Alliance‚ Amore‚ Anastasia Script‚ Angelica‚ ITC Anna‚ Aphrosine‚ Apical‚ Arabskij‚ Arbat‚ Arial® Cyrillic‚ Ariergard‚ Ariergard Rondo‚ Arsis‚ Arthur‚ Asmik‚ Astera‚ Astron‚ Astrosym‚ AuktyonZ‚ ITC Avant Garde Gothic‚ AZ HighWay‚ AZ LatinWide‚ AZ LifeSigns‚ AZ McLeud‚ AZ NewsPaper‚ AZ Poligon‚ Babaev‚ Bachenas‚ Baker Signet‚ Baltica‚ Banco‚ Bank Gothic‚ Bannikova‚ Bardi‚ Barnaul Grotesk‚ Barry Gothic‚ Base Nine Cyrillic‚ ITC New Baskerville‚ Baskerville Cyrillic‚ Baskerville WGL4‚ Baskerville LT Cyrillic‚ Baskerville Display PT‚ Basra‚ Bastion Kontrast‚ Bastion Kontrast Alt‚ ITC Bauhaus‚ Bazhanov‚ Bebit‚ ITC Beesknees‚ Bell Gothic‚ Bella‚ ITC Benguiat‚ ITC Benguiat Gothic‚ Benzion‚ Bernhard‚ Betina Script‚ Birch‚ Bistro‚ Black Grotesk‚ Blagovest 1‚ Blagovest 2‚ Blagovest 3‚ Blagovest 4‚ Blagovest 5‚ Blagovest 6‚ Blagovest 7‚ Blick‚ Blits‚ Bloc‚ Blonde Fraktur‚ Blooming Meadow‚ Bodoni‚ ITC Bodoni 72‚ ITC Bodoni 72 Swash‚ Bodoni Poster Cyrillic‚ Bogdan‚ ITC Bookman‚ Bookman Old Style™ Cyrillic‚ Borjomi Decor‚ Bowman‚ Brush‚ Bruskovaya‚ Brusque‚ Bublik‚ Buratino‚ Calipso‚ Calligraph Russ‚ Camerton‚ Cardholder‚ Carol Gothic‚ Caslon‚ Caslon 540‚ Caslon Bold‚ FF Celeste Offc Pro‚ FF Celeste Pro‚ Century Gothic™ Cyrillic‚ Century Schoolbook Cyrillic‚ Century Schoolbook WGL4‚ Monotype Century™ Schoolbook Cyrillic‚ ITC Charter‚ Chess‚ Chianti WGL4‚ Chweulebrivi‚ Circe‚ Circe Rounded‚ Circles‚ Circus Didot‚ Clarendon‚ Cliche‚ Coliseum‚ Colmena‚ Cometa‚ Compact‚ FF Confidential‚ FF Confidential Offc‚ Cooper‚ CooperDAT-Hilite‚ Corners‚ Corrida‚ Monotype Corsiva® Cyrillic‚ Cotlin‚ Countdown‚ Courier‚ Courier (APC)‚ Courier 10 BT‚ Courier 10 Cyrillic‚ Courier 10 WGL4‚ Courier Cyrillic‚ Courier Monotonic Greek‚ Courier Polytonic Greek‚ Courier PS Cyrillic‚ Coventry‚ Cracker‚ Crash‚ Cricket‚ Crystal‚ CyberCyr‚ Dagger‚ Damascus‚ FF Dax Offc Pro‚ FF Dax Pro‚ FF Daxline Offc Pro‚ FF Daxline Pro‚ Dead History Cyrillic‚ Dead Metro‚ Debby‚ Deca Sans‚ Deca Serif‚ Decor‚ Deda Ena‚ DeepFont‚ Demosfen‚ DesignCD‚ Dessert Script‚ Dew‚ Diamonds‚ Diana‚ Didona‚ DietDidot‚ Dikovina‚ Dikovina Bildchen‚ DIN 1451 W1G‚ DIN 1451 Cyrillic‚ DIN Condensed‚ DIN Next™ Cyrillic‚ DIN Next™ W1G‚ FF DIN Offc Pro‚ FF DIN Pro‚ DIN 2014‚ DJ Parade‚ FF Dolores‚ FF Dolores Pro‚ Dom Casual‚ Dotage‚ Dots‚ Drops‚ Drunk‚ Dublon‚ Dublon Brus‚ Duetto‚ Dumbadze Display‚ Dutch 801 Cyrillic‚ Dutch 801 WGL4‚ Dva Probela‚ Dve Kruglyh‚ FF Dynamoe‚ FF Dynamoe Offc‚ Dynar‚ E2E4‚ Ecyr‚ EdgeLine‚ Electronica‚ Elegant‚ FF Elementa‚ FF Elementa Pro‚ Elina‚ Elizabeth‚ Emploi‚ English 157‚ Engravers Gothic‚ Epsilon‚ ITC Eras‚ Linotype Ergo™ Cyrillic‚ Linotype Ergo™ W1G‚ Linotype Ergo™ W2G‚ Eskiz One‚ Eskiz Two‚ Etienne‚ Europe‚ Evangelie‚ Excelsior® Cyrillic‚ Exocet Cyrillic‚ Express‚ FF Celeste Offc Pro‚ FF Celeste Pro‚ FF Confidential‚ FF Confidential Offc‚ FF Dax Offc Pro‚ FF Dax Pro‚ FF Daxline Offc Pro‚ FF Daxline Pro‚ FF DIN Offc Pro‚ FF DIN Pro‚ FF Dolores‚ FF Dolores Pro‚ FF Dynamoe‚ FF Dynamoe Offc‚ FF Elementa‚ FF Elementa Pro‚ FaRer‚ Fashion plate‚ FastFingers‚ ITC Fat Face‚ FavoritTraf‚ Federico‚ Filosofia Cyrillic‚ Finist‚ Fita Church‚ Fita Poluustav‚ Fita Vjaz‚ FixStyle‚ FixSys‚ ITC Flora‚ Flox‚ Flox Rounded‚ Folio‚ FF Fontesque Offc Pro‚ FF Fontesque Pro‚ Fraktura‚ Francker™ Cyrillic‚ Francker™ W1G‚ ITC Franklin Gothic‚ Freaky Prickle‚ Freehand 471‚ FreeSet‚ Friz Quadrata‚ Frutiger® Next W1G‚ Frutiger® Cyrillic‚ Funny‚ Futura‚ Futura Black WGL4‚ Futura Eugenia‚ Futura Futuris‚ Futura PT‚ FF Good Headline Offc Pro‚ FF Good Headline Pro‚ FF Good Offc Pro‚ FF Good Pro‚ FF Karton‚ FF Karton Offc‚ FF Kievit Offc Pro‚ FF Kievit Pro‚ FF Mach Offc Pro‚ FF Mach Pro‚ FF Marten‚ FF Marten Pro‚ FF Meta Correspondence Pro‚ FF Meta Offc Pro‚ FF Meta Pro‚ FF More Offc Pro‚ FF More Pro‚ FF OCR-F‚ FF OCR-F Pro‚ FF Quadraat‚ FF Signa Correspondence Offc Pro‚ FF Signa Correspondence Pro‚ FF Signa Offc Pro‚ FF Signa Pro‚ FF Tarquinius‚ FF Tarquinius Pro‚ FF Trixie Offc Pro‚ FF Trixie Pro‚ FF Unit Slab Offc Pro‚ FF Unit Slab Pro‚ Gals‚ Original Garamond‚ ITC Garamond‚ Garamond (APC)‚ Monotype Garamond Cyrillic‚ Garamond Premier‚ Garbage‚ Garbedge‚ Garland‚ Geometric Slabserif 712‚ GeomSlabSerif‚ Ger‚ Gill Sans® Cyrillic‚ Glasten‚ FF Good Headline Offc Pro‚ FF Good Headline Pro‚ FF Good Offc Pro‚ FF Good Pro‚ Gothic 725‚ Graffiti‚ Granit‚ Grenader‚ Guenter‚ Gulitov‚ Gvardia‚ Gymnasia‚ Hafiz‚ Hair-V‚ Han Zi‚ HandsOn‚ Harmonia Sans™ Cyrillic‚ Harry Plotter‚ Haverj‚ HeinrichScript‚ Helios‚ Helvetica® Cyrillic‚ Helvetica® Monospaced W1G‚ Helvetica® World‚ Henman‚ Henman Pictograms‚ Hermes‚ Herold‚ AZ HighWay‚ Hill‚ Hitman‚ Hortensia‚ HotSauce‚ Hub‚ Humanist 521‚ Humanist 531‚ Hybrid‚ Hypocrite‚ ITC Anna‚ ITC Avant Garde Gothic‚ ITC New Baskerville‚ ITC Bauhaus‚ ITC Beesknees‚ ITC Benguiat‚ ITC Benguiat Gothic‚ ITC Bodoni 72‚ ITC Bodoni 72 Swash‚ ITC Bookman‚ ITC Charter‚ ITC Eras‚ ITC Fat Face‚ ITC Flora‚ ITC Franklin Gothic‚ ITC Garamond‚ Industry‚ Inform‚ Irina‚ Italiansky‚ Izhitsa‚ ITC Kabel‚ ITC Korinna‚ ITC Machine‚ ITC Officina Sans‚ ITC Officina Serif‚ ITC Stenberg‚ ITC Stone Sans‚ ITC Stone Serif‚ ITC Studio Script‚ ITC True Grit‚ ITC Zapf Chancery‚ Jaggy‚ Jakob‚ Jargon‚ Jatran‚ Jeff Script‚ Jeff Pictures‚ Jefferson‚ Joker‚ Jokey‚ Josephine‚ Journal‚ New Journal‚ Journal Sans‚ Journal Sans New‚ Just Square™ Cyrillic‚ ITC Kabel‚ Kapelka‚ Kapelka New‚ Karolla‚ Kartell‚ FF Karton‚ FF Karton Offc‚ Katherine‚ Kekur‚ Keyboard‚ KeyFontDeutsch‚ KeyFontFrench‚ KeyFontRussian‚ KeyFontUSA‚ Keys‚ FF Kievit Offc Pro‚ FF Kievit Pro‚ Kis‚ Kisty-C‚ Kolheti‚ ITC Korinna‚ Kremlin Pro‚ Kudryashev‚ Kudryashev Display‚ KudryashevSans‚ Kuenstler 165‚ Kuenstler 480‚ Kuenstler Script® Cyrillic‚ Kufi‚ Kuzanyan‚ KvadratZ‚ Ladoga‚ Laguna‚ AZ LatinWide‚ Lazurski‚ LegenDay‚ Lehmann‚ Lehmann Egyptian‚ Leksa‚ Leksa Sans‚ Leshy‚ Letter Gothic‚ New Letter Gothic‚ Levnam‚ Liana‚ Liberteen‚ Lidia‚ AZ LifeSigns‚ Lines‚ Literaturnaya‚ Literaturuli‚ Little Cecily‚ Lockon‚ Lo-Res Nine Cyrillic‚ Luba™ Cyrillic‚ Lucida Sans‚ Luga‚ Lunokhod‚ Lustre‚ Luxor‚ FF Mach Offc Pro‚ FF Mach Pro‚ ITC Machine‚ Magic‚ Magistral‚ MagMixer‚ Mania‚ Mantika™ Informal Cyrillic‚ Mantika™ Informal W1G‚ Mantika™ Sans Cyrillic‚ Mantika™ Sans W1G‚ Manuscript‚ Margarit‚ Margon‚ FF Marten‚ FF Marten Pro‚ Maryam‚ Mas d`Azil‚ Mas d`Azil Symbol‚ Mason Sans Cyrillic‚ Mason Serif Cyrillic‚ MasterFlo‚ MathFont1‚ AZ McLeud‚ Mediator‚ Mellnik‚ Mellnik Text‚ Melody‚ Memphis® Cyrillic‚ FF Meta Correspondence Pro‚ FF Meta Offc Pro‚ FF Meta Pro‚ Metronom‚ Metropol‚ Micra‚ Milafleur‚ Milanette‚ Millettre‚ Minion® Cyrillic‚ Minion® Pro‚ Minusman Script‚ Mirandolina‚ Mister Earl‚ Mistica‚ Mobul‚ Modern‚ Mojito‚ MonoCondensed‚ Monospace 821 Cyrillic‚ Monospace 821 WGL4‚ Monte Summa‚ FF More Offc Pro‚ FF More Pro‚ Morris‚ Motiv‚ Motter Tektura‚ Muki Groteski‚ Multicross‚ Musor‚ Myriad® Pro‚ Mysl‚ Mysl Narrow‚ Narevik‚ Naskh Ahmad‚ Nat Flight‚ Nat Grotesk‚ Nat Pictures‚ Nat Vignette‚ Natali Script‚ Nazhdak‚ Nelma‚ Neo® Sans Cyrillic‚ Neo® Sans W1G‚ Neue Frutiger® Cyrillic‚ Neue Frutiger® W1G‚ Neue Helvetica® Cyrillic‚ Neue Helvetica® W1G‚ Neva‚ New Century Schoolbook® Cyrillic‚ New Journal‚ New Letter Gothic‚ New Serif Condensed‚ New Skoryna‚ New Standard‚ New Zelek‚ News 702 Cyrillic‚ News Gothic‚ Monotype News Gothic™ Cyrillic‚ AZ NewsPaper‚ Newspaper Sans‚ Newton‚ Newton Armenian‚ Newton Monotonic Greek‚ Newton Phonetic‚ Newton Polytonic Greek‚ Nimbus Roman‚ Nimrod® Cyrillic‚ Nina‚ Noah‚ Normalize‚ Nota1‚ Numerals‚ Original Garamond‚ OCR One‚ FF OCR-F‚ FF OCR-F Pro‚ Octava‚ Office Type Sans‚ ITC Officina Sans‚ ITC Officina Serif‚ Old King‚ Olga‚ Oliver‚ Oliver New‚ Opium New‚ Opticum‚ Optima® Cyrillic‚ Optimus‚ Orbi‚ Orbi Sans‚ Orden‚ Orenburg‚ Ornament‚ Ornament1‚ Ornament2‚ Ornament3‚ Ornament4‚ Ornament5‚ Ornament6‚ OrnamentTM‚ OrnamentTM2‚ Ospa‚ Ottisk‚ Oz Handicraft Cyrillic‚ Oz Handicraft WGL4‚ Palatino® nova Cyrillic‚ Pallada‚ Palladium‚ Parangon‚ Parma Cyrillic‚ Parsek‚ Penta‚ Perfo‚ Performance‚ Peter Skoropis‚ Petersburg‚ Petroglyph‚ Petrovsky‚ PiGraphA‚ PiGraphB‚ Plain‚ Plain Script‚ Plantin® Cyrillic‚ Plastilin‚ AZ Poligon‚ Pollock‚ Popular Script‚ Positiv‚ Poster Bodoni Cyrillic‚ Poster Bodoni WGL4‚ Pragmatica‚ Pragmatica Armenian‚ Pragmatica Monotonic Greek‚ Pragmatica Polytonic Greek‚ Pragmatica Slabserif‚ Pravda‚ Priamoj‚ PriamojProp‚ Private Sans‚ Probbarius‚ Probel‚ Profont‚ Propisi‚ Prospect‚ Proun‚ Psaltyr‚ PT Earthquake‚ PT Lightning‚ PT Sans Pro‚ PT Serif Pro‚ Pushkin‚ FF Quadraat‚ Quadrat Grotesk‚ Quadrat Grotesk New‚ Quant Antiqua‚ Quartal‚ Quartet Cyrillic‚ Quiet Time‚ Radar‚ Radius‚ Raleigh‚ Ralenta‚ Romanovsky‚ Really™ No 2 Cyrillic‚ Really™ No 2 W1G‚ Really™ No 2 W2G‚ Red Klin‚ Reforma Grotesk‚ Regata‚ Repriza‚ Revival 565‚ Ribbon‚ Ripe Apricot‚ Rodchenko‚ Rodeo‚ Roger Script‚ Romul‚ Rosabella‚ Rossika‚ Rostislav‚ Rotis® Cyrillic‚ Rotis® Sans Serif Cyrillic‚ Rotis® Sans Serif W1G‚ Rotis® Semi Serif Cyrillic‚ Rotis® Semi Serif W1G‚ Rotis® Serif Cyrillic‚ Rotis® Serif W1G‚ Rotonda‚ Rubrica‚ Russia‚ Russia-Church‚ Russian Ornament1‚ Russian Ornament2‚ Russian Souvenir‚ Sabon® Cyrillic‚ San Marco™ Cyrillic‚ Sans Decor‚ Sans Rounded‚ Sava™‚ SchoolBook‚ Script Barguzin‚ Script Breez‚ Script Eclipse‚ Script Fog‚ Script Monsoon‚ Script Rainbow‚ Script Sirocco‚ Script Stream‚ Script Ventus‚ Script Zephyr‚ Secession‚ Secession Wien‚ Secretary‚ Selina‚ New Serif Condensed‚ Serp and Molot‚ Shakula‚ Shaltai‚ Shelley® Script Cyrillic‚ Shemokmedi‚ FF Signa Correspondence Offc Pro‚ FF Signa Correspondence Pro‚ FF Signa Offc Pro‚ FF Signa Pro‚ Simeiz‚ Sistemnyi‚ New Skoryna‚ Slutsker Script‚ Smena‚ Somaton‚ SOS‚ SQ2‚ New Standard‚ Standard Poster‚ Star‚ Start‚ Stem‚ ITC Stenberg‚ Stencil™ Cyrillic‚ ITC Stone Sans‚ ITC Stone Serif‚ Strelochnik‚ Stroganov‚ ITC Studio Script‚ Surpriz‚ Susan‚ Susan Classic‚ Susan Sans‚ SuvenirRus‚ Svetlana‚ Swift 2.0‚ Swiss 721 Cyrillic‚ Swiss 721 WGL4‚ Swordsman‚ Syntax® Next Cyrillic‚ Syntax® Next W1G‚ FF Tarquinius‚ FF Tarquinius Pro‚ Tatiana‚ Tauern‚ Tavrida‚ Techno28‚ Telegraph‚ Telingater Display‚ Template Gothic Cyrillic‚ TextBook‚ Textbook New‚ Times New Roman® Cyrillic‚ Times® Ten Cyrillic‚ Titla‚ Titla Brus‚ Tornado‚ Trafaret‚ Traktir‚ Triline‚ FF Trixie Offc Pro‚ FF Trixie Pro‚ Troover‚ ITC True Grit‚ Trump Mediaeval® Cyrillic‚ Unicum Condensed‚ UniOpt‚ FF Unit Slab Offc Pro‚ FF Unit Slab Pro‚ Univers® Cyrillic‚ Univers® Next Cyrillic‚ Univers® Next W1G‚ University™ Cyrillic‚ Unovis‚ Upadok‚ Ustav II‚ Utah‚ Vacansia‚ VaccineVAG Rounded™ Cyrillic‚ Van Dijk‚ Vataga‚ Veljovic Script™ Cyrillic‚ Venetian 301‚ Verbena‚ Vermicello‚ Vesna‚ Vignette‚ Viola‚ Vodevile‚ Warnock®‚ Why Square™ Cyrillic‚ Wiesbaden Swing™ Cyrillic‚ Wind‚ Xenia‚ Xenia Western‚ Yanus‚ Yefimov Serif‚ Yess‚ Zagolovochnaya‚ ITC Zapf Chancery‚ Zapf Elliptical 711‚ Zapfino® Extra Cyrillic‚ Zapfino® Extra W1G‚ New Zelek‚ Zhikharev‚ Zodiac1‚ Zodiac2‚ Zubilo‚ Zurich Cyrillic‚ Zurich WGL4
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- Photo-Lettering
- Designers: Ken Barber‚ Adam Cruz‚ Andy Cruz‚ Allen Mercer‚ Ben Kiel‚ Tal Leming‚ Erik van Blokland‚ Christian Schwartz‚ Paul Barnes‚ Kris Sowersby‚ Susana Carvalho‚ Kai Bernau‚ Jeremy Mickel‚ Mathieu Christe‚ Donald Roos‚ Jess Riddle‚ Wendy Ellerton‚ Steve Ross‚ Laura Meseguer‚ Mitja Miklavčič‚ Dan Milne‚ Martin Wenzel‚ Gustavo Ferreira‚ David Coulson‚ Jesse Ragan‚ Kunihiko Okano‚ Ian Moore‚ Dan Rhatigan‚ Dan Reynolds‚ Tânia Raposo
- Typefaces: Municipal Cast‚ Cooper Nouveau‚ Beaux Arts Didot‚ Carnival Extra Condensed‚ Coryn Galaxy Didot‚ Circle‚ Carlyle Quaint‚ Swiss Interlock Stencil‚ Davison Spencerian‚ Davison Spencerian Drop Shadow‚ Sobriquet‚ Sobriquet Tripple‚ Worthe Numerals‚ West Bubble Gum Blockshadow‚ Sodachrome‚ Raymund Circus‚ Quintet‚ West Emperor Script‚ Eventide‚ West Behemoth‚ West Barnum Ultra‚ Aztec‚ Banjo Playbill‚ West Kerpow‚ Mierop Inline‚ Goliath‚ Davison Baroque‚ Millstein Flourish‚ West Elephant‚ Brixen‚ West Thud‚ Hasler Circus‚ Benguiat Baffalo‚ Copeland Milo‚ D’Amico Gothic‚ Times Square‚ Hanover Bold‚ D’Amico Regatta‚ Bill See Whimsy‚ Exotique Split‚ Brodovitch Albro‚ Benguiat Caslon‚ Henrion BA‚ Superstar‚ Norton Slapstick‚ Swiss Two Tone‚ Chicamakomiko‚ Stan Slope‚ Tuggle‚ Federal‚ Quicksilver‚ Swiss Interlock‚ Atrax‚ Swiss Interlock‚ Tiki Palms‚ Neutraface‚ Brickhouse‚ Housebroken‚ Voodoo House‚ House Gothic Wide‚ Smidgen‚ Trillium
