5 results for "David Quay"
- ReType
- Designers: Ramiro Espinoza‚ Paula Mastrangelo‚ Yomar Augusto‚ David Quay
- Typefaces: Guyot Text‚ Guyot Headline‚ Brinkhuis‚ Laski Sans‚ Laski Slab‚ Medusa‚ Dulcinea‚ Krul‚ Winco‚ Lavigne Display‚ Lavigne Text‚ Kade‚ Tomate‚ Barbieri‚ Lasagna‚ Bellucci‚ Kurversbrug
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- The Foundry
- Designers: David Quay‚ Freda Sack
- Typefaces: Foundry Gridnik‚ Foundry Form Sans‚ Foundry Monoline‚ Foundry Wilson‚ Foundry Sans‚ Foundry Old Style‚ Foundry Journal‚ Foundry Form Serif‚ Foundry Sterling‚ Foundry Plek Flek‚ Foundry Fabriek‚ Foundry Context‚ Foundry Dit Dat‚ Foundry Origin‚ Architype Renner‚ Architype Van Der Leck‚ Architype Van Doesburg‚ Architype Bill‚ Architype Tschichold ‚ Architype Bayer‚ Architype ‚ Architype Albers‚ Architype Bayer-Type‚ Architype Ballmer‚ Architype Schwitters‚ Architype Aubette‚ Architype Fodor‚ Architype Stedelijk‚ Architype New Alphabet‚ Architype Catalogue‚ Architype Ingenieur‚ AEG Renner‚ Landrover
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- Berthold
- Designers: Vladimir Andrich‚ Manfred Barz‚ H. Berthold‚ Albert Boton‚ Marco Ganz‚ Karl Gerstner‚ Hans Heitmann‚ H. Hoffmann‚ Dieter Hofrichter‚ Gustav Jaeger‚ Karl Klauss‚ Günter Gerhard Lange‚ Karlheinz Maireder‚ Kazimierz Mika‚ Bernd Möllenstädt‚ Örjan Nordling‚ Aldo Novarese‚ .Louis Oppenheim‚ Friedrich Poppl‚ Herbert Post‚ David Quay‚ Hans Reichel‚ Paul Renner‚ Manfred Sayer‚ Werner Schneider‚ Manfred H. Schüller‚ Erik Spiekermann‚ Georg Trump‚ Les Usherwood‚ Kurt Weidemann‚ Martin Wilke‚ Hermann Zapf‚ Gudrun Zapf-von Hesse
- Typefaces: AG Book‚ AG Book Condensed‚ AG Book Extended‚ AG Book Rounded‚ AG Book Stencil‚ AG Book Outline‚ AG Book Shaded‚ AG Old Face‚ AG Schoolbook‚ Agora‚ Aja‚ Akzidenz-Grotesk‚ Akzidenz-Grotesk Condensed‚ Akzidenz-Grotesk Extended‚ Akzidenz-Grotesk Next‚ Akzidenz-Grotesk Next Condensed‚ Akzidenz-Grotesk Next Extended‚ Arbiter‚ Arena New‚ Ariston‚ Arkona‚ Augustea‚ Avantis‚ Barmeno‚ Berthold Baskerville‚ Berthold Baskerville Book‚ Bellevue‚ Berliner Grotesk‚ Berthold-Script‚ Block‚ Berthold Bodoni Antiqua‚ Berthold Bodoni Antiqua Condensed‚ Berthold Bodoni Old Face‚ Boton‚ Boulevard‚ Caprice‚ Berthold Caslon Book‚ Catull‚ Champion‚ Chasseur‚ Christiana‚ City‚ Colossalis‚ Comenius‚ Concorde‚ Concorde Condensed‚ Concorde Nova‚ Cornet‚ Corporate A‚ Corporate E‚ Corporate S‚ Cosmos‚ Cremona‚ Daily News‚ Delta‚ Donatus‚ El Greco‚ Berthold Englische Schreibschrift One‚ Berthold Englische Schreibschrift Two‚ Epikur‚ Evo‚ Flange‚ Formata‚ Formata Condensed‚ Formata ExtraCondensed‚ Franklin-Antiqua‚ Futura‚ Futura Condensed‚ Galathea‚ Berthold Garamond‚ Gerstner Next‚ Gerstner Original‚ Helicon‚ Imago‚ Jaeger-Antiqua‚ Jersey‚ Laudatio‚ Laudatio Condensed‚ Lo-Type‚ Mainorm‚ Marbrook‚ Michelangelo‚ Mikaway‚ Mikaway Condensed‚ Nero‚ Nofret‚ Nordling‚ Normande‚ Osiris‚ Palette‚ Poppl College One‚ Poppl College Two‚ Poppl Exquisit‚ Poppl-Pontifex‚ Poppl-Residenz‚ Post-Antiqua‚ Post-Mediaeval‚ Prado‚ Quadriga‚ Sayer Esprit‚ Schneider-Antiqua‚ Schneider Libretto‚ Schueller‚ Senatus‚ Seneca‚ Signata‚ Solemnis‚ Berthold Standard‚ Berthold Standard Diagonal‚ Berthold Walbaum Book‚ Whittingham
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- The Foundry Types
- Designers: David Quay‚ Stuart de Rozario
- Typefaces: Foundry Tiento‚ Architype Ingenieur‚ Architype Renner‚ Foundry Context‚ Foundry Dat‚ Foundry Dit‚ Foundry Fabriek‚ Foundry Flek‚ Foundry Form Sans‚ Foundry Form Serif‚ Foundry Gridnik‚ Foundry Journal‚ Foundry Monoline‚ Foundry Old Style‚ Foundry Origin‚ Foundry Plek‚ Foundry Sans‚ Foundry Sterling‚ Foundry Wilson‚ New Alphabet‚ Architype Catalogue Soft Outline‚ Architype Catalogue Soft Solid‚ Architype Fodor‚ Architype Stedelijk‚ Architype Vierkant‚ Architype Albers‚ Architype Aubette‚ Architype Schwitters‚ Architype Van Doesburg‚ Architype Van der Leck‚ Architype Ballmer‚ Architype Bayer‚ Architype Bayer-Type‚ Architype Bill‚ Architype Tschichold
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- News Fonts Release
- Date: September 24‚ 2020
- The Foundry Types‚ a new independent type foundry‚ released Foundry Tiento. The Foundry Types is a successor of Freda Sack’s Foundry Types. It is run by David Quay and Stuart de Rozario.
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