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- schickfonts
- Designers: Florian Schick
- Typefaces: Mag Grotesk‚ B-Movie Splatter‚ B-Movie Retro‚ Authentic Ink‚ Colette Text‚ Colette Display‚ Calligrafx‚ Trio Grotesk‚ Krana Fat
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- Sorkin Type
- Designers: Eben Sorkin‚ Elena Albertoni‚ Irina Smirnova‚ James Grieshaber‚ Karolina Lach‚ Magnus Gaarde‚ Nicole Fally‚ Onur Yazıcıgil‚ Riccardo De Franceschi‚ Viktoriya Grabowska‚ Yvonne Schüttler
- Typefaces: Arbutus‚ Armata‚ Asset‚ Atomic Age‚ Basic‚ Black Ops One‚ Contrail One‚ Duru Sans‚ Emblema One‚ Fjord One‚ Goblin One‚ Gravitas One‚ Habibi‚ Hammersmith One‚ Inder‚ Limelight‚ Merriweather‚ MerriweatherSans‚ Metamorphous‚ Ovo‚ Passero One‚ Pinyon Script‚ Plaster‚ Poller One‚ Pompiere‚ Sarina‚ Short Stack‚ Spinnaker‚ Supermercado One‚ Trykker‚ Voltaire‚ Wellfleet
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- Sudtipos
- Designers: Ale Paul‚ Angel Koziupa‚ Matias Paul‚ Ariel Di Lisio‚ Laura Varsky‚ Daniel Hernández‚ Miguel Hernández‚ Elí Castellanos Chávez‚ John Moore‚ Diego Giaccone‚ Jorge Alderete‚ Valeria Duarte
- Typefaces: Poem Script‚ Adios Script‚ Aranjuez Pro‚ Bubblegum Sans Pro‚ Burgues Script‚ Abelina‚ Affair‚ Aguafina Script‚ Aladin‚ Alma‚ Almond Script‚ Amazonian‚ Amorinda‚ Angelus‚ Argenta‚ Atocha‚ Auberge Script‚ Avellana‚ Aventura‚ Bakery Script‚ Barricada‚ Bayoneta Pro‚ Bellas Artes‚ Bellissima Script Pro‚ Biographer‚ Blog Script‚ Bowling Script‚ Bravissima‚ Brisa‚ Brownstone‚ Buffet Script‚ Business Pen‚ Cafelatte‚ Calgary Script‚ Candombe‚ Candombe Pro‚ Candy Script‚ Cascabel‚ Cenizas‚ Chicle St‚ Chocolate‚ Coche‚ Compendium‚ Condiment‚ Cooked‚ Courtesy Script Pro‚ Cuisine‚ Cupcake‚ Delight Script‚ Diplomatic‚ Distillery‚ Divina‚ Domingo‚ Downtempo‚ Elisetta‚ Envelove‚ Esmeralda Pro‚ Evergreen‚ Fan Script‚ Feel Script‚ Felipe‚ Fiance‚ Galgo Script‚ Gratitude Script‚ Grover‚ Grover Slab‚ Habano‚ Henderson Slab‚ Heráldica Script‚ Herencia‚ Hernandez‚ Hipster Script Pro‚ Horizontes Script‚ Inlove‚ Inoxida‚ Isla‚ Kautiva‚ Kewl Script‚ Kilo‚ Koziupack‚ Kozmetica Script‚ La Portenia‚ La Taqueria‚ Lady Dodó‚ Lady Rene‚ Landa‚ Latinaires‚ Lombriz‚ Lynda‚ Machete Pro‚ Malambo‚ Malbeck‚ Mama Script‚ Marzo‚ Mati‚ Matogrosso‚ Milk Script‚ Milonguita‚ Ministry Script‚ Mobley‚ Monroe‚ Mousse Script‚ Mr. Giacco‚ Murga‚ Oxida‚ Paz‚ Piedra‚ Piel Script‚ Pinguino‚ Platinus Script Pro‚ Plumero‚ Politica‚ Prangs‚ Primavera‚ Pronto‚ Proprietor‚ Quotes‚ Radio Time‚ Reflex‚ Ricotta‚ Rigatoni‚ Rita‚ Roadline‚ Rolinga Renner‚ Rolling Pen‚ Romy‚ Salamat‚ Santino‚ Scrapbooker‚ Seashore‚ Semilla‚ Síncopa‚ Sinfonieta‚ Sl Borges‚ Sl Che‚ Sl Cortazar‚ Sl Gardel‚ Sl Titanes‚ So Prolix‚ Steak‚ Storefront Pro‚ Suave Script‚ Sudestada‚ Sugar Pie‚ Tanguera‚ Theorem‚ Tierra‚ Tiza‚ Tropical‚ Uma‚ Uplink‚ Viento‚ Voyeur‚ Whomp‚ Wink‚ Zulia Pro‚ Miss Le Gatees‚ Mr Canfields‚ Mr Dafoe Pro‚ Mr Keningbeck‚ Mr Lackboughs‚ Mr Rafkin‚ Mrs Sheppards Pro‚ Mrs Von Eckley‚ Miss Fajardose Pro‚ Miss Packgope‚ Miss Stanfort‚ Mr Blaketon‚ Mr Dehaviland Pro‚ Mr Leopolde‚ Mr Sandsfort‚ Mr Stalwart‚ Dr Carbfred‚ Dr Sugiyama Pro‚ Herr Von Mueller Pro‚ Miss Lankfort‚ Mr Sheffield‚ Mr Sopkin‚ Mrs Blackfort‚ Mrs St-Delafield Pro‚ Miss Blaker‚ Miss Fitzpatrick‚ Miss Robertson‚ Miss Stephams‚ Mr Bedfort Pro‚ Mr Benedict‚ Mr Donaldson‚ Mr La Doulaise Pro
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- TypeSETit
- Designers: Rob Leuschke
- Typefaces: Smooch‚ Hurricane‚ Glory‚ Festive‚ Luxurious‚ Comforter‚ Alumni‚ Praise‚ Fuggles‚ MonteCarlo‚ Corinthia‚ Mea Culpa‚ Passions Conflict‚ Inspiration‚ Water Brush‚ Alex Brush‚ Roelandt BT‚ from Bitstream‚ Allura‚ Good Vibrations‚ Gwendolyn‚ QwitcherBychen‚ TheNautiGal‚ Imperial Script‚ Hurricane‚ Ephesis‚ Qwigley‚ Oooh Baby‚ Kolker Brush‚ Bonheur Royale‚ Cherish‚ Caramel Family ROB‚ VujahDay‚ Estonia Nouveau Pro‚ Puppies Play‚ Bilbo‚ Waterfall‚ Caramel Pro-ROB‚ Whisper‚ GreyQo‚ Ms Madi‚ Licorice‚ Jackie O‚ Petemoss‚ RoadRage‚ Ambiance BT™‚ from Bitstream‚ Playball Pro Regular‚ Love Light‚ Send Flowers‚ Babylonica‚ Updock‚ Allison‚ Lavishly Yours‚ Lovers Quarrel‚ Ruthie‚ Fuzzy Bubbles‚ Beau Rivage‚ SassyFrass ROB‚ Neonderthaw‚ Carattere‚ Arizonia‚ Shalimar‚ FleurDeLeah‚ Square Peg‚ Island Moments‚ Holiday Font‚ MooLahLah‚ Gideon‚ Kings‚ Twinkle Star‚ Ingrid Darling‚ Estonia‚ Italianno‚ Moon Dance‚ Grapenuts‚ Oh Ley‚ Saliere‚ MySoulOne‚ Ruge Boogie‚ GårechenFuemen‚ Tapestry‚ LA Heat‚ RUSerius‚ Robs Pickles‚ ITC Chivalry™‚ ITC Arid™‚ Genos‚ Explora‚ WindSong
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- URW++
- Typefaces: Abbey™‚ Accent™‚ Accolade‚ Aculida™‚ Adroit™‚ Advance™‚ Agenda™‚ Aggie™‚ URW Alcuin™‚ URW Alcuin Pro™‚ Algerian‚ Alpha™‚ Alte Schwabacher‚ Alternate Gothic‚ Altrincham™‚ AM Floriana‚ Amanda URW™‚ Amber™‚ American Gothic™‚ American Uncial‚ Americana‚ Amiti陂 Annual™‚ Antiform™‚ URW Antiqua™‚ Antique Olive‚ Anzeigen Grotesk‚ Apache™‚ April™‚ Arab Brushstroke™‚ Aral™‚ Argonautica™‚ Arnold Boecklin‚ Arnold Boecklin No. 2‚ Arsis™‚ Art Gothic™‚ Artcraft™‚ Aster‚ Atlantic Sans™‚ Atlantic Seawashed™‚ Atlantic Serif™‚ Atrax™‚ Autotype™‚ Avernus URW™‚ Avon™‚ Hanyi Bai Qi‚ Hanyi Bai Qing‚ Baldur™‚ Balloon‚ Balmoral‚ LP Bambus™‚ Bank Script™‚ Banner™‚ Hanyi Bao Song‚ Barack‚ Barbedor‚ Bardi™‚ Basilia‚ Baskerville‚ URW Baskerville™‚ URW Baskerville AI™‚ Baskerville Handcut™‚ Baskerville No. 2‚ Baskerville Old Face‚ Baucher Gothic™‚ Bavaroir™‚ Beacon™‚ Bee™‚ Behrens Schrift™‚ Bell‚ Berling‚ Bernhard Antique™‚ Bernhard Fashion‚ Bernhard Gothic‚ Bernhard Modern‚ Beton™‚ Binner‚ Black Market™‚ Blacklight™‚ Blippo‚ Blizzard™‚ Bluejack™‚ Bodoni™‚ URW Bodoni™‚ Bodoni Antiqua‚ URW Bodoni No 1™‚ Bodoni No 2™‚ URW Bodoni Old Fashion™‚ Bodoni Stencil™‚ Bodoni-M‚ Bauer Bodoni™‚ IBM Bodoni‚ Bohemian™‚ Boldface™‚ Bommi™‚ URW Bookman™‚ Breite Kanzlei™‚ Breughel™‚ Britannic™‚ Broadway‚ Brody‚ DTC Brody Variants‚ Brush Script‚ Buchsztaby™‚ Buchsztaby Figurki™‚ URW Busorama™‚ Buxom‚ Hanyi Cai Die‚ Hanyi Cai Yun‚ California Grotesk™‚ Candida®‚ Cargo™‚ Cartel™‚ Casablanca™‚ Casanova™‚ Caslon Antique‚ Caslon Graphique‚ Caslon No 337™‚ Caslon No. 540‚ Caslon Stencil‚ Castle™‚ Cat Cat Cat™‚ Caxtonian Black™‚ Century Expanded‚ Century Old Style‚ Century Schoolbook‚ Hanyi Chang Mei Hei‚ Hanyi Chang Song‚ Hanyi Chang Yi‚ Hanyi Chao Cu Hei‚ Hanyi Chao Cu Song‚ Hanyi Chao Cu Yuan‚ Charter Oak™‚ Cheltenham Old Style‚ Cheltenham Old Style No 2‚ URW Cheltenham™‚ Hanyi Chen Pin‚ Chevalier™‚ Chisel‚ Choc‚ Churchward Brush™‚ Circle™‚ Clarendon‚ Clarendon No 1™‚ URW Clarendon™‚ ClarendoNeo Pro™‚ URW Classico™‚ Clearface Gothic‚ Cloister‚ Cochin‚ Coliseum‚ URW Colombine™‚ Columna™‚ Commercial Script‚ URW Compress™‚ Congress‚ Contemporary Brush™‚ Continental™‚ Cooper Black‚ Cooper Old Style™‚ Copperplate‚ Coronet I‚ Corporate A™‚ Corporate E™‚ Corporate S™‚ Corporate URW™‚ Courier M‚ CS Courthand™‚ Craw Modern™‚ Criterion™‚ Hanyi Cu Fang Song‚ Hanyi Cu Hei‚ Hanyi Cu Song‚ Hanyi Cu Yuan‚ Curly Lady™‚ Cutoff Pro™‚ Hanyi Da Hei‚ Hanyi Da Li Shu‚ Hanyi Da Song‚ Daedalus™‚ Hanyi Dai Yu‚ Danmark™‚ Davida‚ Deep Space™‚ Deepdene‚ Delphin No 2‚ Devinne™‚ Devinne Ornament‚ Dex Gothic™‚ Dextor‚ Didoni™‚ Hanyi Die Yu‚ DTC Dirty Variants™‚ Diskus™‚ Dom Casual‚ Hanyi Du Du‚ Eckmann‚ Egizio URW™‚ Egyptian 505‚ Egyptienne‚ URW Egyptienne™‚ Englische Schreibschrift‚ Engravers‚ Engschrift‚ Enviro‚ URW Erbar™‚ Erbar Neo Mini™‚ Eurostile®‚ Ewie™‚ Expansion™‚ URW Fanfare‚ Hanyi Fang Die‚ Hanyi Fang Li‚ Hanyi Fang Song‚ Fat Face™‚ Fette Fraktur‚ Fette Gotisch‚ Fette Mittelschrift™‚ Filo Pro™‚ Firmin Didot™‚ Flamenco‚ Flash‚ Florentine™‚ Flying Objects™‚ Folio®‚ Fou Pro‚ Fox™‚ FR73 Pixel™‚ Franklin Gothic‚ DTC Franklin Gothic Variants‚ Friederike™‚ Frigidaire™‚ Friz Quadrata‚ DTC Funky Variants™‚ Funny Nature™‚ Futura®‚ Futura Black®‚ Futura Display®‚ Futura No 2®‚ Futura No 3®‚ Futura No 7®‚ Futura No 8®‚ CS Fuzzy Logic™‚ Galadriel‚ Hanyi Gan Lan‚ Ganz Grobe Gotisch™‚ URW Garamond™‚ Garamond No 2‚ Garamond No. 4‚ Garamond No. 5‚ DTC Garamond Variants™‚ Garamond No 9‚ Amsterdamer Garamont™‚ Gillies Gothic™‚ Giorgio™‚ Giureska‚ Glamour™‚ Glaser Stencil‚ Glastonbury™‚ Globe‚ Gordon™‚ URW Gothic™‚ Gothic Outline™‚ WTC Goudy‚ Goudy AI™‚ Goudy Catalogue‚ Goudy Handtooled‚ Goudy Heavyface‚ Goudy Old Style‚ Goudy Series™‚ WTC Goudy Swash™‚ Gradl No 1™‚ HGB Grotesk™‚ URW Grotesk™‚ URW Grotesk E™‚ Grotesque No 9‚ Hanyi Ha Ha‚ Hanyi Hai Yun‚ Hair™‚ Handel Gothic‚ Handel Slab‚ Hands on Albrecht™‚ Hanyi Hei Mi‚ Hanyi Hei Qi‚ Hein Kni Set D™‚ Hein Recueil™‚ Hein Recueil Symbol™‚ Hein Resans™‚ Hein Resans Point™‚ Hein TX Ten™‚ Hein TX1 Versal™‚ Hein TX2 Symbol™‚ Hein TX3 Symbol™‚ Hein TX4™‚ Hein TX4 InType™‚ Hein TX5™‚ Hein TX5 InType™‚ Hein TX5 Symbol™‚ Hein TX5 Symbol InType™‚ Heldustry™‚ Helserif™‚ DTC Hermes™‚ HGB Lombardisch™‚ Hiroshige‚ Hobo‚ Hogarth Script‚ Holland Gothic™‚ Holly Script™‚ Hanyi Hu Po‚ Hanyi Hua Die‚ Hanyi Huo Chai‚ Huxley Vertical‚ Ice Age™‚ Impact‚ DTC Imperial™‚ URW Imperial™‚ Impressum®‚ Imprint URW™‚ Insekt™‚ Introspect™‚ Isometrik™‚ Isonorm‚ Janson‚ Jason Uncial™‚ Jay Gothic™‚ Jazmo‚ Jazz Ragtime™‚ Hanyi Jia Shu‚ Joga™‚ Joker DTC‚ Julia Script‚ Justus Pro™‚ Kabarett™‚ Hanyi Kai Ti‚ Kalligraphia‚ Katie™‚ Kaufmann‚ Kettapila™‚ Keys™‚ Kilimanjaro™‚ Kipp Clean™‚ Klassika™‚ URW Kolibri™‚ Kolibri Isolated™‚ Komisz™‚ Kunstlerschreibschrift™‚ Laenderkennzeichen™‚ Lamont Pro™‚ Largo™‚ Las Vegas‚ Latienne™‚ Latin‚ URW Latino™‚ Lazybones‚ LCD‚ Leger™‚ Le Rock‚ Legothic™‚ Les Tres™‚ Letter Gothic‚ Hanyi Li Hei‚ Liberty‚ Life®‚ Light Fit™‚ URW Linear™‚ Hanyi Ling Bo‚ Hanyi Ling Xin‚ Litera‚ Lucida‚ Lucida Big Casual‚ Lucida Blackletter‚ Lucida Bright‚ Lucida Calligraphy‚ Lucida Casual‚ Lucida Fax‚ Lucida Handwriting‚ Lucida Sans‚ Lucida Sans Typewriter‚ Lucida Typwriter‚ Luedickital™‚ Hanyi Luo Bo‚ Magna‚ Hanyi Man Bu‚ Mandarin‚ Manuskript Antiqua™‚ Mariage™‚ Marin™‚ Marlboro™‚ Martin Gothic™‚ Martines™‚ URW Martinique™‚ Mauritius I™‚ Maxima‚ Media Sol™‚ Memphis‚ Metropolitaines™‚ Hanyi Mi Mi‚ Microgramma‚ Minister‚ Mistral‚ Mittelschrift‚ ITC Mixage‚ Moderatio™‚ Modern Extended‚ Mond™‚ Moving Mouse™‚ Murray Hill‚ Naej‚ Hanyi Nan Gong‚ Neo Franklin™‚ URW Neuland‚ Neustadt™‚ Neuzeit Grotesk‚ Nevison Casual‚ New Bayreuth™‚ Newport Land™‚ News Gothic‚ News Gothic No 2‚ Nicolas Cochin‚ Nimbus Monospace™‚ Nimbus Roman™‚ Nimbus Roman Modern Compress™‚ Nimbus Roman Mono™‚ Nimbus Roman No 2™‚ Nimbus Roman No 9™‚ Nimbus Sans™‚ Nimbus Sans Mono™‚ Nimbus Sans No 4™‚ Nimbus Sans Novus™‚ Nimbus Sans Novus E™‚ Nissan™‚ OCR-A‚ OCR B Letterpress‚ Okay™‚ URW Oklahoma™‚ Old English‚ Old Towne No. 536‚ Ondine‚ Organicon™‚ Ornella™‚ URW Palladio™‚ URW Pandora™‚ Parade™‚ Parametra™‚ Park Avenue‚ Pendry Script‚ Permanent Headline™‚ Perpedes™‚ Perpedix™‚ Perugia Cursive™‚ Phenotype™‚ Phet™‚ Philly Sport Script™‚ Phyllis‚ LP Pinselschrift‚ Pirates and Robbers™‚ Playbill‚ DTC Plaza Variants‚ Polonaise™‚ Prana Pro™‚ Precis™‚ President‚ Prestige Elite‚ Profil™‚ Hanyi Qing Yun‚ Quadre™‚ Quartz‚ Quartz Mono™‚ Quentin™‚ Quint™‚ Radiant‚ Raldo‚ Raldo RE‚ Raleigh‚ Ramona™‚ Renault‚ Rene Font™‚ Rene Lemon™‚ René Menue™‚ Revis™‚ Ribera‚ Roman Script™‚ Roman Shaded™‚ Roman Solid™‚ Roman Stylus™‚ Romana‚ Romeo™‚ Rotata Mysticons™‚ Rotate Klassik™‚ Rotate Modern™‚ Rotate Nouveau™‚ DTC Rough Variants™‚ Ruca™‚ Saa™‚ Sax™‚ lp Saturnia‚ Scenario™‚ Schadow Antiqua™‚ Schillerplatz™‚ Schneidler®‚ SCR-I™‚ SCR-N™‚ Scylla™‚ Seagull‚ Seed™‚ Sepultura™‚ Serifa®‚ Serpentine‚ Hanyi Shen Gong‚ Hanyi Shou Jin Shu‚ Hanyi Shu Hun‚ Hanyi Shu Song Er‚ Hanyi Shu Song Yi‚ Hanyi Shu Tong‚ Hanyi Shuang Xian‚ Hanyi Shui Bo‚ Hanyi Shui Di‚ Siesta™‚ Signs and Symbols™‚ Sistina™‚ Skidoos™‚ Slipstream‚ Slogan‚ Smooth Buggaloo‚ SNV™‚ Solo Data™‚ Solo Mito™‚ Souvenir Gothic™‚ Spielhaus™‚ Springfield‚ Standup™‚ Stanza™‚ URW Stark™‚ Stencil‚ Stentor‚ Stop‚ Stratford™‚ Styla Pro‚ Stymie‚ Superbold™‚ Supernormale™‚ Synchro‚ Syntax Series‚ Szablon™‚ Sztark™‚ Sztempel™‚ Sztiefel™‚ Hanyi Tai Ji‚ CS Takahashi™‚ Hanyi Te Xi Deng Xian‚ Technotyp™‚ Theo Ballmer™‚ Thorowgood‚ Thunderbird‚ Timbre™‚ Time Script™‚ Timeless‚ Tip Top Pro™‚ Titus‚ Toms Handwritten™‚ URW Topic™‚ Torino‚ Traffic Type™‚ Transport™‚ Tricky™‚ URW Typewriter™‚ Umbra‚ Unciala™‚ URW Urban‚ VAG Rundschrift‚ Van Dijk‚ DTC Van Dijk Variants‚ Vendome‚ Venus™‚ Viant™‚ Viking Gothic™‚ Vivaldi‚ Vladimir Script‚ Volta®‚ Hanyi Wa Wa Zhuan‚ Walbaum Fraktur™‚ Hanyi Wei Bei‚ Weiss Antiqua®‚ Weiss Rundgotisch™‚ Weiss Titling‚ Windsor‚ With Ink™‚ URW Wood Type™‚ Worcester™‚ Wordsworth™‚ Hanyi Xi Deng Xian‚ Hanyi Xi Xing Kai‚ Hanyi Xi Yuan‚ Hanyi Xi Zhong Yuan‚ Hanyi Xiao Li Shu‚ Hanyi Xing Kai‚ Hanyi Xing Shi‚ Hanyi Xiu Ying‚ Hanyi Xue Feng‚ Hanyi Xue Jun‚ Hanyi Ya Ya‚ Hanyi Yan Ling‚ Yardmaster™‚ Hanyi Yuan Die‚ Zapf Chancery Medium‚ Hanyi Zhong Deng Xian‚ Hanyi Zhong Hei‚ Hanyi Zhong Kai‚ Hanyi Zhong Li Shu‚ Hanyi ZHong Song‚ Hanyi Zhong Yuan‚ Hanyi Zhu Jie‚ Hanyi Zi Dian Song‚ Zirkus™‚ Zola™‚ Hanyi Zong Yi
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- Village
- Designers: Henrik Kubel‚ Chester Jenkins‚ Jeremy Mickel‚ Kris Sowersby‚ Rick Valicenti‚ Patrick Giasson‚ Magnus Rakeng‚ Mário Feliciano‚ Francesca Bolognini‚ Holger Königsdörfer‚ Hanno Bennert‚ Edgar Walthert‚ Saku Heinänen‚ Hugo d'Alte‚ Keith Chi-hang Tam‚ Karsten Lücke‚ Sibylle Hagmann‚ Greg Lindy‚ Henk Elenga‚ Christian Schwartz‚ Ross Milne‚ Berton Hasebe‚ Tal Leming‚ Ondrej Jób‚ Trine Rask‚ Lucas Sharp‚ Josh Finklea
- Typefaces: Cosmica‚ Marcin Antique‚ Marcin Typewriter‚ Fabriga‚ Silva Display‚ Silva Text‚ Sharp Sans‚ Rum Plakat‚ Frauen‚ Proof‚ Queue‚ Domaine Sans Fine‚ Domaine Sans Display‚ Domaine Sans Text‚ Gandur Alte‚ Gandur New‚ Kommissar‚ Kommissar Condensed‚ Kommissar X-Condensed‚ Gravitas‚ Haltrix‚ Balto‚ Marigny‚ Ogg‚ Brooklyn‚ Brooklyn Stencil‚ Typewriter‚ Outsiders‚ Regular‚ Pitch‚ Antwerp‚ Aero‚ Doko‚ Agile‚ Calibre‚ Metric‚ Gustan‚ Founders Grotesk‚ Founders Grotesk Condensed‚ Founders Grotesk X-Condensed‚ Founders Grotesk Mono‚ Tiempos Text‚ Tiempos Headline‚ Arbor‚ Apex Rounded‚ Freya‚ Elido‚ Eudald News‚ Galaxie Copernicus‚ Stag Stencil‚ Giorgio Sans‚ Stag Sans Round‚ Gravitas‚ Marigny‚ OHM‚ Torque‚ Karbon‚ Karbon Slab Stencil‚ Liza‚ Galaxie Polaris Condensed‚ Newzald‚ Giorgio‚ Stag Dot‚ Flama Ultracondensed‚ Flama Condensed‚ Flama Semicondensed‚ Router‚ Stag Sans‚ Feijoa‚ National‚ Galaxie Cassiopeia‚ Apex New‚ Stag‚ Flama‚ Odile‚ Fakir‚ Local Gothic‚ Garda‚ Rongel‚ Litteratra‚ Tiptoe‚ Kaas‚ Arrival‚ Crank 8‚ Bello‚ Galaxie Polaris‚ Grotzec Headline‚ Merlo‚ B-Sides‚ Auto‚ Apex Serif‚ Apex Sans‚ Morgan‚ Nova‚ Lux Sans‚ Section‚ Sauna‚ Infinity‚ Dolly‚ Oz‚ Stella‚ Radio‚ Shift‚ Remi‚ Typewriter‚ Fort‚ Fort Condensed‚ Fort X-Condensed‚ Timonium‚ Colette‚ Rum Sans‚ Rum Serif‚ Sharp Sans No. 1‚ Sharp Sans No. 2‚ Domaine Display‚ Domaine Display Narrow‚ Domaine Display Condensed‚ Domaine Text‚ Domaine Sans Fine‚ Domaine Sans Display‚ Domaine Sans Text‚ Superior Title‚ Odesta‚ Post Grotesk‚ Tram‚ Lex‚ Kina
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- YouWorkForThem
- Typefaces: YWFT Hannah‚ YWFT Ultramagnetic‚ YWFT Attic‚ YWFT Signature‚ YWFT Wellsworth‚ YWFT HLLVTKA‚ YWFT Trithart‚ YWFT Neighborhood‚ OffHand Script‚ YWFT Absent Grotesque‚ YWFT Wonderland‚ YWFT Pierre‚ YWFT Pello‚ YWFT S3‚ YWFT Pakt‚ YWFT Welna‚ YWFT Mr. Hyde‚ YWFT Strike‚ YWFT Wool‚ YWFT Gavin‚ YWFT Harmony‚ Anti‚ YWFT Ultramagnetic Expanded‚ YWFT Blessed‚ YWFT Cam‚ YWFT Jute‚ YWFT Trisect‚ YWFT Tapscott‚ YWFT Belle‚ YWFT BLKMTL‚ YWFT Skute Pro‚ YWFT Fetti‚ YWFT Motown‚ YWFT Knit‚ YWFT Duncan‚ YWFT Service‚ YWFT Unisect‚ YWFT Dusty‚ YWFT Speakeasy‚ YWFT OffHand Round‚ YWFT OffHand Sharp‚ YWFT Scarlett London‚ YWFT Potjamon‚ YWFT DID‚ YWFT Agostina Alternate‚ YWFT Garnier‚ YWFT Expos‚ YWFT Estenceler‚ YWFT Seaweed‚ YWFT Bit‚ YWFT Polygone‚ YWFT Faux Bois‚ YWFT Connery‚ Ornamental‚ YWFT Agostina‚ YWFT Yoke‚ GridDrop‚ YWFT Tussah‚ YWFT Gavin Alt‚ YWFT HLLVTKA Round‚ YWFT Caliper‚ YWFT 6x7oct‚ YWFT Blackgold‚ YWFT Composite‚ YWFT Crossover‚ YWFT Formation‚ YWFT Maetl‚ YWFT Novum‚ YWFT OneCross‚ YWFT OverCross‚ YWFT Reversion‚ YWFT Selek‚ YWFT DesignGraphik‚ YWFT Enam‚ YWFT Moteur‚ YWFT Processing‚ YWFT Buffer‚ YWFT League‚ YWFT Nash‚ YWFT Filbert‚ Inkantation‚ YWFT Maudlin‚ YWFT Victoria‚ YWFT Chateau‚ Metal Face‚ YWFT Bitwood‚ YWFT Pixacao‚ DropBit Round‚ DropBit Hrzn‚ Hot Plait‚ DropBit Fifty‚ YWFT Enigmatic Hand‚ Guild‚ YWFT Grosskopf‚ YWFT Thinaire Unicase‚ YWFT Odd Lots‚ Stick Together‚ YWFT Girlyque‚ YWFT Morricone‚ YWFT Dodoots‚ Die Alles‚ YWFT Odon‚ YWFT Won’t Stop Won’t Quit‚ YWFT Gum‚ YWFT Hugo‚ Magoo‚ Die Monogramm‚ Die Null‚ YWFT Ally‚ YWFT Pineapple‚ YWFT Matter‚ YWFT Merriam‚ YWFT Michel‚ YWFT Isanti‚ YWFT Mullino‚ YWFT illD‚ YWFT Valley‚ YWFT Basel‚ YWFT Lollop‚ YWFT Spikes‚ YWFT Pudge‚ YWFT Soaka‚ YWFT LED‚ YWFT QUE‚ YWFT Ink‚ YWFT Dekko‚ YWFT Herzog‚ YWFT Liana‚ YWFT Array‚ YWFT Coltrane‚ YWFT Motown Condensed‚ YWFT Motown Expanded‚ YWFT Poplock‚ YWFT Burls
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- TipoType
- Designers: Vicente Lamónaca‚ Martín Sommaruga‚ Andreu Balius‚ Fernando Díaz
- Typefaces: Neftalí‚ Mariné Rounded‚ Arya Rounded‚ Economica Next‚ Salinas‚ Cavita Rounded‚ Rogliano‚ Salinas‚ Garrigós‚ Agatha‚ Cavita Rounded‚ Brother 1816‚ Gafata Pro‚ Rufina Stencil‚ Trasandina‚ Carmencita‚ Cavita‚ Arya‚ Wurz‚ Sedan‚ Economica Pro‚ Economica Cyrillic PRO‚ Fenix‚ Pradell‚ Quiroga‚ Rambla‚ Económica‚ Muzarela‚ Chau‚ Logomotion‚ Amelia‚ Amelia Rounded‚ Korn‚ San Benito‚ St Patrick‚ Rufina‚ Prevya Display‚ Recta Gafata‚ Melina‚ Yapa‚ Mary Todd‚ Mariné‚ Libertad‚ La Paz
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- Adobe
- Designers: Caleb Belohlavek‚ Frank Grießhammer‚ Gu Hua‚ Masataka Hattori‚ Paul D. Hunt‚ David Lemon‚ Ken Lunde‚ Ernest March‚ Nicole Minoza‚ Ryoko Nishizuka‚ Read Roberts‚ Steve Ross‚ Robert Slimbach‚ Christopher Slye‚ Miguel Sousa‚ Taro Yamamoto‚ Weizhi Yang‚ Akira Kobayashi‚ Alan Blackman‚ Carl Crossgrove‚ Carol Twombly‚ Cleo Huggins‚ Craig Frazier‚ David Siegel‚ Fiona Ross‚ Jeremy Tankard‚ Jim Parkinson‚ Jim Wasco‚ Joachim Müller-Lancé‚ John Benson‚ John Hudson‚ Jovica Veljovic‚ Joy Redick‚ Julian Waters‚ Lance Hidy‚ Laurie Szujewska‚ Lynne Garell‚ Mario Feliciano‚ Mark Jamra‚ Masahiko Kozuka & Adobe’s Japanese type design team‚ Michael Harvey‚ Michael Want‚ Min Wang‚ Richard Lipton‚ Rick Cusick‚ Thomas Phinney‚ Tim Donaldson‚ Tim Holloway‚ Viktor Solt-Bittner
- Typefaces: Aachen Std‚ Acumin‚ Adobe Arabic‚ Adobe Caslon Pro‚ Adobe Devanagari‚ Adobe Future Fonts Collection‚ Adobe Garamond Pro‚ Adobe Hebrew‚ Adobe Jenson Pro‚ Adobe Kannada‚ Adobe Text Pro‚ Adobe Thai‚ Adobe Wood Type Ornaments Std‚ Albertus Std‚ Aldus Std‚ Alexa Std‚ Americana Std‚ Amigo Std‚ Andreas Std‚ Antique Olive Std‚ Apollo Std‚ Arcadia Std‚ Arcana Std Manuscript‚ Ariadne Std‚ Arno Pro‚ Arnold Böcklin Std‚ Ashley Script Std‚ Auriol Std‚ Avenir Std‚ Baker Signet Std‚ Balzano Std‚ Banco Std‚ Banshee Std‚ Baskerville Cyrillic Std‚ Bauer Bodoni Std‚ Bell Centennial Std‚ Bell Gothic Std‚ Bell Std‚ Belwe Std‚ Bembo Std Full‚ Berling Std‚ Bermuda LP Std‚ Bernhard Modern Std‚ Bernhard Std Bold Condensed‚ Bickham Script Pro‚ Biffo Std‚ Birch Std‚ Blackoak Std‚ Blue Island Std‚ Bodoni Std Full Family‚ Border Pi Std‚ Border Pi Std‚ Briem Akademi Std‚ Briem Script Std‚ Brioso Pro‚ Bruno JB Std‚ Brush Script Std‚ Bulmer Std‚ Bundesbahn Pi Std‚ Caflisch Script Pro‚ Calcite Pro‚ Caliban Std‚ Calvert Std‚ Candida Std‚ Cantoria Std‚ Caravan Std‚ Carolina Std‚ Carta Std‚ Cascade Script Std‚ Caslon 3 Std‚ Caslon 540 Std‚ Caslon Open Face Std‚ Castellar Std‚ Caxton Std‚ Centaur Std‚ Century Expanded Std‚ Century Old Style Std‚ Chaparral Pro‚ Charlemagne Std‚ Charme Std‚ Cheq Std‚ Clairvaux Std‚ Clarendon Std‚ Clearface Gothic Std‚ Cloister Std OpenFace‚ Club Type Std‚ Cochin Std‚ Conga Brava Std‚ Cooper Black Std‚ Copal Std‚ Copperplate Gothic Std‚ Coriander Std‚ Corona Std‚ Coronet Std‚ Cottonwood Std‚ Courier Std‚ Critter Std‚ Cronos Pro‚ Cutout Std‚ Dante Std‚ Delphin Std‚ DIN Schriften Std‚ Diotima Std‚ Diskus Std‚ Dom Casual Std‚ Dorchester Script Std‚ Doric Std‚ Duc De Berry Std‚ Eccentric Std‚ Egyptienne F Std‚ Ehrhardt Std‚ Electra Std‚ Ellington Std‚ Else NPL Std‚ Engravers Std‚ European Pi Std‚ Eurostile Std‚ Ex Ponto Pro‚ Excelsior Std‚ Fairfield Std‚ Falstaff Std‚ Fette Fraktur Std‚ Flood Std‚ Florens Std‚ Flyer Std‚ Folio Std‚ Forte Std‚ Fournier Std‚ Fractions Std 1‚ Franklin Gothic Std‚ Freestyle Script Std‚ Friz Quadrata Std‚ Frutiger Std‚ Fusaka Std‚ Futura Std‚ Galahad Std‚ Garamond 3 Std‚ Garamond Premier Pro‚ Garth Graphic Std‚ Gazette Std‚ Giddyup Std‚ Gill Floriated Caps Std‚ Gill Sans Std‚ Glypha Std‚ Gothic 13 Std‚ Goudy Std‚ Goudy Text Std‚ Granjon Std‚ Graphite Std‚ Guardi Std‚ Hadriano Std‚ Hardwood Std‚ Heisei Standard‚ Helvetica Inserat Std‚ Helvetica Neue Std‚ Helvetica Std‚ Herculanum Std‚ Hiroshige Std‚ Hobo Std‚ Horley Old Style Std‚ HY Gung So Std‚ HY Kak Headline Std‚ HY Rounded Gothic Std‚ Hypatia Sans Pro‚ Immi 505 Std‚ Impact Std‚ Impressum Std‚ Industria Std‚ Inflex Bold Std‚ Insignia Std‚ Ironwood Std‚ Isabella Std‚ Italia Std‚ ITC American Typewriter Std‚ ITC Anna Std‚ ITC Avant Garde Gothic Std‚ ITC Bauhaus Std‚ ITC Beesknees Std‚ ITC Benguiat Gothic Std‚ ITC Benguiat Std‚ ITC Berkeley Oldstyle Std‚ ITC Bookman Std‚ ITC Caslon 224 Std‚ ITC Century Handtooled Std‚ ITC Century Std‚ ITC Cerigo Std‚ ITC Cheltenham Handtooled Std‚ ITC Cheltenham Std‚ ITC Clearface Std‚ ITC Cushing Std‚ ITC Eras Std‚ ITC Esprit Std‚ ITC Fenice Std‚ ITC Flora Std‚ ITC Franklin Gothic Std‚ ITC Galliard Std‚ ITC Garamond Handtooled Std‚ ITC Garamond Std‚ ITC Giovanni Std‚ ITC Goudy Sans Std‚ ITC Highlander Std‚ ITC Isadora Std‚ ITC Kabel Std‚ ITC Korinna Std‚ ITC Leawood Std‚ ITC Legacy Sans Std‚ ITC Legacy Serif Std‚ ITC Lubalin Graph Std‚ ITC Machine Std‚ ITC Mendoza Roman Std‚ ITC Mona Lisa Std‚ ITC Motter Corpus Std‚ ITC New Baskerville Std‚ ITC Novarese Std‚ ITC Officina Sans Std‚ ITC Officina Serif Std‚ ITC Ozwald Std‚ ITC Quorum Std‚ ITC Serif Gothic Std‚ ITC Slimbach Std‚ ITC Souvenir Std‚ ITC Stone Informal Std‚ ITC Stone Phonetic Std‚ ITC Stone Sans Std‚ ITC Stone Serif Std‚ ITC Symbol Std‚ ITC Tiepolo Std‚ ITC Tiffany Std‚ ITC Usherwood Std‚ ITC Veljovic Std‚ ITC Weidemann Std‚ ITC Zapf Chancery Std‚ ITC Zapf Dingbats Std‚ Janson Text Std‚ Jimbo Std‚ Joanna Std‚ Juniper Std‚ Kabel Std‚ Kaufmann Std‚ Kazuraki SP2N‚ Kepler‚ Khaki Std‚ Kigali Std‚ Kinesis Std‚ Kino Std‚ Klang Std‚ Koch Antiqua Std‚ Kolo Std‚ Kompakt Std‚ Kozuka Gothic Pr6N‚ Kozuka Mincho Pr6N‚ Kuenstler Script Std‚ Latin Std‚ Leander Script‚ Legault Std‚ Letter Gothic Std‚ Life Std‚ LinoLetter Std‚ Linoscript Std‚ Linotext Std‚ Linotype Astrology Pi Std‚ Linotype Audio Pi Std‚ Linotype Centennial Std‚ Linotype Decoration Pi Std‚ Linotype Didot Std‚ Linotype Game Pi Std‚ Linotype Holiday Pi Std‚ Lithos Pro‚ Logo Arl‚ Logo Cut‚ Logo Line‚ Lucida Math Std‚ Lucida Sans Std‚ Lucida Sans Typewriter Std‚ Lucida Serif Std‚ Lucida Typewriter Std‚ Madrone Std‚ Manito Std‚ Marigold Std‚ Mathematical Pi Std‚ Matura Std‚ Maximus Std‚ Medici Script Std‚ Melior Std‚ Memphis Std‚ Mercurius Std Bold Script‚ Meridien Std‚ Mesquite Std‚ Mezz Std‚ MICR Std‚ Minion Pro‚ Minister Std‚ Mistral Std‚ Mojo Std‚ Monoline Script Std‚ Monotype Goudy Modern Std‚ Monotype Grotesque Std‚ Monotype Italian Old Style Std‚ Monotype Modern Std‚ Monotype Old Style Std Bold Outline‚ Monotype Scotch Roman Std‚ Monotype Script Std‚ Montara Std‚ Moonglow‚ MVB Bossa Nova Std‚ MVB Celestia Antiqua Std‚ MVB Emmascript Std‚ MVB Greymantle Std‚ MVB Magnesium Std‚ MVB Magnolia Std‚ Myriad Pro‚ Myriad Arabic‚ Myriad Hebrew‚ Mythos Std‚ National Codes Pi Std‚ Neue Hammer Unziale Std‚ Neuland Std‚ Neuzeit S Std‚ New Aster Std‚ New Berolina Std‚ New Caledonia Std‚ New Century Schoolbook Std‚ New Century Schoolbook Std Fractions‚ News Gothic Std‚ Notre Dame Std‚ Nueva Std‚ Nuptial Script Std‚ Nyx Std‚ Ocean Sans Std‚ OCR-A Std‚ OCR-B Std‚ Octavian Std‚ Old Claude Std‚ Old Style 7 Std‚ Olympian Std‚ Omnia Std‚ Ondine Std‚ Onyx Std‚ Optima Std‚ Orgánica GMM Semiserif‚ Origami Std‚ Ouch! Std‚ Oxford Std‚ Palace Script Std‚ Palatino‚ Parisian Std‚ Park Avenue Std‚ Peignot Std‚ Pelican Std‚ Penumbra Flare Std‚ Penumbra HalfSerif Std‚ Penumbra Sans Std‚ Penumbra Serif Std‚ Pepita Std‚ Pepperwood Std‚ Perpetua Std‚ Photina Std‚ Plantin Std‚ PMN Caecilia Std‚ Poetica Std‚ Pompeia Std Inline‚ Pompeijana Std‚ Ponderosa Std‚ Poplar Std‚ Postino Std‚ Present Std‚ Prestige Elite Std‚ Quake Std‚ Rad Std‚ Raleigh Std‚ Raphael Std‚ Reliq Std‚ Reporter Std‚ Revue Std‚ Rockwell Std‚ Romic Std‚ Rosewood Std‚ Rotation Std‚ Rotis Sans Serif Std‚ Rotis Semi Sans Std‚ Rotis SemiSerif Std‚ Rotis Serif Std‚ Ruling Script Std‚ Runic Std‚ Russell Oblique Std‚ Russell Square Std‚ Rusticana Std‚ Ruzicka Freehand Std‚ Ryo Display PlusN‚ Ryo Gothic PlusN‚ Ryo Text PlusN‚ Sabon Std‚ San Marco Std‚ Sanvito Pro‚ Sassafras Std‚ Sava Pro‚ Script Std‚ Serifa Std‚ Serlio Std‚ Serpentine Std‚ Shannon Std‚ Shelley Std‚ Sho Std‚ Shuriken Boy Std‚ Silentium Pro‚ Simoncini Garamond Std‚ SM Gothic Std‚ SM Myungjo Std‚ Smaragd Std‚ Snell Roundhand Std‚ Sonata Std‚ Source Code Pro‚ Source Sans Pro‚ Source Han Sans‚ Source Han Serif‚ Spartan Classified Std‚ Spectrum Std‚ Spring Std‚ Spumoni Std‚ Stempel Garamond Std‚ Stempel Schneidler Std‚ Stencil Std‚ Strayhorn Std‚ Strumpf Std‚ Studz Std‚ Symbol Std‚ Syntax Std‚ Tekton Pro‚ Tempo Std Heavy Condensed‚ Times Europa Std‚ Times New Roman Std‚ Times Phonetic Std‚ Times Std‚ Times Ten Std‚ Toolbox Std‚ Trade Gothic Std‚ Trajan Pro‚ Trajan Pro 3‚ Trajan Sans Pro‚ Trump Mediäval Std‚ Umbra Std‚ Univers Std‚ University Std‚ Utopia Std‚ VAG Rounded Std‚ Vectora Std‚ Versailles Std‚ Verve Std‚ Visigoth Std‚ Viva Std‚ Voluta Script Pro‚ Warning Pi Std‚ Warnock Pro‚ Waters Titling Pro‚ Weiss Std‚ Wendy Std‚ Wiesbaden Swing Std‚ Wilhelm Klingspor Gotisch Std‚ Wilke Std‚ Willow Std‚ Wittenberger Fraktur Std‚ Zebrawood Std‚ Zipty Do Std
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- Berthold
- Designers: Vladimir Andrich‚ Manfred Barz‚ H. Berthold‚ Albert Boton‚ Marco Ganz‚ Karl Gerstner‚ Hans Heitmann‚ H. Hoffmann‚ Dieter Hofrichter‚ Gustav Jaeger‚ Karl Klauss‚ Günter Gerhard Lange‚ Karlheinz Maireder‚ Kazimierz Mika‚ Bernd Möllenstädt‚ Örjan Nordling‚ Aldo Novarese‚ .Louis Oppenheim‚ Friedrich Poppl‚ Herbert Post‚ David Quay‚ Hans Reichel‚ Paul Renner‚ Manfred Sayer‚ Werner Schneider‚ Manfred H. Schüller‚ Erik Spiekermann‚ Georg Trump‚ Les Usherwood‚ Kurt Weidemann‚ Martin Wilke‚ Hermann Zapf‚ Gudrun Zapf-von Hesse
- Typefaces: AG Book‚ AG Book Condensed‚ AG Book Extended‚ AG Book Rounded‚ AG Book Stencil‚ AG Book Outline‚ AG Book Shaded‚ AG Old Face‚ AG Schoolbook‚ Agora‚ Aja‚ Akzidenz-Grotesk‚ Akzidenz-Grotesk Condensed‚ Akzidenz-Grotesk Extended‚ Akzidenz-Grotesk Next‚ Akzidenz-Grotesk Next Condensed‚ Akzidenz-Grotesk Next Extended‚ Arbiter‚ Arena New‚ Ariston‚ Arkona‚ Augustea‚ Avantis‚ Barmeno‚ Berthold Baskerville‚ Berthold Baskerville Book‚ Bellevue‚ Berliner Grotesk‚ Berthold-Script‚ Block‚ Berthold Bodoni Antiqua‚ Berthold Bodoni Antiqua Condensed‚ Berthold Bodoni Old Face‚ Boton‚ Boulevard‚ Caprice‚ Berthold Caslon Book‚ Catull‚ Champion‚ Chasseur‚ Christiana‚ City‚ Colossalis‚ Comenius‚ Concorde‚ Concorde Condensed‚ Concorde Nova‚ Cornet‚ Corporate A‚ Corporate E‚ Corporate S‚ Cosmos‚ Cremona‚ Daily News‚ Delta‚ Donatus‚ El Greco‚ Berthold Englische Schreibschrift One‚ Berthold Englische Schreibschrift Two‚ Epikur‚ Evo‚ Flange‚ Formata‚ Formata Condensed‚ Formata ExtraCondensed‚ Franklin-Antiqua‚ Futura‚ Futura Condensed‚ Galathea‚ Berthold Garamond‚ Gerstner Next‚ Gerstner Original‚ Helicon‚ Imago‚ Jaeger-Antiqua‚ Jersey‚ Laudatio‚ Laudatio Condensed‚ Lo-Type‚ Mainorm‚ Marbrook‚ Michelangelo‚ Mikaway‚ Mikaway Condensed‚ Nero‚ Nofret‚ Nordling‚ Normande‚ Osiris‚ Palette‚ Poppl College One‚ Poppl College Two‚ Poppl Exquisit‚ Poppl-Pontifex‚ Poppl-Residenz‚ Post-Antiqua‚ Post-Mediaeval‚ Prado‚ Quadriga‚ Sayer Esprit‚ Schneider-Antiqua‚ Schneider Libretto‚ Schueller‚ Senatus‚ Seneca‚ Signata‚ Solemnis‚ Berthold Standard‚ Berthold Standard Diagonal‚ Berthold Walbaum Book‚ Whittingham
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- Wordshape
- Designers: Ian Lynam‚ Eli Carrico‚ Eye One‚ Laura McWane‚ Thien Huynh‚ Ryoichi Tsunekawa‚ Bruce Oswald Cooper
- Typefaces: Stamen‚ Perper Bloeren‚ Raker‚ Iggy‚ Vaud‚ SketchCaslon Italic‚ Plural‚ Kommisar‚ SmytheSans‚ Kirimomi Swash Italic‚ Adora Medium‚ Effete‚ Adora Bold‚ Maat‚ 100% OF ALL SALES BENEFIT JAPAN RELIEF EFFORTS‚ Cinta Adhesiva‚ OffBroadway‚ Dorsal‚ Sandberg‚ Cooper Black Italic‚ Cooper Hilite‚ Cooper Fullface Italic‚ Cooper Black Condensed‚ Cooper Italic Complete‚ Cooper Black Swash Italic‚ International Blackletter‚ Interno‚ Stacker‚ Rubber Vloeren‚ Neuerland‚ Ensenada‚ Devil’s Advocate‚ Clobber‚ Boul Mich‚ Cooper Text‚ Cruller‚ Inversion‚ Pompeian Cursive‚ Okojo‚ Okojo Slab‚ Okojo Display‚ Entity‚ Stebl Grotesk‚ Stebl Slab‚ Raffish
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- Monotype
- Designers: Akira Kobayashi‚ Steve Matteson‚ Carl Crossgrove‚ Jim Ford‚ George Ryan‚ Gunnar Vilhjálmsson‚ Karl Leuthold‚ Jelle Bosma‚ Malou Verlomme‚ Robin Nicholas‚ Terrance Weinzierl‚ Hendrik Weber‚ Toshi Omagari‚ Juan Villanueva‚ Lynne Yun‚ Marianna Paszkowska‚ Alexander Roth‚ Ryota Doi
- Typefaces: Abadi®‚ Aitos‚ Albany®‚ Albertina™‚ Albertus®‚ Albertus Nova‚ Alfie‚ Alisal™‚ Almanac™‚ Amadeo™‚ Amanda™‚ Amariya‚ Amasis™‚ Ampersands Regular‚ Andale® Mono‚ Andale® Sans‚ Andy™‚ Angeletta‚ Antique Roman™‚ Apollo™‚ Applied Sans‚ Aqua Life™‚ Arabesque™ Ornaments‚ Arepo™‚ Arial®‚ Artisan Roman™‚ Artistik™ Regular‚ Arty‚ Ashley Crawford‚ Ashley® Script‚ Astrology‚ Athenaeum™‚ Augusta™‚ Azbuka™‚ Bandolero™ Regular‚ Basilia® MT‚ Monotype Baskerville™‚ Beefcakes‚ Bell®‚ Bembo®‚ Bembo® Book‚ Monotype Bernard™ Condensed‚ PL Bernhardt‚ New Berolina® Regular‚ Biffo™ Regular‚ Binner Gothic™‚ Binner Poster™ Regular‚ Binny Old Style™‚ Black Boton™ Bold‚ Blado®‚ Blueprint™‚ Monotype Bodoni‚ Bon Apetit™‚ Bonita™ Regular‚ Bookman Old Style™‚ Boscribe™ Regular‚ Bosis™‚ Botanical™ Pi‚ Braff™ Regular‚ Braggadocio® Regular‚ Monotype Broadway™‚ Broadway™‚ Buccaneer‚ Buccardi™‚ Buffalo Gal™ Regular‚ Bulmer®‚ Burin™‚ Burin Sans™‚ Cachet™‚ Calisto®‚ Calvert™‚ Camphor™‚ Cantoria®‚ Carré Noir™‚ Cartier™ Book‚ Cartier‚ Caslon Open Face Regular‚ Caslon Titling Regular‚ Castellar® Roman‚ Cavolini‚ Centaur®‚ Central Station™‚ Monotype Century™‚ Century Gothic™‚ Monotype Century Old Style™‚ Monotype Century™ Schoolbook‚ CG Hollandse/Signature‚ CG Triumvirate‚ Chong Modern™‚ Chong Old Style™‚ Christmas Ornaments™‚ Circle Frame™‚ Citadel Script™‚ CG Clarendon® Book Condensed‚ Monotype New Clarendon®‚ Monotype Clarendon®‚ Clarion®‚ Classic Regular‚ Classic Roman™‚ Monotype Clearface‚ Monotype Clearface Gothic‚ Colmcille®‚ Colonna®‚ Columbus®‚ Comedia™ Medium‚ Commerce Gothic™ Regular‚ Commercial‚ Compacta™ MT Bold‚ Connach‚ Contemporary Ornaments‚ Coronet®‚ Monotype Corsiva®‚ Courier‚ Monotype Courier 12™‚ Courier Line Draw‚ Courier PS‚ Crusader Regular‚ Cumberland®‚ Curlz® Regular‚ Dante®‚ David Hadash™ Formal‚ David Hadash™ Sans‚ David Hadash™ Script‚ David Hadash™ Biblical‚ Daylilies Regular‚ Daytona‚ Delima™‚ Diablo™ Regular‚ Diamond™‚ DIN Next Shapes‚ Dinosaurs™ Regular‚ Directions™ Regular‚ Dorchester Script™ Regular‚ Dreamland™‚ Monotype Egyptian™ 72 Extended Regular‚ Ehrhardt®‚ Elegante‚ Ellington®‚ Monotype Engravers™‚ Engravers™ #2‚ Monotype Engravers™ Old English Regular‚ Facade™ Condensed‚ Fairbank™‚ Falstaff™‚ Felbridge™‚ Felix™ Titling Regular‚ Fencing Regular‚ Festival™ Titling‚ Figaro® Regular‚ Fineprint™‚ Flemish Script™‚ Florentine Script™‚ Floridian™ Script Regular‚ Fluidum Bold‚ Footlight®‚ Forte™‚ Fournier™‚ Monotype Franklin Gothic™ Extra Condensed‚ French Script™‚ Frisans™‚ Frontier™ Pi‚ Monotype Gallia™ Regular‚ Monotype Garamond‚ Garth Graphic®‚ Generica™ Condensed‚ Vacation™‚ Gill Sans®‚ Gill Sans Nova‚ Gill Facia‚ Givens Antiqua™‚ Gloucester™‚ Monotype Goudy™‚ Goudy™ Handtooled Handtooled‚ Goudy Ornate MT Regular‚ Monotype Goudy™ Catalogue‚ Monotype Goudy Modern™‚ Goudy Text™‚ Graphite‚ Greeting Monotone™ Regular‚ Monotype Grotesque®‚ Haarlemmer™‚ Hadriano™‚ Handle Oldstyle™‚ Harmonia Sans™‚ Headline™ Bold‚ Helinda Rook™‚ Hesse Antiqua‚ Holidays™‚ Holland Title Regular‚ Hollandse Mediaeval‚ Hope Sans‚ Horley Old Style®‚ Hoyerswerda Fraktur Regular‚ Impact™‚ Imprint™‚ Industrial Gothic™‚ Inflex™ Bold‚ Monotype Ionic®‚ Isabella™ Regular‚ Monotype Italian Old Style™‚ Monotype Janson®‚ Jeunesse™‚ Jeunesse™ Sans‚ Jeunesse™ Slab‚ Joanna®‚ Joanna Nova‚ Joanna Sans Nova‚ Joanna® Solotype Regular‚ Julietrose™‚ Julius Primary™‚ Neue Kabel‚ Kairos‚ Kairos Sans‚ Keystrokes™‚ Kidprint®‚ Kigali™‚ Kino® Regular‚ Klang® Regular‚ Koorkin‚ Latin Condensed‚ Latin #2‚ Laurentian™‚ Letter Gothic™‚ Liberty Script Regular‚ Light Roman™‚ Monotype Lightline Gothic™ Regular‚ Linex Sans®‚ Linex Sweet™‚ Loft™‚ Logos Service‚ Lotus Regular‚ Monotype Lydian™‚ Madera‚ Mahogany Script™‚ Mahsuri Sans‚ Masqualero‚ Massif™‚ Matura®‚ Maxime™‚ Medium™ Roman‚ Melodies™ Pi‚ Memo™‚ Menhart™‚ Mentor™‚ Mentor™ Sans‚ Mercurius Script™ Bold‚ Mercurius™‚ Milestones®‚ Monotype® Modern‚ Modernistic Regular‚ Monkey Business™ Pi‚ Monoline Script™ Regular‚ Monotype Sabon®‚ Monotype Walbaum™‚ Monteverdi™‚ Morris Freestyle™ Regular‚ Mosquito™‚ Mosquito™ Formal‚ Mundo Sans™‚ Scotch Roman™‚ Nadianne™‚ Nature Pi‚ Neo® Sans Arabic‚ Neo® Sans‚ Neo® Tech‚ Neographik™ Regular‚ New Gothic Light‚ Monotype News Gothic™‚ Nimrod®‚ Ocean Sans®‚ OCR A Extended‚ Octavian™‚ Old English™‚ Monotype Old English Text™‚ Old Fashion Script™‚ Monotype Old Style®‚ Onyx® Regular‚ Origami™‚ Original Script™‚ Othello™ Regular‚ Oval Frame™‚ Palace Script®‚ Palazzo Caps‚ Parisian™ Regular‚ Parma‚ Parties Pi‚ Pastonchi™‚ Pepita® Regular‚ Perpetua®‚ Perrywood™‚ Phenix American™ Regular‚ Phonetics‚ Photina®‚ Phyllis‚ Placard®‚ Neue Plak‚ Plantin®‚ News Plantin™‚ Plate Gothic™‚ Playtime™ Pi‚ PMN Caecilia Sans‚ Poliphilus®‚ Pompei™‚ Pompei™ New‚ Quill™‚ Quire Sans‚ Richie‚ Riviera Script™‚ Rockwell®‚ Rococo™ Ornaments‚ Romantica‚ Rotis® Serif‚ Rotis® Sans Serif‚ Rotis® Semi Sans‚ Rotis® Semi Serif‚ Runa Serif™‚ Runic™ Condensed‚ Sachsenwald‚ Sackers™ Gothic‚ Sackers Square Gothic‚ Sackers™‚ Sackers™ Solid Antique Roman‚ Sackers™ Classic Roman‚ Sackers™ Script‚ Sagrantino‚ Sassoon® Primary‚ Sassoon® Infant‚ Sassoon® Sans Slope‚ Sassoon® Sans‚ Scene®‚ Scherzo™‚ Monotype Scotch™‚ Scripps College Old Style™‚ Monotype Script™ Bold‚ Shannon™ Premier‚ Shannon™‚ Signs™ Pi‚ Ski Gothic Regular‚ Slate™‚ Egyptian Slate™‚ Smart Sans™‚ Soho®‚ Soho® Gothic‚ Solace Regular‚ Monotype Sorts™ Pi‚ Southwest™‚ Spectrum™‚ Sports™‚ Square Frame™‚ Stockholm™ Regular‚ Stone® Print‚ Storm Sans™‚ Strayhorn®‚ Surrogate‚ Sweeney‚ Swing® Bold‚ Synthetica™‚ Tanseek Modern™‚ Tanseek Traditional™‚ Tazugane Gothic (たづがね角ゴシック)‚ Ter Gast Regular‚ Terminax Regular‚ Thorndale®‚ Times New Roman®‚ Times New Roman® World‚ Toulouse-Lautrec‚ Moulin Rouge‚ Transport™ Pi‚ Truesdell‚ Twentieth Century™‚ Typewriter‚ Typewriter Elite Regular‚ Typewriter Gothic Regular‚ Ulissa‚ Uncial™ Regular‚ Unitext‚ Utah‚ VAG Rounded Next‚ Vala‚ Van Dijck®‚ Victoria™ Titling Condensed‚ Wedding Singer™‚ Wedding Text™‚ Wile™‚ Windsor™‚ Wittenberger Fraktur™‚ Wolfsblood‚ Wolpe Fanfare‚ Wolpe Pegasus‚ Wolpe Tempest‚ Yearbook‚ Ysobel™‚ Zeitgeist™‚ Zemestro™‚ M Hei PRC‚ M Hei HK‚ M Sung PRC‚ M Yuen HK‚ C Hei 2 HK‚ C Wei Bei PRC‚ C Hei 2 PRC‚ M Yuen Traditional Chinese‚ C Yuen 2 PRC‚ M Sung HK‚ M Stiff Hei HK‚ M Yuen PRC‚ M Ellan HK™‚ M Gentle HK‚ C J Ngai HK‚ C Su HK‚ C Xing HK‚ C Xing PRC‚ C Su PRC‚ C Fang Song HK‚ C Fang Song PRC‚ C Gu Li PRC‚ C Gu Yin HK‚ C Gu Yin PRC‚ C Hei 3 HK‚ C Hei 3 PRC‚ C Hei HK‚ C Hei PRC‚ C J Ngai PRC‚ C Kan HK‚ C Kan PRC‚ C Ngan Kai HK‚ C Ngan Kai PRC‚ C Song 3 HK‚ C Song 3 PRC‚ C Xing Kai HK‚ C Xing Kai PRC‚ C X Li HK‚ C X Li PRC‚ C X Yao PRC‚ C Yuen HK‚ C Gu Li HK‚ C O Hei PRC‚ C O Yuen PRC‚ C O 2 Yuen HK‚ C O 2 Yuen PRC‚ C Po 3 HK‚ C Po HK‚ C Po PRC‚ C Po 3 PRC‚ M HG Hagoromo T HK‚ M Banquet P HK‚ M Banquet P PRC‚ M Bei HK‚ M Bitmap Round HK‚ M Bitmap Square HK‚ M Comic HK‚ M Comic PRC‚ M Computer HK‚ M Computer PRC
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- Designers: Grégori Vincens‚ Valentine Proust‚ Bertrand Reguron‚ Gia Tran‚ Alisa Nowak‚ Micaela Neustadt‚ Soifa Proisy Lesnik
- Typefaces: Télémaque FY‚ Ilya FY‚ Qwincey FY‚ Liszt FY‚ Oui FY‚ Ulla FY‚ Rowton Sans FY‚ Achille II Cyr FY ‚ Achille II FY ‚ Kumiz FY‚ Maio FY‚ Algo FY‚ Hansom FY‚ Meeko FY‚ Janko FY‚ Seawave FY‚ Canberra FY‚ Marianina Extended FY‚ Normandie FY‚ Gauthier Display FY‚ Gauthier Next FY‚ Suzee FY‚ Dorum FY‚ Sergio FY‚ Kraaken FY‚ Vicomte FY‚ LeanO Sans FY‚ Minuit FY‚ Ennio FY‚ Naive Gothic FY‚ Blackmoon FY‚ Zitrone FY‚ Paname FY‚ Saya FY‚ Vanille FY‚ Vidok FY‚ Brixton FY‚ Jack FY‚ Marianina FY‚ Booster FY‚ Booster Next FY‚ LeanO FY‚ Gauthier FY‚ Beaurencourt FY‚ Bruum FY‚ Ella FY‚ Maryleen FY‚ Exquise FY‚ Squirrel FY‚ Kaili FY‚ Achille FY‚ Younion FY‚ Respublika FY‚ Angus FY‚ Theory FY‚ Stitch FY‚ Cyclotron FY‚ Lullaby FY‚ Alice FY
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- Designers: Jean-Baptiste Morizot
- Typefaces: Editor‚ Télémaque FY‚ Fournier Caps‚ Thermidor Headline‚ Fat Face Figures‚ VTF Bluu Bold‚ Bluu text‚ Gripha‚ Grimnir
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- Or Type
- Designers: Guðmundur Úlfarsson‚ Mads Freund Brunse
- Typefaces: Landnáma‚ L10‚ La Pontaise‚ Rather‚ Separat‚ Lemmen Antiqua
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- Elsner+Flake
- Designers: Veronika Elsner‚ Günther Flake
- Typefaces: Aachen EF‚ ABC Basisschrift 1‚ ABC Schule 1 CH‚ ABC Schule 1 CH Bold‚ ABC Schule 1 LU‚ ABC Schule 2 CH‚ ABC Schule 2 CH Bold‚ ABC Schule 4 CH‚ ABC Schule 4 CH mit Ligaturen‚ ABC Schule Symbol‚ Abetka‚ Abetka Condensed‚ Abetka Condensed CY‚ Abetka CY‚ Accolade EF‚ Accolade EF CE‚ Accolade EF TU‚ Advera Stencil EF‚ EF Afrodite [KAT]‚ Algerian EF‚ EF Aliens‚ Alternate Gothic EF‚ Alternate Gothic EF CE‚ Alternate Gothic EF TU‚ Alte Schwabacher EF‚ Americana EF‚ ITC American Typewriter‚ ITC DF Ancestor‚ EF Aniene Nuova‚ EF Aniene Vecchia‚ ITC Anna‚ Annlie EF‚ EF Aranea‚ Arston Stencil EF‚ EF Artemisia‚ Aster EF‚ ITC DF Attitudes‚ Augustea Open EF‚ EF Autograph Script‚ EF Autograph Script CE‚ EF Autograph Script TU‚ EF Autograph Script Pro‚ EF Autograph Script Condensed Pro‚ EF Autograph Sketch‚ EF Autograph Sketch Pro‚ ITC Avant Garde Gothic CE‚ ITC Avant Garde Gothic‚ ITC Avant Garde Gothic TU‚ ITC Avant Garde Mono‚ ITC Avant Garde Mono CE‚ ITC Avant Garde Mono TU‚ ITC Backyard Beasties‚ EF Badblocks‚ Ballantines Script EF‚ Ballantines Script EF CE‚ Ballantines Script EF TU‚ Balloon EF‚ Balmoral EF‚ EF BANANA.strip‚ Bank Sans Caps CY‚ Bank Sans Caps EL‚ Bank Sans Caps ML‚ Bank Sans CY‚ Bank Sans EL‚ Bank Sans ML‚ Bank Sans Pro‚ Bank Stencil EF‚ Barbedor EF‚ ITC Barcelona‚ EF Basis Schrift‚ Baskerville Old Face EF‚ Baskerville Old Face EF CE‚ Baskerville Old Face EF TU‚ Bauer Bodoni EF‚ Bauer Bodoni EF CE‚ Bauer Bodoni EF TU‚ ITC Bauhaus‚ EF Beasty‚ EF Beat‚ EF Beautilities‚ ITC Beesknees‚ EF Before The Alphabets‚ Belshaw EF‚ Belwe EF‚ ITC Benguiat‚ ITC Benguiat Gothic‚ ITC DF Beorama‚ ITC Berkeley Old Style‚ Berling EF‚ Bernhard Antique EF‚ Bernhard Antique EF CE‚ Bernhard Antique EF TU‚ Bernhard Fashion EF CE‚ Bernhard Fashion EF‚ Bernhard Fashion EF TU‚ Bernhard Gothic EF‚ Bernhard Modern B EF‚ Bernhard Schönschrift EF‚ Besty‚ Beton EF‚ Beton EF CE‚ Beton EF TU‚ EF Biba Babe‚ Bible Script EF‚ Bilbo‚ Bilbo CY‚ Bilibin CY‚ EF Bilibin‚ Binner EF‚ EF Birds‚ Blippo Black EF‚ EF Bloxx‚ BlusetB CY‚ BlusetB EL‚ BlusetB Pro‚ BlusetH EL‚ BlusetH Pro‚ BlusetNow Mono EL‚ BlusetNow Mono‚ ITC Bodoni Twelve‚ ITC Bodoni Six‚ ITC Bodoni Seventytwo‚ EF Bodoni No. 1‚ EF Bodoni No. 2‚ ITC Bodoni Ornaments‚ ITC Bolt‚ ITC Bookman‚ Bordeaux EF‚ Bordeaux Script EF‚ EF BornFree [KAT]‚ Bottleneck EF‚ EF Braille Extended‚ Bramley EF‚ Brighton EF‚ Britannic EF‚ Broadway EF‚ Brody EF‚ Brody EF CE‚ Brody EF TU‚ Bronx EF‚ EF Brushable‚ Brush Script EF‚ EF BuchZeichen‚ Buster EF‚ Buxom EF‚ Cabaret EF‚ ITC DF Calligraphic Ornaments‚ Camellia EF‚ Candice EF‚ Candida EF‚ EF Candy‚ Carousel EF‚ EF Carpediem‚ EF Carus‚ EF Casanova Script‚ EF Casanova Script Pro‚ EF Cash‚ Caslon 540 EF‚ Caslon Antique EF‚ Caslon Black EF‚ Caslon Fina Stencil EF‚ Caslon Graphique EF‚ ITC Caslon No. 224‚ Caslon Rough H EF‚ Castle EF‚ Caxton EF‚ ITC DF Celebrations‚ ITC Century‚ Century Expanded EF‚ ITC Century Handtooled‚ Century Old Style EF‚ Century Schoolbook EF‚ ITC Cerigo‚ Challenge EF‚ ITC Charter‚ ITC Cheltenham‚ ITC Cheltenham Handtooled‚ Cheltenham Old Style EF‚ Chesterfield EF‚ EF CHIC.go‚ Chico Stencil EF‚ Chisel EF‚ Chromium One EF‚ Cirkulus EF‚ ITC Clearface‚ Cloister Old Style B EF‚ Columna Solid EF‚ EF Comanche‚ Commercial Script EF‚ Commercial Script EF CE‚ Commercial Script EF TU‚ ITC DF Commercials‚ EF Communication Modern‚ EF Communication Pi‚ Compacta EF‚ Conference EF‚ Congress EF‚ ITC Connectivities‚ Cooper Black EF‚ Cooper Black EF CE‚ Cooper Black EF TU‚ EF Copier Pi‚ Copperplate EF‚ Corinthian EF‚ Cortez EF‚ Countdown EF‚ Courier B EF‚ EF CrashMail‚ EF Craze [KAT]‚ Crillee EF‚ Croissant EF‚ ITC Cushing‚ Data 70 EF‚ ITC Dave's Raves‚ EF Davida‚ DecoAkt‚ DecoAkt CY‚ EF DeconStruct‚ DecoUni‚ DecoUni CY‚ ITC DF Delectables‚ Demian EF‚ Diamante EF‚ Diamante EF CE‚ Diamante EF TU‚ EF Diamanti Condensed‚ EF Diamanti Diagonal‚ EF Diavolo‚ EF Diavolo Rules‚ Didima Pro‚ EF Digital Sans‚ EF Digital Sans CE‚ EF Digital Sans TU‚ EF DIN 1451‚ EF Dingetjes‚ EF DIN Mittel EL‚ ITC DF Diversions‚ ITC DF Diversities‚ EF DOC.sneider‚ Dom EF‚ EF Domingo‚ EF DoublePac‚ EF DownUnder‚ Dragon EF‚ Dragon EF CE‚ Dragon EF TU‚ Dynamo EF‚ EF DYS.opia‚ EF Eastside‚ ITC DF Eclectics‚ Edwardian EF‚ ITC Edwardian Script‚ Egizio EF‚ Egyptian 505 EF‚ Einhorn EF‚ ITC Élan‚ Elefont EF‚ Elf CY‚ EF Elf‚ EF Elysa‚ ITC DF Energetics‚ Engravers EF‚ Enviro EF‚ Epoche‚ ITC Eras‚ ITC Esprit‚ EF Ethno Font‚ Eurasia‚ EF Euro Classic‚ EF Euro Deco‚ EF Euro Symbol Sans‚ EF Euro Serif‚ EF Excalibur‚ EF Excalibur CE‚ EF Excalibur TU‚ Expressa EF‚ Expressa EF CE‚ Expressa EF TU‚ ITC DF Expressions‚ EF Face Face‚ FairyTale‚ FairyTale CY‚ EF Feder Fraktur‚ ITC Fenice‚ Ferro Stencil EF‚ EF Figures‚ EF Filzerhand‚ Flamenco Inline EF‚ EF Flamingo‚ Flash EF‚ ITC Flora‚ EF Flying Objects‚ EF Flying OpArt‚ Folio B EF‚ Folio EF‚ ITC Fontoonies‚ Forlane EF‚ ITC Founder's Caslon Ornaments‚ Fraktur EF‚ Fraktur EF CE‚ Fraktur EF TU‚ Frankfurter EF‚ ITC Franklin Gothic‚ ITC Franklin Gothic CE‚ ITC Franklin Gothic TU‚ EF Franklin Gothic‚ EF Franklin Gothic CE‚ EF Franklin Gothic TU‚ Freestyle Script EF‚ EF Fritz Dittert‚ ITC Friz Quadrata‚ ITC Friz Quadrata CE‚ ITC Friz Quadrata TU‚ Futura Black EF‚ Futura Display EF‚ Futura EF CE‚ Futura EF‚ Futura EF TU‚ Futura EF Headline Pro‚ Futura EF Index‚ Futura Script EF‚ Futura EF Text Pro‚ EF Future World‚ EF Galadriel‚ ITC Galliard‚ ITC Gamma‚ Gandalf CY‚ EF Gandalf‚ Gandalf EL‚ EF GaraMail‚ ITC Garamond‚ ITC Garamond Handtooled‚ Garamond No. 5 EF‚ Garamond No. 5 EF CE‚ Garamond No. 5 EF TU‚ Garamond Rough EL‚ EF Garamond Rough H‚ Garamond Rough Pro‚ Garamont Amsterdam EF‚ Garamond Simoncini EF‚ ITC Gargoonies‚ Geometric Stencil EF‚ EF Gigant Condensed‚ EF Gigant Expanded‚ EF Gigant‚ EF Gigant Extra Condensed‚ Gillies Gothic EF‚ Gimli CY‚ Gimli EL‚ ITC Giovanni‚ Glaser Stencil EF‚ Glastonbury EF‚ Gloin CY‚ Gloin EL‚ EF Godzilla‚ EF Gois‚ ITC Golden Type‚ Gotisch EF‚ Goudy Catalogue EF‚ Goudy Handtooled EF‚ ITC Goudy Sans‚ Granby EF‚ Graphis EF‚ EF Gutenbergs Traces‚ Hadfield EF‚ EF Halleluja‚ Handel Gothic EF‚ EF Handel Sans‚ EF Handel Sans CE‚ EF Handel Sans TU‚ Harlow EF‚ EF Havanna‚ Hawthorn EF‚ EF Helio‚ EF Herbert‚ ITC Highlander‚ Highlight EF‚ Hobo EF‚ Hogarth Script EF CE‚ Hogarth Script EF‚ Hogarth Script EF TU‚ ITC Holistics‚ ITC Home Improvement‚ ITC Honda‚ Horatio EF‚ Horndon EF‚ EF Imagination‚ Impressum EF‚ ITC DF Incidentials‚ Indigo Antiqua Pro Display‚ Indigo Antiqua Pro Text‚ IndigoD‚ IndigoP‚ IndigoT‚ ITC DF Industrials‚ EF INK.blow‚ ITC DF Inspirations‚ ITC Isadora‚ ITC Isbell‚ Isonorm B EF‚ Italia EF‚ EF It [KAT]‚ EF Jame [KAT]‚ ITC Jamille‚ ITC Japanese Garden Ornaments‚ Jeannes Script‚ Jenson Old Style EF‚ ITC DF Journeys‚ Julia Script EF‚ EF Justus Fraktur‚ ITC Kabel‚ EF Kaffeesatz‚ Kalligraphia EF‚ Kapplusch EF‚ EF Karolinger‚ Kaufmann EF‚ EF Keule Old Style‚ EF Keule Sans Serif‚ EF Keule Semi Serif‚ EF Keule Serif‚ EF Keule Slab Serif‚ EF KiddingKid‚ Kiev CY‚ EF Kiev‚ EF Kiev CE‚ EF Kiev TU‚ EF Kirmes‚ EF Kleins Sketch‚ Knightsbridge EF‚ Koloss EF‚ Koloss EF CE‚ Koloss EF TU‚ ITC Korinna‚ Kristall Grotesk EL‚ Kristall Grotesk Pro‚ Kristall Grotesk CE‚ Kristall Grotesk‚ Kristall Grotesk TU‚ Kristall Now EL Condensed‚ Kristall Now EL‚ Kristall Now Pro Condensed‚ Kristall Now Pro‚ Lanzug CY‚ EF Lanzug‚ EF Lanzug CE‚ EF Lanzug TU‚ La Pina Stencil EF‚ Largo B EF‚ LaSalle EF‚ Lasertac Stencil EF‚ Latienne EF‚ Latinum EF‚ Lazybones EF‚ LCD EF‚ Leamington EF‚ Leamington EF CE‚ Leamington EF TU‚ Le Asterix EF‚ Le Asterix EF CE‚ Le Asterix EF TU‚ ITC Leawood‚ ITC Legacy Sans‚ ITC Legacy Sans CE‚ ITC Legacy Sans TU‚ ITC Legacy Serif‚ ITC Legacy Serif CE‚ ITC Legacy Serif TU‚ Le Griffe EF‚ Le Obelix EF‚ Le Obelix EF CE‚ Le Obelix EF TU‚ Liberty EF‚ Life EF‚ Lightline Gothic EF‚ Lightline Gothic EF CE‚ Lightline Gothic EF TU‚ Linear EF‚ Lingwood EF‚ Lingwood EF CE‚ Lingwood EF TU‚ Litera EF‚ EF Literally‚ EF Little Joe [KAT]‚ EF LOOKA.like‚ ITC Lubalin Graph‚ Lucida Blackletter EF‚ Lucida Blackletter EF CE‚ Lucida Blackletter EF TU‚ Lucida Bright EF‚ Lucida Bright EF CE‚ Lucida Bright EF TU‚ Lucida Bright Narrow EF‚ Lucida Bright Narrow EF CE‚ Lucida Bright Narrow EF TU‚ Lucida Calligraphy EF‚ Lucida Calligraphy EF CE‚ Lucida Calligraphy EF TU‚ Lucida Casual EF‚ Lucida Casual EF CE‚ Lucida Casual EF TU‚ Lucida EF‚ Lucida EF CE‚ Lucida EF TU‚ Lucida Fax EF‚ Lucida Fax EF CE‚ Lucida Fax EF TU‚ Lucida Handwriting EF‚ Lucida Handwriting EF CE‚ Lucida Handwriting EF TU‚ Lucida Mono A EF‚ Lucida Mono EF‚ Lucida Mono EF CE‚ Lucida Mono EF TU‚ Lucida Sans EF‚ Lucida Sans EF CE‚ Lucida Sans EF TU‚ Lucida Sans Narrow EF‚ Lucida Sans Narrow EF CE‚ Lucida Sans Narrow EF TU‚ Lucida Sans Typewriter EF‚ Lucida Sans Typewriter EF CE‚ Lucida Sans Typewriter EF TU‚ Lucida Typewriter EF‚ Lucida Typewriter EF CE‚ Lucida Typewriter EF TU‚ EF Luzie‚ ITC Machine‚ Magna EF‚ Magna EF CE‚ Magna EF TU‚ EF Magnus‚ Mahlau EF‚ Maloni‚ Mandarin EF‚ ITC Manhattan‚ EF Mao Mao‚ EF Markus Script‚ Maxima EF‚ EF Mayday‚ Media Serif EF‚ Media Serif EF CE‚ Media Serif EF TU‚ EF Medieva‚ Meier Kapitalis、ITC Mendoza‚ Metropolitain EF‚ EF Miami‚ Microgramma EF‚ Minister EF‚ ITC Mixage‚ Modern Extended EF‚ ITC Modern No. 216‚ ITC DF Moderns‚ ITC DF Mo Funky Fresh Symbols‚ ITC Mona Lisa‚ EF Mono‚ EF MON.ster‚ EF More Kaputt‚ ITC Motter Corpus‚ Murray Hill EF‚ Murray Hill EF CE‚ Murray Hill EF TU‚ Nashville EF‚ Nashville EF CE‚ Nashville EF TU‚ ITC DF Naturals‚ Neue Luthersche Fraktur EF‚ Neue Luthersche Fraktur EF CE‚ Neue Luthersche Fraktur EF TU‚ Nevada EF‚ Nevada EF CE‚ Nevada EF TU‚ Nevison Casual EF‚ ITC New Baskerville‚ New Caslon B EF‚ News Gothic Text EF Pro‚ News Gothic EF Pro‚ ITC Newtext‚ EF NikoScript‚ EF Ninive‚ EF NOOD.less in‚ ITC Novarese‚ EF Novice Condensed‚ EF Novice Extended‚ EF Novice‚ EF Novice Condensed CE‚ EF Novice Extended CE‚ EF Novice CE‚ EF Novice Condensed EL‚ EF Novice Extended EL‚ EF Novice EL‚ EF Novice Condensed Pro‚ EF Novice Extended Pro‚ EF Novice Pro‚ EF Novice Condensed TU‚ EF Novice Extended TU‚ EF Novice TU‚ O-Anton B EF‚ O-Berta B EF‚ EF Oak‚ EF Oberon Serif‚ OCR-A Pro‚ OCR-B EF‚ Octopuss EF‚ Odin EF‚ ITC Officina Sans‚ ITC Officina Sans CE‚ ITC Officina Sans TU‚ ITC Officina Serif‚ ITC Officina Serif CE‚ ITC Officina Serif TU‚ Old Towne No. 536 EF CE‚ Old Towne No. 536 EF TU‚ EF Optiscope‚ EF Optiscript‚ ITC DF Organics‚ EF Ornamental Rules‚ EF Ossian‚ EF Ossian Gaelic‚ ITC Ozwald‚ ITC Pacella‚ Paddington EF‚ ITC Panache‚ EF Panther‚ Papyrus EF‚ Pendry Script EF‚ EF Petras Script‚ EF Petroglyph‚ Phyllis EF‚ Phyllis EF CE‚ Phyllis EF TU‚ Piccadilly EF‚ ITC Pioneer No. 2‚ EF PLA.card‚ Playbill EF‚ Plaza EF‚ EF PoetConcrete‚ EF POTATO.cut‚ Premier EF‚ ITC DF Primitives‚ Princetown EF‚ ITC Professional Connections‚ Proteus EF‚ Pump EF‚ EF PYRO.mania‚ EF QuadruPets‚ Quartz EF‚ ITC Quay Sans‚ ITC Quay Sans CE‚ ITC Quay Sans TU‚ Quentin EF‚ ITC Quorum‚ EF Radiant Display‚ EF Radiant Display CE‚ EF Radiant Display TU‚ EF Radiant‚ EF Radiant CE‚ EF Radiant TU‚ ITC DF Radicals‚ Rage Italic EF‚ EF Ramses‚ Reedon Stencil EF‚ EF Reimig Brush‚ EF Reimig Brush Pro‚ EF Remember Irme R.‚ Renault EF‚ EF Renova CE‚ Renova‚ EF Renova TU‚ Revue EF‚ Rialto EF‚ Romana EF‚ Roman Script EF‚ Romic EF‚ ITC Ronda‚ RoseGarden CY‚ EF RoseGarden‚ Rounded Stencil EF‚ EF RoundMail‚ EF Rumour‚ EF Rundschrift‚ EF Rundschrift CE‚ EF Rundschrift TU‚ EF Sahara‚ EF Schablone‚ Schneidler EF‚ EF SCREAM.hot‚ Seagull B EF‚ Serifa B EF‚ ITC Serif Gothic‚ Serpentine EF‚ EF Serpentine Serif‚ Serpentine Stencil EF‚ ITC Seven Treasures Ornaments‚ ITC Shadowettes‚ Shamrock EF‚ Siegel‚ Sinaloa EF‚ EF Sioux‚ ITC Situations‚ EF Skaikii [KAT]‚ ITC Slimbach‚ Slipstream EF‚ Slogan EF‚ Slogan EF CE‚ Slogan EF TU‚ EF Solaris [KAT]‚ ITC Souvenir‚ ITC Souvenir Mono‚ EF Splitter‚ Springfield EF‚ EF Squares‚ Squire EF‚ ITC Stained Glass‚ EF StarsNSpirals‚ EF Stayawhile‚ EF StealPlate‚ Stencil Antiqua EF‚ EF Stencil‚ Stentor EF CE‚ Stentor EF‚ Stentor EF TU‚ Stilla EF‚ ITC Stone Informal‚ ITC Stone Informal CE‚ ITC Stone Informal TU‚ ITC Stone Sans‚ ITC Stone Sans CE‚ ITC Stone Sans TU‚ ITC Stone Sans Phonetic‚ ITC Stone Serif‚ ITC Stone Serif CE‚ ITC Stone Serif TU‚ ITC Stone Serif Phonetic‚ Stop EF‚ Stratford EF‚ Stratford EF CE‚ Stratford EF TU‚ ITC Studio Script‚ Stymie EF‚ EF Sütterlin‚ Superstar EF‚ ITC Symbol‚ Synchro EF‚ ITC Syndor‚ EF Tabard‚ Tango EF‚ Tante Emma‚ Tarragon EF‚ Tea Chest Stencil EF‚ EF Technical Pi‚ EF Techno Script‚ EF Techno Script CE‚ EF Techno Script TU‚ EF Tempodrom‚ EF Textile Pi‚ EF Thordis Sans‚ EF Thordis Sans CE‚ EF Thordis Sans TU‚ EF Thordis Sans Mono CE‚ EF Thordis Sans Mono‚ EF Thordis Sans Mono TU‚ Thorowgood EF‚ Thunderbird EF‚ Thunderbird CE‚ Thunderbird TU‚ ITC Tiepolo‚ EF Tierili‚ ITC Tiffany‚ EF Tilo‚ EF TilpSerif‚ Timeless EF‚ EF Titus‚ Today Sans Serif B EF‚ Today Sans Serif H EF‚ EF Tokay‚ EF Topographicals‚ ITC Totspots‚ Trieste EF‚ EF Truck‚ EF TwinPick‚ Type Embellishments‚ EF Typoflorals‚ EF Typographicals‚ EF Typomix‚ EF TypoSchnee‚ EF Typosigns‚ EF Typospecs‚ EF Typostuff‚ EF UniFontFat‚ University EF‚ EF Unovis‚ ITC DF Urbans‚ ITC Usherwood‚ VAG Rundschrift EF‚ VAG Rundschrift EF CE‚ VAG Rundschrift EF TU‚ Van Dijk EF‚ Varbur‚ Varbur Broken‚ Varbur Broken CY‚ Varbur CY‚ Varbur Outline‚ Varbur Outline CY‚ Vegas‚ ITC Veljovic‚ Vendome EF‚ EF Versa Old Style CE‚ EF Versa Old Style‚ EF Versa Old Style TU‚ Vianova Sans EL‚ Vianova Sans Pro‚ Vianova Sans SC‚ Vianova Serif EL‚ Vianova Serif Pro‚ Vianova Serif SC‚ Vianova Slab EL‚ Vianova Slab Pro‚ Vianova Slab SC‚ Victorian EF‚ Viktors Raven Caps‚ EF Viktors Raven‚ VivaldiB‚ VivaldiB CY‚ Vivaldi EF‚ Vivaldi EF CE‚ Vivaldi EF TU‚ VivaldiH‚ VivaldiH CY‚ Vladimir Script EF‚ Volta EF‚ Volta EF CE‚ Volta EF TU‚ Walbaum Fraktur EF‚ Walbaum Fraktur EF CE‚ Walbaum Fraktur EF TU‚ Walton Stencil EF‚ EF WarningPi‚ ITC Weidemann‚ Weiss Antiqua EF‚ Weiss Rundgotisch EF‚ ITC DF Well Beings‚ Western Stencil EF‚ EF WhyNot‚ ITC DF Wildlife‚ ITC Wild West‚ Windsor EF‚ EF WitchesBrood‚ Worchester EF‚ EF Xabbie‚ ITC Zapf Book‚ ITC Zapf Chancery‚ ITC Zapf Dingbats‚ ITC Zapf International‚ Zapf Renaissance Antiqua B EF‚ Zapf Renaissance Antiqua H EF‚ EF Zapping Net‚ Zipper EF
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- Dalton Maag
- Designers: Amélie Bonet‚ Bruno Maag‚ Fabio Haag‚ Fernando Caro‚ Francesca Bolognini‚ Ferran Milan‚ Lukas Paltram‚ Marc Foley‚ Pilar Cano‚ Ron Carpenter‚ Spike Spondike‚ Tom Foley‚ Vincent Connare
- Typefaces: Foco‚ Effra‚ Aller‚ Aktiv Grotesk‚ Aktiv Grotesk Chinese & Japanese‚ Interface‚ Plume‚ Lexia‚ Co‚ Albero‚ Almaq‚ Blenny‚ Bligh‚ Bookerly‚ Bressay‚ Calmetta‚ Cordale‚ Dedica‚ Elevon‚ Grueber‚ King’s Caslon‚ Lemance‚ Magpie‚ Objektiv‚ Oscine‚ Pan‚ Prometo‚ Royalty‚ Setimo‚ Soleto‚ Stroudley‚ Tephra‚ Tondo‚ Tornac‚ Verveine‚ Viato‚ Ubuntu
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- Jeremy Tankard Typography
- Designers: Jeremy Tankard
- Typefaces: Pembroke‚ Capline‚ Fenland‚ Bliss‚ Bliss Pro‚ Aspect‚ De Worde‚ Enigma‚ Kingfisher‚ Shaker‚ Wayfarer‚ Arjowiggins Inuit‚ Blue Island‚ Disturbance‚ Microsoft Corbel‚ Redisturbed‚ Shire Types Pro‚ The Shire Types‚ Trilogy Egyptian‚ Trilogy Fatface‚ Trilogy Sans‚ Trilogy Sans Office
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- Fontsmith
- Designers: Jason Smith‚ Phil Garnham‚ Fernando Mello‚ Emanuela Conidi‚ Béla Frank‚ Mitja Miklavčič‚ Nick Job‚ Eleni Beveratou
- Typefaces: FS Albert‚ FS Albert Narrow‚ FS Albert Arabic‚ FS Aldrin‚ FS Benjamin‚ FS Brabo‚ FS Clerkenwell‚ FS Alvar‚ FS Blake‚ FS Conrad‚ FS Dillon‚ FS Elliot‚ FS Emeric‚ FS Erskine‚ FS Industrie‚ FS Ingrid‚ FS Irwin‚ FS Jack‚ FS Joey‚ FS Kitty‚ FS Koopman‚ FS Lola‚ FS Lucas‚ FS Me‚ FS Millbank‚ FS Olivia‚ FS Pele‚ FS Pimlico‚ FS Rome‚ FS Rufus‚ FS Sally‚ FS Sally Triestina‚ FS Sammy‚ FS Shepton‚ FS Siena‚ FS Silas Sans‚ FS Silas Slab‚ FS Sinclair‚ FS Sophie‚ FS Truman‚ FS Untitled
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- Typotheque
- Designers: Peter Biľak‚ Johanna Biľak‚ Nikola Djurek‚ Ross Milne‚ Gustavo Ferreira‚ Satya Rajpurohit‚ Alexei Kassian‚ Gayaneh Bagdasaryan‚ Pieter van Rosmalen‚ Ondrej Jób‚ Andrej Krátky‚ Kristyan Sarkis‚ Martina Flor‚ Maria Doreuli
- Typefaces: Fedra Serif A‚ Greta Grande‚ History‚ Bara Grande‚ Bara Display‚ Bara‚ Body Type‚ Brioni‚ Brioni Sans‚ Brioni Text‚ Calcula‚ Charlie‚ Diurnal Display‚ Diurnal‚ Echo‚ Elementar‚ Fedra Arabic‚ Fedra Hindi‚ Fedra Mono‚ Fedra Mono Screen‚ Fedra Sans‚ Fedra Sans Alt‚ Fedra Sans Armenian‚ Fedra Sans Condensed‚ Fedra Sans Condensed Alt‚ Fedra Sans Display 1‚ Fedra Sans Display 2‚ Fedra Sans Screen‚ Fedra Serif B‚ Fedra Serif Display‚ Fedra Serif Phonetic‚ Fedra Serif Screen‚ Fedra Sans Inuktitut‚ Francis‚ Francis Gradient‚ Greta Display‚ Greta Display Narrow‚ Greta Grande Narrow‚ Greta Text‚ Greta Text Narrow‚ Greta Symbol‚ Greta Sans‚ Greta Sans Compressed‚ Greta Sans Condensed‚ Greta Sans Extended‚ Greta Mono‚ Greta Sans Devanagari‚ Greta Sans Compressed Devanagari‚ Greta Sans Condensed Devanagari‚ Greta Sans Extended Devanagari‚ Harir‚ Irma‚ Irma Slab‚ Irma Text‚ Irma Text Narrow‚ Irma Screen‚ Irma Text Round‚ Irma Text Slab‚ Jigsaw‚ Jigsaw Stencil‚ Karloff Positive‚ Karloff Negative‚ Karloff Neutral‚ Klimax‚ Julien‚ Lava‚ Lumin‚ Lumin Display‚ Lumin Sans‚ Lumin Sans Condensed‚ Nara‚ Nara Sans‚ Neutral‚ November‚ Parmigiano Piccolo‚ Caption‚ Text‚ and Headline‚ Parmigiano Stencil‚ Parmigiano Sans‚ Plan Grot Cond Stencil‚ Plan Grot Condensed‚ Plan Grotesque‚ Plan Grotesque Stencil‚ Supernova‚ Thuraya‚ Tribunal‚ Uni Grotesk‚ Uni Grotesk Condensed‚ Valter‚ Vita‚ Vita Condensed‚ William Display‚ William Subhead‚ William Text‚ Woodkit‚ Zico
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- Ellmer Stefan
- Designers: Ellmer Stefan
- Typefaces: Essay‚ Amalgam‚ Georges‚ Yorrick | Tristram‚ Corvus Corax‚ Science‚ Aker Brygge Display‚ Stencil Gothic
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 22‚ 2024
- To commemorate their 30th anniversary‚ Typofonderie released five new typefaces: Alembert‚ Alyssa‚ Aukio‚ Capek‚ and Zingiber.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 21‚ 2024
- Dalton Maag released the Recast Collection‚ which includes three typefaces: Haas Recast‚ Lubalin Recast Sans‚ and Lubalin Recast Serif.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 10‚ 2024
- Source Type released UN-11‚ a rare cut of the Swiss classic by Adrian Frutiger faithfully digitized and carefully re-engineered for today’s typographic universe.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 2‚ 2024
- LL Sinaloa and LL Sonora are available in a Limited Edition of dry-transfer lettering sheets for each typeface‚ with a download code for the new‚ fully authorized digital fonts.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 1‚ 2024
- Commercial Type has added a Display family to the Terza collection.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 17‚ 2024
- Madrilenian Typographic Manufactures is a project that aims to give a second digital life to the letters that they find around the city of Madrid.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 16‚ 2024
- Ohno Offcuts is up on the Drawer where they sell unfinished typefaces.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 20‚ 2024
- The typeface was created in memory of Nacho Ginestra‚ who passed away a year ago. You can download and use the Black weight for free.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 1‚ 2024
- Setup Type released Monoxil Pro‚ a new and expanded version of the original Monoxil typeface.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 21‚ 2023
- Contrast Foundry has launched Bistro showcasing their typefaces in progress. CoFo Drifter‚ CoFo Weather‚ CoFo Glassier‚ and CoFo Hand are available.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 19‚ 2023
- Fatype released Baton Nouveau‚ the new version of Baton‚ with additional weights‚ an extended character set including Cyrillic and Greek‚ as well as some slight design improvements.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 13‚ 2023
- Olde is up on the Drawer where they sell unfinished typefaces.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 6‚ 2023
- Maxitype added Eurocat Sans and Eurocat Base to the Eurocat family.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 28‚ 2023
- Usj is up on the Drawer‚ where they sell unfinished typefaces.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 16‚ 2023
- Ohno Backslant is up on the Drawer‚ where they sell unfinished typefaces.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 8‚ 2023
- Briefcase Type Foundry released BC Novatica TXT‚ a new extension of the original BC Novatica family.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 2‚ 2023
- Gantry is up on the Drawer‚ where they sell unfinished typefaces.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 26‚ 2023
- Process Type Foundry released Adjunct. The family consists of 5 weights with italics for each‚ and a monospaced cut. Introductory offer 30% off with code ADJUNCT at checkout.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 26‚ 2023
- OH no Type has just started the Drawer‚ where they sell unfinished typefaces. The first one is Done.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 7‚ 2023
- Prismaset was renamed as LL Prisma. The family has been restructured into a more concise selection of available styles‚ with many aesthetic corrections and improvements‚ and further expanded by Viktoriya Grabowska’s Cyrillic counterpart and Robert Huber’s LL Prisma Text‚ a text family companion.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 19‚ 2023
- Actual Source released AS Thermal. It started as a custom typeface for the Nike + Virgil Abloh Re-Creation Center identity they designed in 2019.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 13‚ 2023
- Type Together released Aeroplan designed by Nina Faulhaber.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 30‚ 2023
- Typotheque launched a collection of over 30 Georgian font families.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 10‚ 2023
- Factor A was expanded. They added 3 wider widths‚ new alternates‚ and new ligatures.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: April 28‚ 2023
- The type design class at HAW Hamburg led by Pierre Pané-Farré released Octagon Variable‚ a variable font.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 26‚ 2023
- R-Typography has added Light and Extra Light weights to the Chassi family.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 19‚ 2023
- Commercial Classics added a Medium and Bold weight to Blanchard. The new three weight family is also available as a variable font.
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- News
- Date: December 15‚ 2022
- Lineto has launched LineTomorrow‚ their new channel showcasing projects that are currently in the making. They started it with six typefaces: LL Ivory‚ LL Geigy‚ LL Supremus‚ LL Electa‚ LL Riforma Mono‚ and LL Unica77 VIP.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 14‚ 2022
- Briefcase Type Foundry has released the Oldřich Menhart font collection. They are starting with five new digitizations of Oldřich Menhart’s typefaces: Figural‚ Monument‚ Parlament‚ Unciála‚ and Vajgar.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 22‚ 2022
- The Ivy Foundry released IvyOra. Jan Maack drew inspiration from the same Dutch typeface as William Caslon.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 8‚ 2022
- Monotype released Touvlo designed by Emilios Theofanous.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: March 8‚ 2022
- VTF released six typefaces designed by Ange Degheest. The six typefaces found in her archives have been unearthed and revived by students and their teacher from the Rennes School of Fine Art.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 18‚ 2022
- A designer who was arrested along with journalists drew a typeface in prison. The drawings were digitized by Dyana Weissman. All the proceeds will go to the designer‚ and to help in RSF’s fight for a free press around the world.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 11‚ 2022
- Falling Script has crossed the finish line and graduated from Future Fonts.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 24‚ 2022
- Typotheque released eight Syllabic typeface families: Lava Syllabics‚ November Syllabics‚ November Condensed Syllabics‚ November Compressed Syllabics‚ October Syllabics‚ October Condensed Syllabics‚ October Compressed Syllabics‚ and November Stencil Syllabics.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 18‚ 2021
- The Temporary State released Kommuna. It’s a monospaced serif typeface‚ which comes in 5 widths.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 12‚ 2021
- Newglyph released Baikal‚ Aztec‚ and Angela. Besides them‚ Armada‚ an exclusive typeface for months‚ is now available to purchase‚ and italics were added to Antarctica and Alaska.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 25‚ 2021
- Type Supply has launched R&D Dept.‚ where they release developing typefaces. They’ve got two typefaces to start with: Queue Mono and Smoosh Bits. See tweets of theirs for how Smoosh Bits happened.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 23‚ 2021
- Future Fonts released Kadabra v0.1 by Victoria Rushton. It’s a display typeface started by Dai Foldes‚ inspired by the work of calligrapher Jean Larcher.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: August 24‚ 2021
- Commercial Type announced that they have opened the Commercial Type Vault‚ a repository for 17 years of unreleased typefaces.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 25‚ 2021
- Leonardo Fascia has crossed the finish line and graduated from Future Fonts.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 21‚ 2021
- Africa Cliff was added to the Africa family.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 18‚ 2021
- Jaune has crossed the finish line and graduated from Future Fonts. Jaune is now renamed as NaN Jaune‚ as it is now available through NaN. Jaune Grande has been renamed to Jaune Maxi and Jaune Petite to Jaune Midi. A new sub-family called Mini has been drawn and is available separately from NaN.xyz.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 17‚ 2021
- Feliciano Type released Miletus Grotesk‚ a contemporary grotesque inspired by a single weight typeface: Standard Gothic from the Keystone foundry‚ circa 1906.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 5‚ 2021
- Schick Toikka updated Noe with Thin and Light weights‚ reworked the existing styles‚ and added a new family‚ Noe Standard.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: March 1‚ 2021
- Mark Simonson released Proxima Vara‚ a variable version of the Proxima Nova type family.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 25‚ 2021
- Type-Ø-Tones released Qandus Latin‚ part of the Qandus multiscript font family consisting of a modern typographic interpretation of the unique Maghribi calligraphic style handwritten by al-Qandusi.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 16‚ 2021
- Mestra‚ Polius‚ and Gotina by Hubert Jocham are avaiable. It appears that they were actually released last fall.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 15‚ 2020
- Character Type released NewsSerif‚ the sister typeface of NewsSans. It comes in three optical sizes.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 3‚ 2020
- ArabicType’s debut library collection 2020: After the Fall is now released.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 21‚ 2020
- Alessia Mazzarella and Vaibhav Singh launched Typeland‚ a new type foundry. They released three new typefaces: Amifer‚ Balbum‚ and Zubtrak Stencil.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 20‚ 2020
- Morisawa announced they’re going to release new typefaces November 12: ぺんぱる (Penpal)‚ くれたけ銘石 (Kuretake Meiseki)‚ 秀英にじみアンチック (Shuei Nijimi Antique)‚ and Lutes UD PE. Besides them‚ Jiyukobo’s typefaces will be available through Morisawa Passport‚ their subscription service‚ too.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 6‚ 2020
- 205TF released Dédale designed by Thomas Bouville. Dédale is a hybrid type family inspired by inscriptions cut into the stone of the underground passages of the Paris Catacombs.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 2‚ 2020
- Fabio Haag Type released Igual. It features a normal version and a UI version. The UI version keeps its width across weights.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 14‚ 2020
- DSType released Acta Variable and Solido Variable. All their variable fonts are available for free if you license the respective superfamilies.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 10‚ 2020
- Out of the Dark released Syncro designed by Fabio Furlani and Philipp Herrmann.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: July 10‚ 2020
- Type.today released Lurk. The collection has two typefaces: Lurk A and Lurk B. Lurk A has 10 sytles and Lurk B has 8 styles + a bonus file.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 25‚ 2020
- Mota Italic started Beta Fonts Program. They released three of the beta typefaces.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 14‚ 2020
- Typotheque released two new typefaces: Murtaugh and Riggs.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 13‚ 2020
- OH no Type released Ohno Fatface. It comes in 5 widths and 9 optical sizes. Check their newsletter for a coupon code for today only.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 12‚ 2019
- Alga has reached the finish line. The family now has six weights in regular and italic styles. The language support is quite complete supporting most Latin based languages and also Vietnamese.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 13‚ 2019
- Swiss Typefaces’ new website launched. SangBleu OG Serif which is an apdated version that merges Romain Headline and original SangBleu Serif into one family‚ SangBleu OG Sans‚ Black Mamba Venom‚ Vogy Smog Only‚ KOPY ME Again‚ and new styles in TheW Clan and Riviera‚ are available.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 7‚ 2019
- Ogg was updated. The new Ogg superfamily now includes 4 additional weights and 10 total styles‚ as well as a complementary text family.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 28‚ 2019
- G-Type’s new website launched. Their fonts are 50% off for a limited time. Besides it‚ they released a new typeface‚ Saltaire.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 22‚ 2019
- Lineto has launched a new website with new typefaces: LL Blankenhorn‚ LL Catalogue‚ LL Prismaset B‚ LL Unica77 Mono‚ LL Circular Mono‚ and LL Courier Sans Mono‚ Besides them‚ many of their typefaces were redrawn and expanded.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 25‚ 2019
- Morisawa announced they’re going to release ten new typefaces in autumn this year: 剣閃 (Kensen)‚ 小琴 京かな (Kokin KyoKana)‚ 小琴 遊かな (Kokin YuKana)‚ 秀英にじみ角ゴシック金 (Shuei Nijimi Kaku Gothic Kin)‚ 秀英にじみ角ゴシック銀 (Shuei Nijimi Kaku Gothic Gin)‚ AP UD新ゴ (AP UD ShinGo)‚ AP UD新ゴNT (AP UD ShinGo NT)‚ UD黎ミン 簡体字 (UD ReiMin Simplified Chinese)‚ UD黎ミン 繁体字 (UD ReiMin Traditional Chinese)‚ and 赤のアリス (Aka no Alice).
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 30‚ 2019
- Morisawa released Role‚ a Latin tyepface family which consists of 200 fonts. It was designed by Matthew Carter‚ Kunihiko Okano‚ Sakura Taruno‚ Ai Handa‚ Shotaro Nakano‚ and Yuya Kobari.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 16‚ 2019
- TYPE BY launched. A lot of fonts which used to be available from OurType are back. Besides them‚ new typefaces were released: Haultin‚ Mersey‚ Blatt‚ Ludwig Outline‚ Ludwig Shaded‚ Cobertura‚ Gustella Solid‚ Gustella Stripes‚ Gustella Inline‚ Gustella Boxed‚ Rosalinde‚ Fakt Mono‚ Fakt Stencil‚ and Klub.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: April 24‚ 2019
- Future Fonts released the final version of Ohno Blazeface Italic and the finished version is also available from OH no Type.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: March 26‚ 2019
- Typotheque released Ping‚ a whole-world typeface.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 5‚ 2019
- Dinamo released Favorit Pro‚ an expanded version of Favorit‚ supporting Greek and Cyrillic. Besides of it‚ they added the Book weight to Favorit.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 16‚ 2018
- Obliques were added to FF Real. (If you’ve purchased one of the Complete Family Packs of FF Real or FF Real Complete Suite at FontShop or MyFonts‚ you can probably get the Obliques for free. Check out “My Purchases” at FontShop or “Order history & download” at MyFonts.)
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 16‚ 2018
- @fatype released UCity under #fatypeflux‚ their new typeface development approach.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: August 1‚ 2018
- Alfarn was added to Adobe’s Hidden Treasures of the Bauhaus Dessau.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: July 23‚ 2018
- Fontworks announced they are going to add 30 fonts to their Tsukushi family August 7th: Tsukushi A Vintage Mincho L-R‚ Tsukushi A Vintage Mincho S-R‚ Tsukushi B Vintage Mincho L-R‚ Tsukushi B Vintage Mincho S-R‚ 5 new weights in Tsukushi B Old Mincho‚ 5 new weights in Tsukushi C Old Mincho‚ and extended versions in Tsukushi Mincho B‚ E and H.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: July 21‚ 2018
- Berthe‚ drawn by Charles Mazé‚ is designed after another typeface called Série 16.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 20‚ 2018
- Morisawa announced they are going to release しまなみ (Shimanami)‚ Vonk‚ かもめ龍爪 (Kamome Ryuso)‚ さくらぎ蛍雪 (Sakuragi Keisetsu)‚ 秀英にじみ丸ゴシック (Shuei Nijimi Maru Gothic)‚ Clarimo UD PE‚ Clarimo UD Arabic‚ Clarimo UD Devanagari‚ Clarimo UD Thai‚ Clarimo UD ThaiModern‚ UD新ゴ 繁体字 標準字体 (UD Shin Go Traditional Chinese)‚ UD黎ミン ハングル (UD Rei Min Hangul)‚ エコー (Echo) and オーブ (Orb) in this fall.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 3‚ 2018
- @positype added Condensed and Compressed to their Scotch typeface family.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: March 28‚ 2018
- @Fontworks_Inc announced they’re going to add クックハンド‚ a new handdrawn typeface‚ to LETS April 10th.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: March 27‚ 2018
- Monotype released DIN Next Shapes. The Complete Family Pack is 50% off until April 10.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: March 13‚ 2018
- Monotype released Madera designed by Malou Verlomme. Madera Complete Family Pack is 50% off until April 27th at MyFonts.com. (Note: it seems you can’t get the PS flavor OpenType version of the family package at MyFonts.com.)
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 23‚ 2018
- @Latinotype released Save The Date. Save The Date Complete Family is 77% off until April 7.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 9‚ 2018
- @abcdinamo released Favorit Lining‚ which comes in 4 weights + italics. They added a lot of additonal cahacters and reworked the OpenType functionality‚ while it had been available upon request for two years.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 30‚ 2018
- @blackfoundry released Clother‚ a geometric sans serif typeface‚ which supports Latin‚ Cyrillic‚ Hebrew‚ and Arabic.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 17‚ 2018
- @sudtipos renew the website. And they released a new typeface‚ Sincopa designed by @fercozzi. And their fonts are 50% off with a coupon code. See this tweet below.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 15‚ 2018
- @nipponia_np released NPGヱナ‚ a Japanese Kana typeface. It comes with 9 weights. The complete package is 50% off until February 14th.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 22‚ 2017
- @timandshoko added Narrow‚ Condensed and Compressed italics to JAF Bernini Sans superfamily. To celebrate this‚ the whole superfamily (as well as the upgrade pack) is 50% off until 31 December.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 1‚ 2017
- @monokromfonts released Riks‚ their first free typeface.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 23‚ 2017
- @typotheque released Wind‚ a layered typeface‚ designed by Hansje van Halem. Variable font version is also available.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 20‚ 2017
- Fabio Haag Type released Margem and Margem Rounded. 40% off for a limited time. The Medium styles are free of charge.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 9‚ 2017
- Font-Kai released 解星 新ミン W7. They also added new styles paired with Mincho-style kana typefaces to the family.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 26‚ 2017
- The Wolpe Collection is available. The collection consists of Albertus Nova‚ Wolpe Fanfare‚ Wolpe Pegasus‚ Wolpe Tempest and Sachsenwald.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 2‚ 2017
- September’s typeface of Font of the Month Club is Bild.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: August 1‚ 2017
- @Typograma’s shop is now open. Bufalino & Bagatela are available. (They’ve been already available at Typekit.) All their fonts are 25% off until August 12th with a coupon code. See a post of theirs on FB.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: July 20‚ 2017
- @colophonfoundry extended La Fabrique into 5 weights‚ with corresponding Italics and further language support.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: July 12‚ 2017
- Zin Sans by CarnokyType. The family packages are 75% off until August 25.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 20‚ 2017
- @thendiscover released Artigo designed by @joanatype. 50% off until July 23. (Note: Artigo Pro Family package is missing at MyFonts.)
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 15‚ 2017
- @Latinotype released Hawking. The complete family is 80% off until July 29.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 8‚ 2017
- Los Andes released Weekly. The family packages are 84% off until July 22.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 19‚ 2017
- @swisstypefaces released TheW Clan‚ TheW NYC‚ KRSNA and BRRR.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: March 16‚ 2017
- Fontworks announced they’re going to release new typefaces for LETS‚ Iwata LETS and Motoya LETS next month.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: March 15‚ 2017
- Alfons by Fenotype‚ The family packs are 75% off until April 27.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: March 8‚ 2017
- @KDW_moji released Donguri‚ a Kana (Japanese syllabic characters) typeface. And all of their fonts are 30% off until March 31.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: March 7‚ 2017
- @Monotype released Masqualero. The entire family is 50% off for a limited time.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 14‚ 2017
- Sua by @fabiohaag. The Medium weight is free of charge.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 26‚ 2017
- FF Marselis Serif‚ the third family of the FF Marselis super family after sans and slab.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 6‚ 2017
- Abitare Sans by @fabrizioschiavi was improved and the new version also includes Cyrillic characters.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 9‚ 2016
- FF Carina by Alexandra Korolkova. The entire FF Carina font family is 50% off until Nov 23.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 1‚ 2016
- FF Sanuk Big by Xavier Dupré. You can get the entire FF Sanuk Big family 85% off through October 17‚ 2016 at FontShop.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 12‚ 2016
- November‚ utilitarian street signage typeface‚ by @typotheque
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: August 25‚ 2016
- Malva by @harbortype. The complete family is 76% off until Oct 7.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: July 29‚ 2016
- Prophet Medium is now available on request. Official release of the whole family to follow in fall 2016.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 2‚ 2016
- The pre-release sale of Branding is over‚ but the complete family set is 75% off until July 16.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 6‚ 2016
- Condensed styles were added to Demos Next. The Demos Next Complete Family is $199 until June 17.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 3‚ 2016
- Veneer Clean‚ the non-distressed version of the Veneer letterpress type family
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: March 15‚ 2016
- Five new typefaces from Swiss Typefaces: TheW‚ Riviera‚ Euclid Stencil‚ SangBleu King‚ and Capital.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: March 4‚ 2016
- Kakadu by @LudwigType. The entire family is €119.00 for a limited time. ($131.60 at MyFonts until April 19.)
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 18‚ 2016
- Inkheart‚ a handmade font family‚ by Fenotype. The family is 80% off until April 1.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 24‚ 2015
- Advocate‚ an all-caps display family in 18 styles‚ designed by Matthew Butterick.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 11‚ 2015
- Godfrey by @LudwigType. The micro site is must-see. The entire family is $49.13 for a limited time.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 17‚ 2015
- Uniform Rounded comes with 3 widths and 6 weights. The Complete Family is 84% off until Nov 28.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 3‚ 2015
- Sucrose‚ a letterpress family with rectangular letterforms and authentic‚ hand-crafted texture. Sucrose Complete is 77% off until October 16.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: August 15‚ 2015
- Cormorant‚ a display serif typeface inspired by the Garamond heritage. Designed by @CatharsisFonts.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: August 14‚ 2015
- With the typeface Josef K‚ @juliasys turns once more to Franz Kafka’s writing style. 70% off until Sep 27.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: August 13‚ 2015
- The ATF Collection: Classic American Typefaces Reinterpreted. ATF Alternate Gothic‚ ATF Brush‚ ATF Garamond‚ ATF Headline Gothic‚ ATF Poster Gothic‚ and ATF Wedding Gothic are available.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: July 27‚ 2015
- Decima Mono Round – another addition to the Decima fonts family. 50% off until Sep 9.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: July 9‚ 2015
- The Magica family is generated from three basic interpolation premises; width‚ weight and serif.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: July 9‚ 2015
- Zellige is a modular typeface inspired by the tiles that can be found in Southern Europe and North Africa.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: July 2‚ 2015
- Capitolium Headline 2‚ the new titling companion to Capitolium 2 type family‚ was exquisitely engineered for large sizes and compact typesetting.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 24‚ 2015
- Corporative‚ a semi serif typeface‚ by @Latinotype. The family is 83% off until August 3.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 20‚ 2015
- Halifax represents a new interpretation of classic English Sans types such as Gill and Johnston. The family is 50% off until August 1.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 17‚ 2015
- The Goodlife type family is a lovely handlettering collection designed by @hvdfonts. The family is 70% off until July 31.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 11‚ 2015
- Eksell Display was originally designed by the legendary swedish designer Olle Eksell (1918–2007). @lettersfromswe carefully digitized the letters and developed a family of four optical styles‚ including a stencil version.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 9‚ 2015
- Colar by @J85 is a labyrinthian‚ caps only‚ display typeface with several stylistic alternates and discretionary ligatures‚ inspired by the late 70s typefaces.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 8‚ 2015
- Centro Sans Condensed‚ Extra Condensed‚ and Compressed‚ 3 new widths are added to the Centro Sans family.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 4‚ 2015
- Three new weights and italics added to the Grotzec Condensed family.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 28‚ 2015
- The popular Geogrotesque family becomes an extended system with the inclusion of three new members to the pack: Condensed‚ Compressed and Extra Compressed.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 27‚ 2015
- Ahoj‚ a bold display sans serif inspired by images of old signs and lettering‚ from TypeTogether. “If you liked this typeface we invite you to donate to any of these charities recommended by international media‚ to help Nepal to recover from the devastation and tragedy caused by the series of earthquakes…” See their website for more details.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 22‚ 2015
- Decima Round‚ one more addition to the Decima fonts family. Decima Round Family is 80% off until July 2.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 19‚ 2015
- Brenta by @LudwigType. The entire family is €199.00 for a limited time.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 17‚ 2015
- Octavius is a type family of four weights which brings together an upright italic structure with a calligraphic shape.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 12‚ 2015
- The #FontMarathon typefaces are now available.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 6‚ 2015
- Azote is a multiline typeface family that adds lines for weight. Note: it doesn’t include the diacritics.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 5‚ 2015
- Rioja by @typerepublic: a type family inspired on how typography could be related to wine. It was first designed for the identity of Universidad de la Rioja (Logroño) and further developed in 2014 for comercial distribution.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: April 30‚ 2015
- 11 new typefaces from the new project ECAL Typefaces: a collaboration with Swiss Typefaces‚ ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: April 29‚ 2015
- Adobe Kannada by @HindiRinny‚ a typeface for the Kannada script used primarily in the Indian state of Karnataka to write the Kannada language.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: April 22‚ 2015
- LiebeLotte by @LiebeFonts: the monoline script typeface comes with 6 weights. 30% off until May 17.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: April 8‚ 2015
- Neue Haas Unica Pro Family is now available. The Complete Family Pack is $99 for a limited time.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: April 5‚ 2015
- GoGipsy‚ a script font based on Coto Mendoza’s modern calligraphy works created with the technical assistance of Luciano Vergara. GoGipsy Family is 70% off until May 21.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: April 4‚ 2015
- Heimat Display‚ the high contrast sans serif typeface family within the Heimat Collection.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: April 2‚ 2015
- F37 Glaser Stencil is available. The forgotten lighter weights of Glaser Stencil have now been brought back to life by @_Face37.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: March 23‚ 2015
- Finlandia Script by @juliasys‚ an elegant and confident typeface inspired by the music and handwriting of Jean Sibelius
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 23‚ 2015
- The Director multi-script series‚ a new display typeface family supporting 5 Indian scripts‚ by @itfoundry
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 20‚ 2015
- Look by @insigneDesign. The family is 85% off until April 3.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 17‚ 2015
- Two narrower versions were added to Encorpada Classic‚ a didone typeface by @dooType. The family packages are 80% off until Mar 31.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 16‚ 2015
- Carnas by Hoftype. The complete family is 50% off until Mar 29.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 11‚ 2015
- ITC New Veljovic‚ the new version of ITC Veljovic. The Complete Family Pack is 99 USD/EUR for a limited time.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 13‚ 2015
- Kapelka New is a soft and friendly display face based on the principles of writing with a soft pointed brush.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 19‚ 2015
- Demos Next‚ the new version of Demos by Gerard Unger. The heavy weight is free of charge‚ and Demos Next Family Pack is $99 at Fonts.com and $99/€99 at Linotype for a limited time.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 18‚ 2015
- Sica Normal‚ Sica Expanded & Sica Condensed by dooType. The complete families are 75% off until Feb 26.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 16‚ 2015
- Mangan by Hoftype. The Light weight is free of charge. Mangan Family is 50% off until March 2.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 3‚ 2015
- NarzissGrotesk by Hubert Jocham: it was inspired by 19th century grotesque specimen and of course by the Narziss family. It has 9 weights with corresponding italics.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 22‚ 2014
- Dsert‚ inspired by the constructivist design of the 70s in Chile. DSert Complete Family is 81% off till Feb 9.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 21‚ 2014
- TantrisSans‚ originally created for the book about the famous restaurant Tantris in Munich.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 17‚ 2014
- Countach‚ the official typeface of The Crew Game‚ by @ProductionType: it also supports Cyrillic.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 2‚ 2014
- Dala Prisma‚ a development of the stencil typeface Dala Floda‚ conceived by @PauloBarnesi and drawn by @benkiel
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 24‚ 2014
- Heimat Didone‚ the high contrast serif typeface family within the Heimat Collection‚ by @AtlasFonts. Heimat Didone Complete is 50% off till Dec 24.
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- Sale Info
- Date: November 11‚ 2014
- The DIN Next Slab Family Pack for only $99.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 10‚ 2014
- Visuelt by @colophonfoundry: it was originally created as a bespoke face for the 2013 and 2014 identity for Visuelt.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 18‚ 2014
- Uniform‚ a multi-width geometric type family designed around the circle. Uniform Complete Family is 84% off till Nov 15.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 6‚ 2014
- You can download Laureate‚ a revival of a typeface originally cut by the Keystone Type Foundry in the early 1900s. Digitized by @bellera.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 4‚ 2014
- Foro Sans‚ the matching friend of the popular Foro family. 50% off till November 16.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 14‚ 2014
- Filmotype Athens‚ condensed handlettered sho-card brush script faces.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 11‚ 2014
- Korpus Grotesk‚ a continuation and translation of the typographic vocabulary of Korpus‚ a serif typeface‚ into a sans-serif font family.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: July 14‚ 2014
- Blenny by @DaltonMaag: the fat face supports Latin and Thai.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: July 8‚ 2014
- Filson Pro by @mostardesign. The Complete Family is 75% off till August 3.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: July 3‚ 2014
- Tripper Tricolor by @underware: a multi-colored‚ rock steady display typeface. You can win this font for free. Predict the best 3 countries of the World Cup.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 30‚ 2014
- Basil by Vassil Kateliev. The Regular weight is free and the Basil Family is 50 % off till July 27.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 16‚ 2014
- Mantika Book expands the Mantika super family. Designed by @type_matters
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 14‚ 2014
- The Bestsellers project presents 12 typefaces made by 12 students together along with their research‚ interviews and questionnaires.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 5‚ 2014
- Dia is a type family that features the most distinctive weights of a superfamily‚ from light condensed to black extended.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 30‚ 2014
- Preto Semi is an extensive type family‚ which explores the function of serifs on readability and legibility. Preto Semi OT Std Complete is 75% off till July 1.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 24‚ 2014
- Stencil Gothic‚ a digital revival of the first known stencil typeface designed by John West of Brooklyn‚ New York in 1885. Digitized by Johannes Lang and Ellmer Stefan in 2014.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 10‚ 2014
- The Cardea family of typefaces is the outcome of David Cabianca’s 2003–04 MA Typeface Design experience at the University of Reading.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: April 15‚ 2014
- Appetite Rounded‚ a rounded version of the Appetite Typeface. 30% off till May 9.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: April 11‚ 2014
- Journal Sans New is a contemporary redesign of Journal Sans typeface which was developed in 1940–1956 by the group of designers under Anatoly Shchukin.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: April 10‚ 2014
- Staromoskovsky typeface is provided at no charge for use in the design of street name plates in Moscow.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: April 8‚ 2014
- GT Sectra by @grillitype is a contemporary serif typeface combining the calligraphy of the broad nip pen with the sharpness of the scalpel.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: April 7‚ 2014
- Big Moore‚ a new display typeface by Matthew Carter
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: April 5‚ 2014
- Saya SemiSans FY by @fontyouverymuch. The Family is 75% off till May16.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: April 1‚ 2014
- A powerful display typeface FF Antithesis designed by @yanone
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: March 26‚ 2014
- Surveyor‚ a new family of fonts inspired by the traditional mapmaker’s letter. Published by @HoeflerCo.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: March 13‚ 2014
- Duvall is a idealization created from the Edward J. Duvall lettering. Mr. Duvall was a teacher in lettering‚ who was well known for his book “Modern Sign Painting” in the late 40s and early 50s. Duvall Family 80% Off till April 26.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: March 10‚ 2014
- MFRED‚ a condensed caps-only headline face‚ has been donated to the BuyFontsSaveLives campaign by designer Matt Willey in honour of his father Nick who was taken by cancer in 2011. All proceeds will go directly to Cancer Research and Macmillan Cancer Support charities.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 18‚ 2014
- Gerard Unger’s new typeface Alverata is a twenty-first-century type-face inspired by the shapes of Romanesque capitals in inscriptions of the eleventh and twelfth centuries‚ without being a close imitation of them.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 14‚ 2014
- Caponi expands the notion of what Bodoni’s work was‚ in 3 families: Display‚ Slab‚ and Text.
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- Sale Info
- Date: February 12‚ 2014
- RadioTime‚ a typeface based on the handwritten alphabets of the ’30‚ ’40 and ’50. 20% off till Mar 23.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 8‚ 2014
- Beatle‚ a mixture of Spencerian and typefaces in the 60’s like Gonzales Jeanette and Brandywine. 50% off till March 4.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 7‚ 2014
- Nitti Grotesk is the proportional companion to Nitti and part of a larger collection of Grotesque-inspired typefaces by Pieter van Rosmalen.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 7‚ 2014
- Australis Swash is a new variant that adds to the family of Australis Pro and it brings a touch of whimsy and mannerism to the shape of the cursive letters. 50% off till March 20.
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- Sale Info
- Date: February 2‚ 2014
- Kefa II Pro‚ a redesign of the Apple system font Kefa‚ 90% of till February 27.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 2‚ 2014
- Metronic Slab Narrow is the condensed version of the Metronic Slab font family. Metronic Slab Narrow Complete is 60% off till March 1.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 28‚ 2014
- HWT Roman Extended Fatface has a history going back to the early 1800s. This new version has been scaled to match HWT Roman Extended Lightface. Introductory Sale – 20% off until February 9th.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 25‚ 2014
- Frustro is a display typeface with a multistable perception phenomenon‚ based on the principles of the Penrose triangle. Also‚ it is a layered typeface with 6 styles.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 20‚ 2014
- Neue Helvetica Compressed: From 29 Ultra Light to 99 Black: new‚ space-saving Compressed styles for the Neue Helvetica family.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 17‚ 2014
- Evergreen‚ the latest Koziupa-Paul typefaces. A different display typeface full of butterflies and flowers. Introductory offer 30% off till March 3.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 14‚ 2014
- Brandon Printed is based on the famous Brandon Grotesque typeface. It has an eroded‚ printed look with four variations of every letter. 70% off till March 1.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 7‚ 2014
- The Carpenter‚ an elegant and versatile connected script family of three weights‚ by Fenotype. 35% off till Feb 21.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 7‚ 2014
- Essay is an elegant serif typeface intended for setting books‚ with many stylistic alternates and other typographic goodies‚ designed by Stefan Ellmer.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 6‚ 2014
- Available in five weights‚ Austin Text matches the full range of the original Austin family‚ going all the way up to the heavy Fat weight.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 28‚ 2013
- Foundry Architype Renner as a new four weight family has been developed from the original Renner Regular and Bold‚ created by The Foundry for their first Architype Collections in the early 1990s. This new family features the old style figures and the experimental elements.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 23‚ 2013
- A new slab serif‚ Tribunal from Typotheque. It was designed by Aljaž Vindiš and received the Brumen Award for typeface design at the 5th Slovene Biennale of Visual Communication in 2011.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 21‚ 2013
- Equip Slab‚ a new hardline‚ serif dominated face designed on the same geometric base as the rest of the Equip family. 50% off till January 17.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 16‚ 2013
- In 1997‚ Cyrus Highsmith bought a box of magnetic letters from a variety store. The colorful‚ plasticshapes inspired him to make Icebox‚ a type family that doesn’t need a refrigerator.
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- News
- Date: December 13‚ 2013
- Kozei‚ a beautiful proportional Japanese typeface‚ has won the Tokyo TDC 2014 Type Design Prize. Designed and developed by Yukiko Uno and Moji Makers Club (Kazuhiro Yamada). Congrats!!
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 9‚ 2013
- Chapitre‚ a typeface based on the principle of the endless knot‚ a symbol used particularly in Hinduism and Buddhism.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 22‚ 2013
- FF Quixo‚ a tool-based typeface family‚ based on the contrast of the pointed pen by Frank Grießhammer. New weights added to FF Profile family too.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 13‚ 2013
- Fatype released the italic styles of U8. The family now consists of 14 styles.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 8‚ 2013
- Brioni Pro‚ complete Greek and Cyrillic character sets for Typotheque’s popular book typeface.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 5‚ 2013
- EquipExtended is the next complement for the Equip family and with its 16 fonts together with EquipCondensed‚ it extends the family to 48 styles.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 26‚ 2013
- Plain is the achievement of years of research by François Rappo‚ whose Theinhardt family had set a milestone in revisiting Grotesque typeface design.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 25‚ 2013
- Nouvelle Noire has published the “Apeloig Type Library” which is a compilation of ten typefaces created by the french designer Philippe Apeloig.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 13‚ 2013
- Rufina a serif face family by TipoType (Pay What You Want). The regular weight is for free with a tweet or FB.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 11‚ 2013
- The new Magallanes Condensed Family‚ a contemporary neo-humanist sans serif. Introductory offer family 80% off.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 29‚ 2013
- Three new typefaces; FS Hackney‚ FS Maja and FS Matthew by Fontsmith.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 23‚ 2013
- Lava‚ a multilingual typeface for running text‚ originally designed for Works That Work magazine by Typotheque
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- News
- Date: September 23‚ 2013
- Football Type is a non profit book celebrating football and typography. The book is a limited edition of 1000 with each bespoke cover hand numbered using official FAPL lettering.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 19‚ 2013
- Al-Andalus‚ the Arabic script that fits with Pradell Roman‚ includes extended Latin character set together with the Arabic script‚ including Farsi and Urdu.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 14‚ 2013
- Baton‚ a sans serif typeface with narrow proportions combining eccentric shapes inspired by french vernacular typography with the simplicity of modern sans serifs.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 13‚ 2013
- Ebnor‚ a digital version of the ‘Écriture Bâton Normalisée’ (Standardized Sans Serif) presented by M. Brun in a self published booklet of 1959. Svafa‚ a free revival of a lettering designed by Eugène Grasset in 1893‚ on a poster for Richard Wagner’s opera ‘The Valkyrie’.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 11‚ 2013
- Quatie‚ a conceptual approach from the Chatype project of Jeremy Dooley and Robbie de Villiers. The Family is just $28.52 instead of $124.00.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 1‚ 2013
- Handcrafted by Lettering Inc as part of its core library of typefaces in the 1930s‚ Directors Gothic was dramatically expanded throughout the lifetime of the company and remains a timeless classic. Introductory offer 30% off till Sep 24. Directors Gothic 210 Semibold & Directors Gothic 210 Semibold Obl are downloadable for free.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: August 27‚ 2013
- Streets of London by Lazydogs Typefoundry : a complete font family out of a capital alphabet designed by the British stone cutter and type designer David Kindersley.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: August 20‚ 2013
- Schoiffer Sans‚ a sans serif by Jérémie Hornus‚ the designer of Kefa included with Mac OS X Lion. 50% off till Sep 9.
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- Sale Info
- Date: August 14‚ 2013
- The special offer on the complete Metro Nova family for $99 instead of $1‚849.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: July 21‚ 2013
- Quant Text‚ an optimized text version of the Quant family.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: July 11‚ 2013
- Runya is the result of a two day fun side project. It supports Arabic‚ Farsi and Urdu. No Latin.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 19‚ 2013
- Ladislav‚ a new geometric sans serif by Suitcase Type Foundry. The Ladislav family consists of backslanted and an inline version.
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- News
- Date: June 12‚ 2013
- ED-Awards winners in the original typeface category. Baldufa and Tabac Slab won a Gold prize . Congrats! Tablet Gothic won Silver. And Cartesius Typeface‚ Eskapade‚ Zinnebeeld‚ and Colvert received Bronze.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: June 1‚ 2013
- Salomé‚ a fat and modern serif typeface by Atipo. You can get the regular weight through pay with a tweet
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 16‚ 2013
- Cyrillic characters and the Mono version were added to Merkury family.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: May 9‚ 2013
- Lumin‚ Lumin Display‚ Lumin Sans‚ and Lumin Condensed; New typefaces from Typotheque‚ designed by Nikola Djurek.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: April 30‚ 2013
- Sélavy‚ a dotted typeface loosely based on the 13 punched-out caps on Marcel Duchamp’s 1934 Green Box (LA MARIEE MISE A NU PAR SES CELIBATAIRES MEME).
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: April 29‚ 2013
- FS Emeric by Phil Garnham released. Take a look at these posters using the typeface.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: April 24‚ 2013
- Trend Hand Made by Latinotype: a rough version of Trend. The Family is $19 instead of $159 till June 1st.
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- Sale Info
- Date: April 10‚ 2013
- The complete Frutiger Serif family for only $99 USD – available for 24 hours only.
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- Sale Info
- Date: April 8‚ 2013
- Get 20% off purchases at Salamander‚ a playful and agile script family. The sale will last until May 19.
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- Sale Info
- Date: April 5‚ 2013
- Get the whole Gingar family‚ warm and friendly headline faces with a Slab Serif touch‚ for 80% off.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: March 31‚ 2013
- Novel Sans Office Pro‚ the humanist grotesque typeface family optimized for office environments within the largely extended Novel Collection. Introductory offer: Novel Sans Office Pro Complete is $89 till May 4th.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: March 17‚ 2013
- Terminal Design’s new website launched. They have released Latin 512 and Cappella. Yo family Italics are also available.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: March 7‚ 2013
- Directa Serif‚ a text type family designed to save space with the maximum readability‚ by Outras Fontes. It’s 80% off till Apr 5!
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 27‚ 2013
- Device has released Whiphand‚ State‚ Cadogan‚ and Armstrong. Six other typefaces ( http://myfonts.us/mJP0c2 ) that came out in 2012 became now available at MyFonts.com.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 21‚ 2013
- Typotheque has released a new script typeface: Supernova‚ a family of scripts‚ by Martina Flor.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 15‚ 2013
- Amelia: a contemporary sans serif by TipoType. The family is only for $39.89 instead of $249.00 now.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: February 15‚ 2013
- Latinotype released Sanchez Slab‚ a straight-edged version of Sanchez. Introductory offer: the Sanchez Slab Family for $49 instead of $126 till March 30th.
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- Sale Info
- Date: February 14, 2013
- The complete Neo Sans Pro family for only € 99.00 – only available for 24 hours!
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- Sale Info
- Date: January 23‚ 2013
- Today/250 Units ONLY! The Levato Complete Family Pack for $99 – 10 fonts at 80% off!
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 19‚ 2013
- Moderna by Mendoza Vergara. Introductory Offer: the Moderna Family is $26 till February 28th.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 17‚ 2013
- Wayfinding Sans Symbols by Andreas Wohlleben is the perfect addition to Ralf Herrmann’s signage typeface Wayfinding Sans Pro. Introductory offer 50% off till March 2nd.
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- News
- Date: January 16‚ 2013
- Font ID: What’s the web font does Form Us With Love use? It’s Circular by Laurenz Brunner. The typeface might be released by Lineto in the future.
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- Sale Info
- Date: January 16‚ 2013
- The complete Aptifer Sans family for just $99. Only available for 24 hours.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: January 10‚ 2013
- Kumla by Letters From Sweden: inspired by the letters on the front side of Kumla Skofabrik‚ an old shoe factory in Sweden.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 24‚ 2012
- Australis‚ a winner of the Morisawa Award 2002‚ is finally available. Introductory Offer Australis Pro Family for $60 till February 7th.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 21‚ 2012
- Optimo’s new serif Stanley inspired by one of the most classic typefaces of the 20th century‚ ‘Times New Roman’ by Stanley Morison
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: December 6‚ 2012
- Schwager‚ a squarish slab serif‚ from Latinotype. Introductory offer: the complete family is $56.
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- Sale Info
- Date: December 6, 2012
- The complete Akko family is just 99 Euro‚ the new Brewery No 2 typeface‚ and more offers.
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- News
- Date: December 3, 2012
- Antithesis‚ a 3D dance music art film and typeface project by Yanone‚ is on indiegogo.com.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 29, 2012
- Serge‚ a lively script by Cyrus Highsmith‚ is available at Font Bureau and for online use through Webtype. The family includes three weights and swash caps.
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- Typecache Update
- Date: November 27‚ 2012
- Helvetica Alternatives was updated! Sixta‚ Gira Sans‚ Berg‚ and La Fabrique have been added to the list. There are 94 total alternatives now.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: November 17‚ 2012
- Gaulois‚ a script font by Canada Type‚ is available. It’s a revival of Marcel Jacno’s typeface in the 1930’s.
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- News
- Date: November 13, 2012
- Work from the MA Typeface Design class of 2012 at the University Reading.
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: October 27, 2012
- TypeBank will be releasing the first series of “かなバンク (kana bank)” Novemeber 12th. It consists of 18 fonts of 4 families. The 4 typefaces were designed by Yasuhito Nagahara (永原康史)‚ Shin Sobue (祖父江慎)‚ Chie Tanaka (田中千絵) and Ryoji Tanaka (田中良治).
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